'Dang.' I thought. 'What is she going to do now?'
"Hi, Malissa!" I nervously said. "Uh, how are you doing?"
"Not good thanks to you," Malissa said. "Didn't I tell you not to talk to teachers?"
"No, you didn't actually," I said. "I recall that you only say how dare you."
"Ugh!" Malissa exclaimed. "Stop being such a loser! You are starting to become more gullible."
I just stood there feeling a little bit confused. 'What does she mean. by gullible?' I thought.
"What do you mean?" I asked. "I don't think that I am gullible."
"Ugh, you loser." Malissa softly said. "Bring her in!"
And as I was still standing there feeling confused, and then I saw one of Malissa's friends pull Ally in by her arm.
And I could tell that Ally was just as confused as I was. I then rolled my eyes and said,
"Come on Ally, we have to get to English class," I said, and then tried to walk out of the bathroom, but Malissa and her friend were blocking the way.
"Malissa, can you and your friend move?" I said as I tried to show my way through. "Seriously, you would be late too."
"I don't care," Malissa said. "I will only let you out as long as you do all of my homework, and give me all of the answers to the tests."
"No!" I said loudly. "That is not right!" And I was secretly hoping that someone walking by the bathroom would hear me, and try to help. But no one was coming yet.
"Malissa," Ally said, with a desperate tone. "Just let us off the hook."
"What do you mean, Ally?" Malissa said curiously. "You said that you would be my friend!"
"Wait, Ally," I said. "What the heck is going on? Are you ditching me?!"
"Maddy," Ally said. "Let me explain!"
"Ally," Malissa assured. "You don't need to explain anything. You are my friend now!"
And I could feel my heart drop. 'Did Ally seriously just ditch me?' I thought.
There was a clock in the bathroom, and I saw that I still had a minute until the English class would start.
So I just shoved through Malissa and her friend and walked off to the English classroom.
'I can't believe that my only friend just turned on me!' I angrily thought as I walked. 'We had been friends since kindergarten! Why is she leaving me?'
Once I had gotten to the English classroom, I was feeling as devastated as ever.
But at first, I did not notice that Jake was in the same English class as me, and I even did not notice him until I sat down right next to him.
And once I realized who I sat down by until I sat down. But I was too devastated to say anything.
And I was even to devastated to notice that Malissa, Ally, and the rest of Malissa's friends entered the room looking like the topical stereotype popular girls.
"Are you okay?" Jake asked. "You seem upset."
"I don't know," I said. "I just got ditched by my only friend that I had been friends with for life. But as I said, I don't know."
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