Once I woke up I was in a strange building and there were a lot of people with weapons looking at me or should i say us since I was still with the group that saved my life back in the forest and don't think I will be moving from them anytime soon since i can't life by myself as a baby. At the front desk there was a huge sign saying “ Adventurers Guild”. As I looked around I saw that the woman was still carrying me and I was fine with it. I heard the man that used magic which i'm sure his name was James say something.
“What's wrong with them”
Did he forget about me already? Why is he so dumb, why would a child be here but never mind Ed looked like he was talking to the guild attendant. I noticed that he took out a bag with a lot of crystals in it and the lady gave him something that looked like coins. I guess that was the currency here. After that we left and they started talking about money and how they were gonna split it. I tried sleeping but then I noticed I was in someone else's arms. I looked at who it was and it was Ed. He looked like he was in deep thought and I didn't want to bother him so I let him be. After a while I heard him say “Don't worry little one I will give you a new home” I looked up at him and smiled. What a nice guy he is. After that we met his master and then got a name, Henry. After that we went to eat. I said we but I haven't gotten to eat anything since I was a baby. After the day was over I woke up in a small bed. It was still early so I tried to get information but it was in vain. I was too short and I got tired too easily so I had to build stamina first as a baby. I was heading back to my bed when I saw that Ed was leaving. Was he leaving me?he saw me and came toward me. He picked me up and said
“What are you doing here little Henry.”
as he finished the sentence he put me back in the bed and said
“I am going to work so wait for me here and be nice to master.”
I tried to nod but I was too tired and fell asleep.
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