The rider who was sent to the village went by the name of So, but his full name was Sojo but no one wanted to say that. He arrived at River in record time taking less than 15 minutes, the sight of the burning village was more than he was expecting having been at the back of the precession, he only caught a glimpse and the thing that stuck in his mind was the heads on spikes.
When So arrived at the village the men came out to see what was going on. “DEAD PEOPLE” he nearly shouted. After the villagers got him off the horse the town elder asked what was happening. So was shaking so bad that his stammering words were hard to make out. “We…we went to the vvvilagge Forrest aand thhere were spikes … wwi…witth headdds onnn the…them and bbuurr…burned housee. I wwas sent bback fffor hhhee…help.” after the villagers found this out they sent off their fastest rider to bring the healer to the burned village.
The elder asked for anyone who could spare the time and about twenty men took off leaving So with the rest of the men in case whoever did this came to their home.
As they were reaching the village they saw the healer had just beaten them and was examining the dead. Dismounting they helped search for dead and found two interesting things. First there were no valuables, and second, there were no young woman only old women and mothers among the dead.
As they were working they found her, Wallkery was somewhat of a legend around the area as she was the first woman to want to fight. she was badly burned but still alive and more importantly a young unmarried woman, and likely had answers to the questions. it was decided that Henry and his caravan would stay in River until the story was told, and Wallkery would go with the healer alone and she would tell the villagers when she could be visited.
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