The growing heat and the rough alpine terrain made the next few days of travel strenuous for everyone.
Despite his best judgement, Aldin still hadn't spoken to Lou since he yelled at her a few nights ago, he felt regretful about getting upset and was nervous about what to say. He kept waiting for the right moment where the two of them could talk but couldn't find the right time to do it.
As they travel, the group is sure to not spend too long in one place.
The stalking Troll poses a very real threat and Lou seems to think the beast hasn't abandoned their prey even after multiple days of travel. During the trek, Aldin stays on Mini's shoulders, his thick hide is easy to grasp and the Halfling's weight doesn't seem to bother him much.
"You alright up there?" Mini's deep voice cuts through Aldin's thoughts.
"I'm doing just fine. It's um... It's a comfy ride! But, you know, If you're ever feeling tired I-"
A slight chuckle comes from Mini, "It's fine, I can barely feel you."
Aldin lets out a small nervous laugh, he feels bad that someone has to carry him up the mountain but understands the groups' need for urgency. He's only actually heard of Trolls from reading books and talking to travelling merchants. From what he's been told, they live near the Tegesian border and spend most of their time in the mountains. During the spring on occasion, however, they're known to come down into the Halflings farms and steal livestock.
Aldin has never heard of a Troll stalking anybody; but then again, he also has never heard of anyone stupid enough to enter into their territory, which is exactly what they are doing.
As they climb higher and higher above the low valleys to the east, the terrain changes from grass hills to rocky ridges. The climb is harsh, difficult to traverse, and stone shifts underfoot. Nearby, twisted trees protrude from the shale with thin ashen trunks.
"This area is unstable," Jorasko explains, "It's slowing down our progress."
"Well, what do you want me to do about it?" Lou yells back to him, "Just keep an eye out for our stalker, I doubt he's given up that easily."
§ Jorasko: Perception: 2+6
After twenty minutes or so, Aldin looks around and sees an array of stunning white clouds pass over one of the nearby mountains. The group seems to be on a small barren rise that is nestled between two ridges. The trees give way to a rocky section of earth next to a high stone cliff that brings their journey to a halt.
"Oh great," Lou mutters under her breath.
"What's wrong?" Aldin asks from atop Minis' shoulders.
"Just a little setback. The ruins arent much farther but... we gotta get up there," She points up to the near eighty-foot tall cliff that towers above them. "This may take some time."
Lou walks over and hands Jorasko a large bundle of rope and he begins knotting it together with his own.
Aldin slides down off of Mini's back and walks over to Jorasko,
"You're going to climb that?"
"What? This? This is nothing."
He brings his furred paw up towards his face and quickly flexes his hand as long sharp claws project out of his fingers. He clamps onto the side of the bluff and his claws easily dig into the white stonework, allowing him to begin climbing the sheer cliff face with ease.
He gets about twenty feet up and Aldin's heart sinks. Behind him, he hears an unmistakable deep gurgling growl come from the trees below.
Everyone immediately turns and sees a towering muddy-green beast that stares at them through the brush and leans on the nearby trees, cracking their trunks under its immense weight. One of its hungry black eyes has an arrow protruding from it and its mouth opens with a pool of drool.
No one saw it approach.
It roars with primal ferocity and charges toward them in bloodlust.
If you’ve ever played D&D, you’ve probably heard those words.
Initiative is the order that players take turns during combat and while battle may be segmented into turns, every round of a fight happens somewhat simultaneously as it pertains to the story
So the writing for battles has been crafted to reflect the way the rounds took place and won't always stick to the exact turn initiative.
During combat, players can roll to attack and if they roll high enough, their attacks will land; causing damage. Players are able to make one major
action, a smaller bonus action, an interaction, and move up to a maximum distance on their turns.
As a note, the black dice signify the authors' rolls and unlike the other character’s dice, the black dice will not show modifiers and will only display the grand-total of the roll.
Because of this, for instance, you may see a twenty-sided dice with a number higher than twenty on it. This is the same for other rolls as well.
Mini= 16+0=16
Aldin= 6+3=9
Lou= 3+2=5
Troll= 2
Jorasko continues to climb as the Troll barrels toward them, Lou steps in front of Aldin and Mini lets out a powerful roar that shakes the ground at his feet.
The Minotaur recklessly charges toward the Troll with horns first.
§ Reckless Attack: 9+5/15+5✓ (1D8+3) 1+3 (+2 Rage bonus) = 6 Damage
In a rage, Mini's horns bury themselves deep within the monster's flesh and butchers the meat from its chest. The Troll grunts and claws at Mini's horns, trying to push him away.
Seeing this, Aldin fearfully draws his sword and mutters under his breath,
"Oh, geez. You are the most terrifyingly ugly thing I have ever seen."
