My life.
Hello. My name is Maddy, and I am 13 years old and have short dusty blonde hair, a face full of freckles, and dull turquoise eyes. And I will be going into seventh grade at school. I am very excited about all of the new things that I am going to be learning, but I am not excited to be going through seventh grade with my sister. But I will talk more about her later.
You may be wondering why, and it is because Malissa (my sister) is the exact opposite of me. You may consider me as smart, and a ukulele-playing loner, and you may also consider my twin sister as an average student who is very popular. She is actually the most popular girl in my age group at school.
In any of the time that I have by myself outside of school, I would spend it either by studying in my room, going outside and feeding birds seeds, or playing the ukulele.
Ever since I was young, I had always liked to feed all of the birds that I could. I don't know why, but they just seem so sweet. And they are not just animals, they have lives and souls.
And now I will tell you about my family life at home. I have a mom, a dad, and as I said, my twin sister Malissa. My family is not the type of family that would be ideal for a good life, but I am just grateful that I have a family, and a house to stay in, food to eat, and a good education.
And now I will tell you more about my sister, Malissa. Malissa is a pretty girl with smooth skin, vibrant blue eyes, and smooth shiny long blonde hair. She is also very popular at school and takes all of the credit for all of the homework and studying that I do. I remember last year going into her room because she had stolen my backpack. And she was sitting on her bed and was "reading" a book. She had my backpack sitting next to her bed, so I just quietly went to grab it and saw that she had her phone open on the inside of her book, and was actually texting her friends.
But when I got to my room with my bag, I wanted to get the test that I had gotten back at school to show my parents. But I saw that she had already switched them out. 'Next time.' I thought. 'Next time, I will make sure that I do not let my test out of my sight.'
Anyways, tomorrow is the first day of seventh grade, and I have never been more excited.
Seventh Grade day one. (Part 1).
BEEP BEEP BEEP went my alarm clock. I quickly sat up in bed and pulled my glasses onto my face so that I could see better. I don't need to wear glasses all day, but they just help me in the mornings and while I am studying. I looked out of my window and saw that there were five robins sitting in the branches of the tree that is right next to my bedroom window.
I saw that there was a very familiar robin that was sitting in the tree, and I smiled. That robin is one of the only friends that I have. I only have one friend at school, and her name is Ally. She too is smart and is not popular, and she plays the violin.
Whenever I wake up, I would feed the robins in the tree some seeds that I keep in a small dish on my bedside table.
So I grabbed the small dish, and walked over to the window, opened it, and put some seeds on the little ledge outside of my window. It is just enough space for the robins to sit on to eat.
I then closed the window so that the robins could eat in peace. Also because I would need to change and get ready for school so that I would not be late for my first day of seventh grade. I am pretty nervous, but I mainly would just focus on school. And of course not neglect my friend Ally.
Once I had finished getting dressed, I put my glasses in my glasses case and into my backpack, I grabbed my backpack and went to the kitchen so that I could have some breakfast before going to school.
I got to the kitchen to see that Malissa and our mom and dad were having some breakfast. I saw that there was nothing else left for me, so I just grabbed some fruits, milk, and yogurt so that I could make a smoothie so that I could still have something to fill me up so that I could go to school without having an empty belly.
Once I had finished blending it up, I poured it into my water bottle so that I could drink it, and be able to have it all, even after my mom and dad send me and Malissa off to school.
By the time I had finished half of my smoothie, my mom and dad sent me and Malissa off to walk to school. We did not live too far away from the school that I and Malissa go to, so we did not have to wait for a bus at a bus stop. It is also a decent form of exercise.
Once Malissa and I had been walking for about five minutes, Malissa said;
"When we get to school, don't talk to me," Malissa said.
"Why would I want to talk to you?" I asked. "I don't even talk to you at home, let alone at school."
"Good," Malissa said. "I don't need you ruining my life like you nearly did last year by playing your stupid ukulele in the talent show. You nearly took away my social status."
What Malissa just said about me nearly stealing her social status made me fume! Did she seriously think that I want to be popular? I only played my ukulele at the talent show because I love to play my ukulele. And Ally told me to just try new things.
But Malissa is not worth my time, and I did not want to show a reaction because that is probably what she wants to get out of me.
Once we had got to school, Malissa immediately ran ahead to meet up with her friends, while I just continued to walk so that I do not get in trouble with the hall monitors, and also so that I do not get tired.
Once I had gotten to my locker, I put my ukulele in my locker so that I would not have to carry it to the homeroom class that I am going to be in. Last year on the last day of school, it said on our report cards wich homeroom class we would be in so that we do not get confused.
And in homeroom, we would be getting our schedules. So I am very excited.
Seventh-grade day one. (part 2)
I had finished putting away my ukulele and closed my locker (that I still have from sixth grade) when I heard;
"Maddy, is that you?" Said the voice of my best friend.
"Ally?" I replied as I turned around. "So good to see you!"
"I know." Ally said. "How was yesterday?"
"It was pretty good," I said. "I cannot believe that we managed to make it into the same homeroom class. Even though we knew ever since the end of sixth grade."
"I know." Ally said. "I just hope that we have some classes together. I also hope that I am in the orchestra this year. But I mainly hope that I am in some classes with you."
"I know," I replied as we started walking to homeroom. "I also hope that we are not in a ton of classes with Malissa and her group. They are the worst. They came over yesterday, and they nearly threw my ukulele out of the window. I am just glad that I was able to yank it out of their hands. I still need to check its tuning. They might have switched some strings around."
"Welp," Ally said. "At least you don't take any offense to things like that anymore. But I would understand you being frustrated with them all of the time. It must be torture to live with a 'social self-obsessed' person like her."
