Going to Music Appreciation Class. (Still day one).
I had gotten to my locker, and opened the door when I heard my sister say;
"How dare you talk to the teacher?" Malissa angrily stated. "Now if I do something, the world will turn on me! Shame on you!" I then turned around to face her, and said;
"Jeez, don't be so loud," I replied as I turned around. "Besides, with you talking that loud, the world will have turned on you already."
"Ugh," Malissa angrily said. "You are such a witty loser."
"Thanks for the compliment," I said, and then turned back to my locker to grab my ukulele, and put some of the extra supplies that I had in my backpack into my locker.
I then closed my locker, and pulled out my schedule, and headed to music appreciation class.
Once I got to the music appreciation classroom, I slightly opened the door to see if there was anyone in there. And I saw that there were already five people in the classroom, playing guitar, ukulele, and just chatting.
I then walked in, took a seat, and got out my ukulele journal so that I could write some lyrics for a song that I have been thinking about writing. But I haven't because Malissa would blow up at me if she found out.
But that is why I would never let her know.
"Okay, class!" The music teacher said. "Please put your instruments away, the class will be starting soon!"
Music Appreciation class. (Day one)
'yes!' I thought as I put my ukulele notebook back into my ukulele bag. (I like to keep them in the same bag for some reason).
And as I looked more around the room while I waited for the class to officially start, I saw that there were a few ukuleles and guitars hanging on the walls.
'I guess those are for the students that don't have their own instruments with them, or not at all.' I thought. 'Now I won't have to stress if Malissa would mess up my ukulele sometime.'
And I looked around the classroom more and saw some pretty cool posters of ukuleles and guitars, and then saw a table full of organizers that would most likely be used for holding sheet music and music books.
"Good morning class." The teacher said, then I and some other students replied with a good morning. Part of it sounding enthusiastic, and the other part of it sounding not as enthusiastic.
"My name is Ms. Wentworth, and welcome to the Music Appreciation class." Ms. Wentworth said.
"This class is about singing, playing guitar, and ukulele. And if you don't have an instrument, you would have the option of singing, and using some of the instruments that we have here."
And then a boy with blonde hair and green eyes walked in carrying his guitar case in his hand, and said,
"Sorry I am late." The boy said as he took a seat. "I had to use the bathroom, and the time gaps are pretty thin."
"No worries," Ms. Wentworth said. "I will let you off the hook today, but try to be on time for our next class. We will select some music for the seventh-grade concert, and practice with it. So I will not take being late as lightly today."
I barely caught on to what Ms. Wentworth said because I was fairly sure that the boy that just came in is the most attractive boy in the whole grade. OR even the whole middle school!
There was just something so incredibly cute about the way that his golden blonde hair shined in the sun and the way that his vibrant green eyes shone in the sun.
I then noticed that he was looking at me, and then snapped back into reality, and back into the moment that I was in.
'I bet that Malissa is going to be his girlfriend in no time.' I thought, feeling discouraged. 'they would be perfect for each other in her mind.'
I then barely paid attention to Ms. Wentworth as she talked about the concert that would be coming up soon, and about the options that the school would approve of.
She then announced that there would be one opening for someone to perform a solo or duo performance.
And that caught my attention. I then raised my hand and patiently waited to be called upon by the teacher.
"Yes?" Ms. Wentworth said.
"Would it be okay if someone wanted to do a solo, and sang a song that they wrote?" I asked. "Cause I kinda want to maybe do it."
"Yes, it would be okay," Ms. Wentworth answered. "But the song would have to be school appropriate. But otherwise, that would be okay."
'Yes!' I thought. And then I said, "Thank you." Because it is polite to always say thank you to someone when they answer a question.
And as the class carried on, I looked at the boy who came in late out of the corner of my eye and saw that he was looking out of the corner of his eye at me too.
'I guess that I might have a pretty good chance with him too.' I thought. 'But he probably is just shocked that I decided to try to do the solo at the first music appreciation class of our seventh-grade year.
But what I did not know was that he was starting to have a small crush on me, just like I had a crush on him.
Passing period, and Math.
Once Music appreciation class had ended, I grabbed my ukulele case, said goodbye to Ms. Wentworth, and walked out of the classroom, and to my locker.
Once I had gotten to my locker, I put my ukulele into my locker and checked my schedule to see what class I would have next. And I saw that I have Math.
So I grabbed the calculator that I had taken out of my backpack, and made sure that I had my ruler, and protractor in my pencil pouch, and saw that I did. So I closed my locker, and then heard a boy behind me say,
"Hello." A boy said.
I then turned around, and saw that it was the boy that was late to music appreciation class, and I was flattered.
I could tell that I was blushing, but I was surprised that he was talking to me. ME! Out of all people, he said hi to me.
"H-hi!" I stuttered, feeling slightly embarrassed. 'Dang it!' I thought. 'Stop being stupid!'
"My name is Jake," he said. "What is yours?"
'OMG!' I thought. 'He is asking for my name!'
"Maddy." I quickly said. "My name is Maddy."
"Nice to meet you, Maddy," Jake said. "I can't believe you are doing the solo and choosing during the first class! You have such amazing confidence!"
"Thank you," I said. "I have to go to class. Talk to you later?"
"Okay," Jake said. "Talk to you later, Ally."
I then walked off to my Math class, and Jake walked off to where ever he was going.
Once I had gotten to my math class, I peeked through the door to see if there was anyone in there and saw that there were at least three students in there.
So I walked in and sat down. While I was waiting, I pulled out a book that I had in my backpack.
But right when I pulled it out, I heard the door open, and then close.
