At night, to completely humilliate the teenage prince, after beating him up at the fortress; a soldier returned him to the “moonlight inn" dragging him on the ground. He was left on the portico, Rozen and the little ones were playing “tag”, Isaac and Leo were cooking food at the fire; all of them stopped for a moment when they saw how Raen was treated.
─Leader, is the Dragon Boy… ─one of the children whispered.
─What are you looking at? ─the soldier said.
Everybody remained silent and returned to their activities. Viktor and Ingrid assisted the unconscious boy on the ground.
The next morning, Raen woke up in his room, he had some bruises, scratches all over his body and his face was swollen. Luckily, none of his previous wounds opened. The girl enter his room, approached and slapped him.
─Ouch, Why was that for?
─What you did yesterday was very stupid, they could’ve killed you.
─But they didn’t, they weren’t that strong, hmph.
After a moment, at the door Rozen showed up.
─Can I talk to him?
─Mmmn? I don’t see why not ─Ingrid left the room.
─Did you come to mock about me, again?
─Take this, now are yours ─he gave him some used clothes, those weren’t in perfect conditions, but the ones Raen used the day before, were unfittable.
─Oh… Thanks.
─You know that what Ingrid said was true, you’re an idiot.
─Hmph ─he was annoyed by the comment ─ What was I supposed to do?… Nothing?!… Just cross my arms and see how they had fun with her?
─I get it ok, if I hate something in this world, is the damn empire and the way they treat us; but if you want to survive in this place, I advise you to keep your head down. Is very hard at the beginning, yet you’ll get used to it.
Rozen leave the inn. Raen went back to bed, he was depressed, things were going wrong. To make it worse, it seems he lost his kivet powers; he had the stones in his hands and could not used them. He didn’t went downstairs for breakfast or lunch.
Hours later, Viktor went to see the prince. Knock knock, the door was mid open.
─I wanted to thank you for defending my niece, it was very brave from you.
─Don’t thank me, it was the right thing to do.
The healer noted the sad tone on the boy ─. Do you want to tell me what else happened?
Raen sat on the edge of the bed, Don Viktor started the curing sesion.
─They took me around the town, then with General Yago… ─his expression was even more saddened ─. They did me the kivet test… none… activated.
─None of them?!!
─Excatly!!, for years I’ve been able to control two of them, and yesterday that I needed the most… I… couldn’t use them! ─tears ran out from his eyes ─. What did I do to deserve this? sniff… I want to wake up from this terrible nightmare, uugh… I hate this place!… I don’t belong here! ─he let out in tears, Viktor hugged him and patted his back ─. I wu-wunt to be with mw famiwy… in my home ─he hugged him back.
─I know… there, there… <<I wish this was a nightmare too, your highness; and that everything were like before>>. Once the young one stopped crying, Viktor caress his head ─. It’s late and you haven’t eat anything, what you say if you clean your face while I prepare something for you, humn?
─Mnn ─he nodded and did what he was told to, also he took the opportunity to try on his new clothes, those were slightly large though; then he took a deep breath and went down to the dinning room.
─where did that come from?
─Rozen gave them to me, these are male clothing… right?
─Yes, they are. What a nice gesture of him ─Don Vik laughed and delivered him a meal.
─Thank you ─he look around the place ─. Ingrid isn’t here?
─No, today is a rest day, today nobody is obligated to work at the mines, she ususaly likes to spend this days with her girl friends.
─I see. That means, you don’t get any patients?
─I attend a few in the mornings.
─What do you like to do the rest of the day?
─Well… I always end receiving invitations to gatherings in the afternoon, so I go to some of them. By the way, mnn… How old are you, Raen?
<<Fifteen?!! and he cried like a baby>> the man tried to not make a weird face to reveal his thoughts ─. You don’t look like that. You should go out and make friends, there are a lot of kids around your age.
─Mnn, here I just get beaten or they say I’m stupid or a fool, no thanks.
─Aww Raen, you had a bad day; not everyday will be like that ─he stroked the crying boy’s head.
─Ummn… Don Viktor… Could you please not mention what happened to noone, or what I told you in the room? ─he asked flustered.
─Of course, my lips are sealed.
Raen continued depressed for a week, although he did his chores a little better each time. His injuries didn’t allow him to work at the mines yet, instead he helped Viktor in the healing sessions. The patients he assisted were already taking affection towards him; and even with this, the prince didn’t wanted to go outside. In his free time he contemplated the moon at the patio; he continued his days like this until Ingrid and her uncle found a way to force him to snap out of it.
─Use this ointment for three days and the wound should heal completely.
─Ah thank you so much Don Vik!! so shall it be.
Viktor say goodbye to his patient, then came out to the waiting room, Ingrid and Raen were there putting order and providing potions to speed up the healer’s work. Uncle and niece looked at each other and nodded.
<<Is now or never uncle, tell him>>.
<<Right, now’s the time>>.
─Raen, come with me for a second ─he took the kid to the room where they kept all the medical materials, the basement.
─Is something wrong, Don Viktor?
─Yes, I need you to go to the plaza and pick up some supplies, look at this place is almost empty.
─Eh! to the plaza?… maybe Ingrid should go, I don’t know who to go with.
─Oh no, no, no, the waiting room is full of patients; I need her here helping me.
─Mnn… B-but there are soldiers at the plaza.
─It’s a heavy package, and you’re a strong boy.
─I really don’t want to go Don Viktor.
─Just ask for Frank, here is the list of everything that will deliver to you.
─Amn… <<This conversation is going one way only>>.
Viktor held the boy by his shoulders and went out to the lobby of the inn ─. Here you have some money for payment, there should be some change. Buy something for you if you want to.
In that moment Rozen enter the establishment, said hi to both of them, but he still looked with some discontent at the prince. Ingrid joined the group.
─Oh you’re going out! Perfect, Could you please buy some bread with Floralia? ─she gave him some coins.
─You’re going to Floralia’s?! I’ll go with you.
─What are you talking about Rozen? You have an appointment. Take a sit over here, he can go by himself ─she said.
─Who’s Floralia?
─See? He doesn’t even know her, I shall go with you ma fren Raen.
<<What’s his problem? He greeted me with contempt a few seconds ago>>.
─No, off you go with uncle Vik ─she pushed Rozen towards the healer, whom took him to the waiting room ─. And you, can’t come back in until you fulfill your entrust, bye.
─Eeeeh!! ─Ingrid kick out the boy and shut the door in his face ─. Umn, you don’t need to be so violent ─with no choice, he put the coins and the list in his pockets; Raen was about to do his duty.
Outside the inn where a few younglings playing around.
─Play with us, Dragon Boy?
─Please stop calling me like that, my name is Raen.
─Ok Raen… You’re IT!! ─he touched him and all the children ran away in opposite direction.
─Whut?! No… Ugh ─he looked around in search for soldiers, none was visible…
Welp, yeah, that what you’re thinking, exactly, mmn-hum, the boy played with the children!! Sadly a few minutes later, a guard showed up.
─Hey you, big boy, shouldn’t you be working?
─Ah… I’m doing that, Don Viktor sent me to pick up some supplies.
─With a bunch of kids? ─he asked skeptically raising an eyebrow.
─I wanted to ask where can I find Frank?
─Frank is at the plaza, not here ─the soldier pointed the direction ─. Now disappear.
<<Don’t say a word or it’ll only go worse for you>> He repeated that to himself ─. Thank you so much ─smiled to the imperial and walked away.
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