"Anyways, I am excited for the new after school clubs that we might be able to be a part of!" I said in excitement. "I might want to try cheerleading. But Malissa will of course do it."
"I'll do the orchestra club." Ally said as we got to the homeroom classroom door. "Welp, we are going to be seeing what classes we have very soon!"
Once we got into the homeroom class, we saw that we were not going to have the most pleasant first period. Malissa and her group were in the same homeroom class as us, along with multiple other people that we did not know.
"Great," Ally whispered in my ear. "Now we are going to be miserable every morning."
"Don't worry Ally," I whispered back as we walked in. "Let's just sit down. She will not bother us in the presence of a teacher."
I quickly scanned the classroom for two free seats that were as far away from Malissa and her group as possible and saw that two empty seats were free close to the back of the classroom.
So I grabbed Ally's hand and dragged her over. She hates my sister after she had messed up her violins bowstrings a while ago. And she had to pay eighty dollars to fix it. Yep, not cheap. And she had to use her allowance money that she was saving up.
Once we had sat down, the homeroom teacher said;
"Let's give a few minutes for the rest of the class to get here." The teacher said. "But if you want to take a peek at your schedules, feel free to come up and grab them from my desk. Make sure to grab the ones that have your names on it so that you do not get mixed up with someone else's classes."
Seventh-grade day one. (part 3)
'phew,' I thought. 'I won't have to wait any longer.' I then said to Ally,
"Do you want me to grab your schedule?" I asked quietly.
"Sure." Ally said, and she pulled a sci-fi book out of her bag and started to read. And as I walked up to the front of the class, I tried to keep my head a little bit low so that Malissa would not look at me and make a snide remark if the had the gut.
And once I got up to the front of the classroom, I grabbed mine and Ally's schedule and said,
"Hello," I said.
"Oh hi!" The teacher said with a warm smile. "How are you doing?"
"I am doing good," I replied. "How are you?"
"I am doing great thank you!" The teacher said. "What is your name? You can call me Ms. Pennycuff."
"Nice to meet you, Ms. Pennycuff," I said. "My name is Maddy."
"Why nice to meet you, Maddy." Ms. Pennycuff said.
"I am going to go sit down now," I said. "Nice talking to you."
And as I walked back to where I had been sitting, I looked at Malissa and saw that she was looking at me, with a bit of a frustrated expression on her face.
'she must be mad about me talking with the teacher, for some reason.' I thought. 'At least I so far am on good terms with Ms. Pennycuff. What a cool name.'
Once I sat down, I handed Ally's schedule to her and looked at my own. I scanned through, just to see what classes in general I had and saw that I had a class called 'Music appreciation'.
'I wonder what class that is.' I thought. I then looked at what classes I would have today.
There were five columns. I looked at the one that was titled' day one' because today is the first day of school. I saw that my first class today would be Music Appreciation.
'Cool.' I thought. 'Even though I don't know what that means yet. But I am still pretty excited to find out.'
I looked at the next classes that I would be having today and saw that I would also be having Math, English, and Art.
I had never really drawn that much, but I could say that I am pretty decent at it. But Ally would say that I am really good. But mainly all that I would draw would be small and short comic strips. But I have never really liked to draw a lot.
I also really like math. I do not know why, but math is pretty fun, and whenever I do math, I feel kinda happy. And I never feel stressed, and I always know the answers to any math question. As long as I can do the equation on paper. But sometimes I can do them in my head.
And I really like English class, because last year in sixth grade, we did a lot of reading. And when I read a good fiction book, I feel like I am in a completely different world. As if I am in the book itself.
Then I carefully looked over to see what classes Ally would have today and saw that she has Orchestra, Math, English, and Art.
'Sweet' I thought. 'At least she has Orchestra, just like she wanted. And we probably have the last three classes together. There are different knowledge levels after all.'
"Okay, class." Ms. Pennycuff said. "Let's begin."
Seventh-grade Homeroom. (Day one)
"Everyone," Ms. Pennycuff sais. "Please come up to grab your schedules so that you know where to go in ten minutes. Make sure to grab the ones with your names on them so that you do not go to someone else's class."
As everybody was going up to the front of the classroom, Ally out away her book, and I just looked at my schedule to look at the class numbers, so that I know which class to go to.
Once everybody had finished getting their schedules, Ms. Pennycuff said,
"Now that you have your schedules, feel free to ask any questions about any of the classes that might be new to you, and any questions about any after school activities." Ms. Pennycuff said.
I then raised my hand so that I could ask about what I would be learning in music appreciation because I had never had that class before.
"Yes, Ally?" Ms. Pennycuff said.
"What would I be learning in music appreciation?" I asked politely. "I had never had or heard of it before."
"In music appreciation, I think that you would be playing the ukulele, guitar, and singing." Ms. Pennycuff answered. "But I am not exactly sure. You will definitely know when you go to it, but that is just what I have heard."
"Okay," I said. "Thank you."
"You are welcome." Ms. Pennycuff said. "Does anyone else have any questions?"
Ally, then raised her hand, and asked, "Would we still be able to sign up for a club that we would be taking a class for?"
"Yes, you can." Ms. Pennycuff replied. "The clubs that you all could possibly sign up for are; orchestra, band, cheerleading, book club, art club, and much more. But the list could be found on the school website because there are many."
And then one of the students that I did not know raised his hand and asked,
"How would we sign up for the school clubs?" He asked.
"You would do that on the school website." Ms. Pennycuff answered. "But it will be further explained during the assembly tomorrow."
Once three more questions had been answered, Ms. Pennycuff had dismissed all of us to our first classes of the day. So I said bye to Ally and went to my locker to grab my ukulele for Music Appreciation.
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