Then out of instinct, I looked at the door to see who entered the classroom, and I saw that it was Ally. I was pleased until I noticed that Malissa and her friends were following her, with a menacing smile.
What a great school day it would be. I just hope that Malissa does not find out about me and Jake getting along.
Math class.
"Okay, class." The Math teacher said. "Everyone take a seat, please! The class is going to be starting soon!"
'Yes!' I thought. 'I would not have to sit here bored, thinking about Jake liking me, and Malissa going to be torturing me if she finds out.'
'And what is happening with Ally and Malissa? Is Malissa forcing her to torture me or something? At least I am the smarter one. Malissa might not even know that I am in the room.'
"Good morning class." the math teacher said. "My name is Mr. Mathews, and today for class, I will be having you all do some math worksheets. If you do not understand any of the questions, just leave them blank."
"I will pass out some math packets, and at the end of the class, I will see more what you understand and how much you can do during the length of the class." Mr. Mathews said. "And if you finish your packet, or have a question, raise your hand and I will come over."
Once Mr. Mathews had passed out the math packets, I pulled out my pencil from my pencil case and started on the first question.
The first question was pretty easy. But the second question was slightly harder because the only math problems that I have a little bit of trouble with are percentage problems. But there is nothing that I have learned that I cannot handle.
About ten minutes had passed, and I was working on the questions on the backside of the first worksheet.
And the current question that I am working on is a problem where I have to get a certain number using multiplication and write it in the form of an equation.
I enjoy doing math problems like that, but it can just take a while.
Forty more minutes had passed, and I was working on the tenth question of my second math packet. As I moved on to the eleventh question, Mr. Mathews said,
"Okay, class." Mr. Mathews said. "Put down your pencils and pass you packets up to the front."
I was sitting in the front row, so I let everybody pass their packets up to me. I then handed them to Mr. Mathews, and he said,
"Okay, class." Mr. Mathews said. "Class is almost over, and I want to tell you that there is going to be a big test that will count as half of your math grade for this semester."
'Ooh!' I thought. 'That is a big test.'
"Next class I will hand you all a study packet so that you can all study for the test easier." Mr. Mathews said. "You may now be dismissed if you don't have any questions."
I wanted to ask Mr. Mathews if it would be okay if I could get the study packet today because I want to hardcore study for this test.
But I still out everything in my backpack, and walked up to Mr. Mathewws desk, and asked,
"Hi, Mr. Mathews." I said."I was just wondering if it would be okay to get the study pack today? Because this is a very important test and I want to be able to get a really good score."
"Yes, that would be okay." Mr. Mathews said and passed me a packet. "Have a good day."
"You too," I said, and then walked out of the room so that I could get to my English class.
Once I had gotten out of the math classroom, I realized that I kinda needed to go to the bathroom.
So I quickly walked over to the ladies' restroom and went into one of the stalls so that I could use the toilet.
Once I had finished in the toilet stall, I went to the sinks to wash my hands.
Once I had finished washing my hands, I turned around to get to English class. But someone was standing in front of the door.
And that person was Malissa, with a menacing look on her face.
'Dang.' I thought. 'What is she going to do now?'
"Hi, Malissa!" I nervously said. "Uh, how are you doing?"
"Not good thanks to you," Malissa said. "Didn't I tell you not to talk to teachers?"
"No, you didn't actually," I said. "I recall that you only say how dare you."
"Ugh!" Malissa exclaimed. "Stop being such a loser! You are starting to become more gullible."
I just stood there feeling a little bit confused. 'What does she mean. by gullible?' I thought.
"What do you mean?" I asked. "I don't think that I am gullible."
"Ugh, you loser." Malissa softly said. "Bring her in!"
And as I was still standing there feeling confused, and then I saw one of Malissa's friends pull Ally in by her arm.
And I could tell that Ally was just as confused as I was. I then rolled my eyes and said,
"Come on Ally, we have to get to English class," I said, and then tried to walk out of the bathroom, but Malissa and her friend were blocking the way.
"Malissa, can you and your friend move?" I said as I tried to show my way through. "Seriously, you would be late too."
"I don't care," Malissa said. "I will only let you out as long as you do all of my homework, and give me all of the answers to the tests."
"No!" I said loudly. "That is not right!" And I was secretly hoping that someone walking by the bathroom would hear me, and try to help. But no one was coming yet.
"Malissa," Ally said, with a desperate tone. "Just let us off the hook."
"What do you mean, Ally?" Malissa said curiously. "You said that you would be my friend!"
"Wait, Ally," I said. "What the heck is going on? Are you ditching me?!"
"Maddy," Ally said. "Let me explain!"
"Ally," Malissa assured. "You don't need to explain anything. You are my friend now!"
And I could feel my heart drop. 'Did Ally seriously just ditch me?' I thought.
There was a clock in the bathroom, and I saw that I still had a minute until the English class would start.
So I just shoved through Malissa and her friend and walked off to the English classroom.
'I can't believe that my only friend just turned on me!' I angrily thought as I walked. 'We had been friends since kindergarten! Why is she leaving me?'
Once I had gotten to the English classroom, I was feeling as devastated as ever.
But at first, I did not notice that Jake was in the same English class as me, and I even did not notice him until I sat down right next to him.
And once I realized who I sat down by until I sat down. But I was too devastated to say anything.
And I was even to devastated to notice that Malissa, Ally, and the rest of Malissa's friends entered the room looking like the topical stereotype popular girls.
"Are you okay?" Jake asked. "You seem upset."
"I don't know," I said. "I just got ditched by my only friend that I had been friends with for life. But as I said, I don't know."
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