In the continent of Chang'an humans are at war with the Primordial Beasts. These beasts are ferocious, bloodthirsty and overwhelmingly powerful, but even so, the humans manage to prevail in the face of despair.
As the human race grows stronger the Primordial Beasts fight back with relentless fierceness, rousing beast hordes to engage in frenzied battles over the land. Every single child on the continent is taught martial arts for the sake of fighting these Primordial Beasts.
In this world filled with constant battle, a young boy was born. This young boy was hoping to become the most outstanding cultivator, but who would have thought that his talent was so poor that he could not even cultivate?
As the boy was filled with despair over his unfortunate situation, a life-changing event occurred which would forever leave a scar in his mind, pushing him to transcend his limits and become a legend.Read more
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