§ Vicious Mockery: (Wis Save: 5✗) (1d4) = 4 Damage
It seems the Troll heard him. It quickly turns its head toward Aldin in an angry grimace and screams at him with bloodshot eyes. Even with Mini, fighting it, the Troll turns to run toward Aldin.
"No, you fucking don't!" Lou yells as she leaps down toward the beast. In the air, she unfurls two sharpened brass rings that slice down on the creature as she lands with a flurry of blows.
§ Flurry of Blows: 6+5✗ 15+5✓ 4+5✗ (1d4+3) 4+3 = 7 Damage
Lou's arms beat and slash at the beast. The attacks chip around its rough skin but one of them slices across its chest opening a deep red wound. Lou cracks a victorious grin but her excitement is short-lived as the wound immediately seals back up and the torn flesh on its chest begins to reform.
"Shit," Lou exhales.
§ Claw on Mini: 12✗/18✓ (2d6) = 13 / 6 Damage (Resistance)
§ Claw on Lou: 18✓ (2d6) = 11 Damage
§ Bite on Lou: 16✓ (1d6) = 5 Damage
The Troll uses its massive clawed fist to beat Mini back and begin to focus on Lou. Its claws swing at her in ferocity and Lou is overpowered by its sheer force. The hulking creature slashes her down to the ground and Lou's head slams against the stonework below, immediately rendering her unconscious.
"Lou!" Aldin yells.
Up above, Jorasko can be seen climbing the cliff with lightning speed. He leaps up and grabs onto a tree protruding from the cliff, he quickly spins around it before letting go, projecting him to the top of the cliff and out of view.
Mini lets out another roar as the Troll is about to bite down on Lou and swings toward it with his massive tree-like greatclub.
§ Attack: 9+5✗
His attack is halted by the Troll's massive hand that grabs the club mid-swing and pushes it aside. It looks at Mini and an unmistakable grin unfurls along its toothy maw.
Aldin's heart races with the speed of a horse. As soon as the monster arrived, Aldin had been overwhelmed with fear. He had never seen such a giant creature, let alone one that wanted to eat him. Although, as he looked down at Lou's unconscious body, he couldn't stand by and do nothing.
The Halfling's chest grows heavy, he stows his sword and swallows the lump in his throat as he runs down toward the battle.
Shards of bark fly across the battlefield caused by the Troll's claws slashing into the trees close by.
Aldin gets to Lou and begins to pull her body away from the berserking fight currently raging a few feet away.
"Lou! Lou wake up!" Aldin lightly smacks her face and begins to panic.
§ Lou's Death Save:20✓ (CRITICAL SUCCESS: +1 HP)
“A-Aldin?” Lou’s eyes begin to open and she takes in her surroundings once again. “Aldin! We have to get out of here,” She yells and jumps up to her feet. She grips her head in pain and looks down at Aldin fearfully.
“Are you okay?” Aldin asks but the conversation is cut short by the sound of a tree falling while the Troll unyieldingly beats down on Mini.
§ Claw on Mini: 26✓ (2D6) = 6 Damage (Half)
"Jorasko! You better have that rope incoming!" Lou yells up to Jorasko.
"I am going as fast as possible, woman!" He replies from out of view.
The sound of Lou's voice turns the attention of the monstrous green giant and it begins moving over to them.
"Mini!" Lou grabs Aldin, holding him behind her and walking backwards.
The troll begins picking up speed but Mini swings around to challenge it.
§ Claw on Mini: 17✓ (2D6) = 5 Damage (Half)
The Troll angrily swipes him to the side, smashing him into the woodwork to the right.
From Aldin's perspective, it was as if time came to a crawl while he watches the bloody gash on the Troll's face close and its massive jaws stretch out toward Lou. He looked up at Lou, whose face is frozen in a baleful fear.
§ Bite on Lou: 21/24 (1D6) = 7 Damage
She shoves Aldin out of the way as its teeth sink into her arm. With force, the troll tosses her from side to side until it throws her into the nearby cliff face. There's a sickening hollow thud that comes from her as she hits the stone wall and collapses on the ground next to it.
Aldin's heart drops.
He watches as the Troll slowly makes it's way over to Lou's helpless body and shudders in fear as its drool pools onto the dirt at its feet.
As it looms over her, a shuddering deep scream rocks ground from deeper within the forest.
§ Mini: Intimidation: 14
It was Mini, his horns lower into an offensive stance and he stamps on the ground in rage. The Troll turns toward him and snarls, he growls once more and the Troll takes off over to him on all fours; ready for battle.
Aldin sees a coil of rope unfurl down the cliff by Lou's body.
"Aldin, leave it to Mini! Tie her waist and I'll pull her up!" Jorasko commands Aldin far below him.
"Oh! Right!" Aldin yells and immediately begins looping the rope around her waist and chest.
§ Jorasko: Athletics: 7+0
"Done!" Aldin yells and she begins to be hoisted up into the air, she gets about 30 feet while the action in the forest heats up.
