I wait a few more minutes until walking into the room. When I enter the room, my dad greets me, ”Hey kiddo, how'd you sleep?”. I tell him about my dreams and he looks a little shocked. He tells me they are just dreams and we go on with our days. After breakfast, I decide to go back to the skate park. When I get there, I take out my note pad so I'm ready if I see anything suspicious. I begin to start tracing back Jesse's steps. I've walked home with him a few times, so I know his route home. I walk that way and I see the alley way he was found in. It was shown on TV the other day. I get chills as I walk into the alley. What a crap place to be before you die.
The caution tape is still there. There are blood stains on the ground where he had his final breaths. Then, I see it. A single piece of hair on the ground. How did the cops miss this? My dad was helping with the investigation, so maybe I can ask him. I go to the market down the street to buy some things so I don't get my DNA on the hair. I grab a pack of plastic bags and go. I go back to where the hair was, and it was gone. Where did it go? It's not even windy enough to have blown it that far.
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