Alex Rodriguez was born on August 1, 2000. He is 18 years old and attends school in Phoenix, Arizona. He comes from a wealthy family, his dad is a businessman that travels non-stop, and his mom is a model that travels the world. He stays in their majestic and luxurious villa. He is the most popular person at the school. He plays on the football team and has straight A’s. Lots of girls have a crush on him but, Alex hasn’t found out who will be his soulmate.
Courtney Greenfield was born on September 19, 2001. She is 17 years old. She attends school in Phoenix, Arizona. She has a large family, two sisters and two brothers. Her dad is an architecture that’s barely home, and her mom is a fashion designer. She stays in a lovely house with all of her siblings. She is seen as a nerd because of her appearance, like the fact that she wears glasses, and has braces. She wears wacky clothes, thigh-high socks. A lot of people ignore her so, she stayed focused on the school work. She was a crush on one of her classmates, Alex Rodriguez but she hasn’t asked him out because she is scared to get rejected.
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