Theo wasn't sure what he expected to find when he nudged the apartment door open later that day, but somehow, he wasn't surprised at all.
The apartment was a wreck. Blood coated the floor, a chair was overturned, a random blood soaked rag hung halfway off the table, and the liquor cabinet was wide open and clearly raided. Theo followed the trail of debris and blood to the bathroom, and the click of a gun sounded the moment he placed his hand on the knob.
"Cyrus?" He asked gently, opening the door. Sure enough, his husband was sitting on the floor, more blood coating the tiles, which matched the soiled bandage hastily wrapped on his arm. A half empty bottle of whiskey sat beside him, and his uninjured arm held a ready .45 that he lowered the second he spotted Theo. The death glare on his face remained as Theo leaned against the door frame. "So," Theo began, studying him. "How was work?"
"You shot me!" Cyrus yelled back.
"In my defense, you snuck up on me."
"I did not! I was trying to get away and make sure no one had shot you by mistake, and then you whipped around and put a bullet in my fucking arm!"
"Well, I'm sorry."
"Bullshit. I'm just glad you're a lousy shot." Theo raised an eyebrow.
"A lousy shot, huh? I seem to remember at least three occasions where I outshot your ass. I got you where I meant too."
"Fuck you."
"Love you too, dear." He stepped over the blood and crouched beside him, examining the bandage. "Next time you get shot, can you do me a favor and not bleed all over the hardwood? It'll stain the floor."
"Kiss my ass."
"Maybe later, if you behave. We're going to have to change this," Theo grimaced at the bandage. It really was a hack job. "Who put this on anyways? I thought your guys were supposed to be skilled in first aid."
"Well apparently Marcus hasn't gotten that far yet. And as for the blood on your fucking floor, you'll be pleased to know it's not all mine." Theo paused.
"Who else got hurt?" He knew how much the other members of the Hunters meant to his husband.
"Oh, Martin got a nice one in the leg, but Benny took care of him so he'll be fine." Theo frowned. He knew Cyrus liked keeping his work at the Hunters as separate from his personal life with Theo as possible. Only a few people even knew where Cyrus lived. So why had he brought his wounded people here?
"Why'd you bring them here?" Theo asked, trying to sound casual as he stripped off the bandage and fished around the first aid kit for a fresh one. Cyrus shifted his arm and fought back a wince.
"It was closer. Felicia was freaking out, thinking Martin and I were gonna bleed out. Benny was trying to be worried, but he was honestly just trying not to laugh because apparently, the fact that you shot me is fucking hilarious. I didn't want our best hacker dying in the back of Jordan's minivan no matter how much Felicia was overreacting, so I brought them here, and kicked them out as soon as I could."
"Makes sense."
"Yeah." Cyrus grabbed the whiskey and took a swig of it in an attempt to numb the pain a bit more. Theo might not have hit him in a crucial spot, but it still hurt like a bitch. He watched as his husband carefully wrapped his arm, focused on his task. It was strangely calming to watch him work. "You know," Cyrus started. "We must really love each other to put up with all this shit." Theo smiled softly.
"I know," He agreed. "And you're lucky you're cute."
"And you're lucky that I didn't shoot you back." Theo scoffed.
"As if! This is just payback for when you stabbed me."
"That was two years ago, and I barely drew blood!"
"And it hurt! So now we're even." Cyrus gaped at him.
"Oh, we are so not even. Accidentally stabbing someone, and it doesn't even count as a stabbing really cause you barely needed stitches, is not nearly the same as accidentally shooting someone!"
"It was too a stabbing. If a knife is sticking out of your body, you were stabbed, that's the rule. You're just upset that I shot you in front of all your gang friends."
"Oh my god."
"Am I wrong?"
"Yes— you're completely misinterpreting the difference between shooting and stabbing."
"Okay, then fine. I'll stab you and you shoot me and then we'll finally be even. Better?"
"Wow, you're cranky when you get shot." Cyrus scowled and Theo smiled in return.
"You," Cyrus pointed at him, poking his chest. "Are very lucky I like you." Theo fake gasped and hugged him, careful to avoid pressing against the bullet wound.
"But do you like me like me?" He asked. Cyrus rolled his eyes but leaned closer to him.
"You're an ass."
"And you're a donkey. Therefore, we are one and the same. Let's go watch a movie."
"Isn't there still blood all over the floor?"
"That sounds like your problem."
"Why is it my problem?"
"Because I'm not the one who brought home a bleeding pervert to leak all over our floor."
"Well I am the one with a bullet in his arm. A bullet that you put there, so I think that means cleaning duties refer to you." Theo rolled his eyes, but they were smiling at each other. It was crazy what they found normal these days.
Two hours later, blood now cleaned up by both of them, they lay on the couch, Cyrus's injured arm propped up on a pillow as Theo curled up next to him.
"Do you remember when we bought this place?" Theo said lazily.
"And we ended up wasting three gallons of paint just warring with each other instead of painting the walls?"
"That was fun."
"Remember when we met, and you were so awkward and adorable?" Cyrus said.
"Well, I remember when I found out you were in a gang that killed people, and came back to our room covered in blood. I screamed, and you just asked if that meant we were breaking up."
"I had my priorities and you had yours."
"Do you ever wonder how different things would've been if we had broken up?" Cyrus paused.
"No," He finally admitted.
"Why not?"
"Because I can't imagine a world where my life doesn't include you anymore." Theo looked up at him and smiled.
"Neither can I."
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