§ Lou: Death Save: 8 Fail✗
The beast mercilessly wails on Mini with all its might.
§ Claw on Mini: 12✗
§ Claw on Mini: 22✓ (2D6) = 3 Damage
§ Bite on Mini: 17✓ (1d6) = 4 Damage
It's claws streak down toward the Minotaur and he parries them away with his horns. Its flurry of attacks beat down onto Mini recklessly but he takes the hits with an unrivalled and unparalleled level of grit.
§ Jorasko: Athletics Check: 1✗ [CRITICAL FAIL]
Aldin thinks the battle may be turning until he hears the unforgiving sound of a rope snap far above.
§ Jorasko: Dex Save: 7+3= 10✓
Jorasko whips into view near the top of the cliff, he yells as he comes flying down the rock, still holding the rope. Outstretching his hand mid-fall, he catches his claws on the edge of the stonework, halting Lou and his descent immediately.
In the forest, Mini is holding his own against the giant. He backs up and grabs the Troll's meaty hands in his own, attempting to force it into submission with pure strength.
§ Contested: Mini’s Athletics: 2/14+5=19 VS Troll's Athletics: 19
They become locked in a battle of strength, Mini is slowly being crushed by the immense weight of the troll who is pushing him deeper and deeper into the loose dirt below them.
Seeing this, Aldin looks up at Jorasko and without fully thinking, says,
"Hey, Jorasko... Want to hear a joke?"
Jorasko immediately replies through gritted teeth while he hangs off the ledge.
Aldin calmly turns to the battle and unhooks his lute from his backpack. Taking steps toward the Troll, he begins to pluck a few notes which fill the air all around him.
"You sure? ... It's a good one."
The Troll's face turns to him as he begins to sing a short tune:
"Hey there, big guy,
Did you hear about the Troll?
They nagged everyone around them
And made everyone feel so bleak
But after so much chiding they simply realized
They were just a con-Troll Freak!"
When he strummed the last chord there's a brief moment where Aldin thinks his plan had failed, that the Troll was about to turn and rip him to shreds, and that he would never get to see his family again.
None of that, however, took place. Instead, the eight hundred pound Troll who is currently pushing Mini into the dirt... began laughing.
§ Hideous Laughter: Wisdom Save: 1✗[CRITICAL FAIL]
It wasn't just any chuckle, mind you, it was a full-blown uncontrollable laughing fit that shook the trees and scraped at the ears in its intensity.
In the fray, Mini was able to overcome the Troll and pin it down into the ground as it became incapacitated and bellowed with laughter.
§ Troll: Wisdom Save: 3✗
"That is the worst joke I have ever heard!" Jorasko yells down at Aldin but seems to be chuckling lightly.
"Come on Jorasko, It wasn't any..." Aldin strums a chord on his Lute, "...Fiasco"
§ Lou: Death Save: 17✓
§ Jorasko: Athletics: 16+0 +2
§ Lou: Death Save: 15✓
"You have got to be kidding me." Jorasko grunts and climbs back up to the top of the cliff, pulling Lou out of harm's way. He throws the rope down and Aldin runs over to it, holding on tightly.
"Mini! Leave him! We gotta go!" Aldin calls out to the Minotaur who is still forcing the Troll's face into the dirt.
§ Troll: Wisdom Save: 4✗
Jorasko begins to pull Aldin up without Mini.
"What are you doing, we have to wait for Mini!"
Mini hops off of the monster as it continues to laugh uncontrollably, He runs at full speed toward the cliff face and jumps six feet into the air, grabbing the rope above Aldin's head.
§ Lou: Death Save: 14✓[STABLE]
§ Jorasko: Athletics: 16+0
§ Troll: Wisdom Save: 16✓
Jorasko laboriously pulls them up as the Troll's laughter dies down.
"Jorasko..." Aldin begins to say.
The Troll stands up and angrily sprints toward the cliff.
"The joke isn't funny anymore!"
It slams into the stone wall with its full body weight and swipes ferociously at Aldin from below.
The Troll screams in frustration as they are hoisted farther and farther away from its clutches and out of danger.
As they reach the precipice, Jorasko collapses in exhaustion and takes heavy breaths as he says,
"You. Fucking. Owe. Me."
Immediately, he falls unconscious into a debilitated slumber.
Aldin puts his fingers to her throat and gives a great sigh of relief.
"She's alive, we'll just have to tend to her wounds." Aldin relaxes and exhaustedly lays down on the ground.
A second later a big thud hits the earth next to him, he looks up to see Mini has collapsed as well; deep red wounds line his arms and chest.
"Well... Go, team!" Aldin murmurs with his fist pitifully raised in the air. His remarks are only acknowledged by low pathetic grunts from Mini and Jorasko who dig their faces into the dirt.
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