Cyrus cracked open the bottle of bourbon as Theo set out a few glasses on the table. He and Benny had been drinking throughout the whole Ball, but what was a little more alcohol? If liver failure was the thing that killed him, Cyrus insisted, then he'd be happy to go out that way.
"If we're drinking, then I'm gonna take the best seat in the house," Theo declared before sitting in Cyrus's lap.
"I guarantee you the couch is more comfortable than me," Cyrus said, wrapping an arm around him.
"You are so wrong."
"If you insist."
"I do." While drinks were poured, Theo took the opportunity to catch his husband up on the Oscar worthy performance he and Benny had put on at the Ball.
"And then I told him it was because sex was a wonderful thing," Theo deadpanned. Benny choked on his drink and Cyrus spilt bourbon on the table as he burst out laughing.
"That's what you told him?" Benny asked, coughing. "No wonder he was giving me such awkward looks for the rest of the night!"
"You'd be surprised at the snappy comebacks this one can have sometimes," Cyrus grinned, reaching up to muss up Theo's hair.
"Hell, I'm still surprised he married you," Benny said. "Worst decision of your life, Theo."
"Eh, it's not so bad," Theo grinned smugly. "At least he's hot."
"Yes, because good looks are all I've got going for me," Cyrus scoffed, rolling his eyes.
"You are a wanted criminal."
"That's supposed to make me more appealing! People love bad boys." Theo shook his head.
"Well he certainly didn't marry you for your intelligence," Benny said, refilling his glass. "You remember that one time you tried to flirt with our gym teacher and he socked you in the face?" Theo snorted and Cyrus made a face.
"That was over twenty years ago!" He declared.
"Still one of the funniest fucking things I've ever seen. How did you think it was gonna end?"
"Oh come on, like you've never done something stupid before."
"Nothing as stupid as you."
"Bet. You once asked me if you could make a cocaine snowball." Theo started laughing.
"It was a legitimate question!" Benny insisted. "That you never answered!"
"What, did you think we were going to have a snowball fight?"
"It'd be the most expensive snowball fight in history, but I was thinking more like a snowman. Then we call up all the junkies and tell them to snort Frosty." Theo laughed harder and Cyrus turned to him.
"You laugh like you're innocent, there, The." Theo smirked.
"I never said anything about me being innocent," He insisted.
"I know, and it's because you aren't."
"I call bullshit," Benny said. "You look innocent to me, Theo."
"You'd be surprised," Theo warned.
"How about we shock him with a game?" Cyrus suggested.
"Not never have I ever, that game is banned after we played with Martin," Benny said firmly.
"You've got a point there. Truth or Truth?"
"Then we lose the fun of the dares!"
"Benny," Theo reminded him. "You're playing with a gang leader who can't be seen in public, so you're limited to the wonders of our home," Theo gestured around the room dramatically. "What are you really gonna dare us to do?" Benny looked around.
"Fair point. Truth or Truth." Cyrus refilled their drinks, ignoring the fact that it was well past midnight and they all had work to do tomorrow.
"I got one," Theo said. "What's the worst thing you guys have done in the gang?" Benny and Cyrus exchanged a glance.
"You wearin' a wire?" Benny asked.
"Let me check," Cyrus said, all too happy to reach over and give his husband a pat down. "Nah, he's clean. Maybe I should check again, though, just to be safe." Theo shoved at him, his face going red as Cyrus laughed.
"Worst thing I've done in the Hunters," Benny started. "I shot a guy in the kneecap once."
"That was not a fun day," Cyrus insisted, reaching for his drink. "But definitely not the worst we've done either. I mean we've killed people. Doesn't get much worse than that."
"Yeah, but killing bad guys is meh at this point. I felt bad for the guy I shot."
"And that's how you know we're not completely terrible," Cyrus insisted. "Empathy, right The?" Theo made a face.
"Just don't kill any innocents."
"Never have, never will. What's next?"
"I got one," Benny said, looking towards Theo. "How did you, an innocent, borderline Gerber baby pure man-"
"Did he seriously just call me a Gerber baby?" Theo asked no one in particular.
"I mean, I kinda see it," Cyrus admitted. "You've got that look that you were a cute baby."
"Oh my god-"
"ANYWAYS," Benny continued. "How did you end up falling for a scruffy looking-"
"Hey!" Cyrus objected.
"Stupid dude like Cyrus Mossberg?" Theo grinned.
"Well it's a great story." He said.
"One for the ages," Cyrus agreed, smiling.
"Puts Romeo and Juliet to shame."
"That's really what they killed themselves over. It wasn't out of love for each other, it was that they knew they could never compare to our incredible love story."
"Very true." Theo smirked. "He was in one of my classes in college, and he fell asleep. He asked for my notes at the end of class, and instead of giving them back when he was done, he gave me his phone number." Cyrus sighed at the fond memory.
"Still the smoothest move I've ever pulled," He declared. "And it wasn't just some class, it was Calculus, and you sat in the third row, middle seat, and wore those adorable little hoodies-"
"How you even remember that-"
"Excuse you, I remember everything about you. And I asked you because you were cute and you were the only kid in class who actually took notes."
"You know how cliche you sound right now, right?" Cyrus shrugged.
"I really don't care. Falling asleep in that class was the greatest decision of my life."
"Really." Theo deadpanned.
"Even better than giving me your number?"
"That's second best."
"Even better than asking me to marry you?"
"Third best."
"So falling asleep in class was a better decision than deciding to marry me, I see how it is." Theo shook his head, fake offended, but Cyrus only leaned back and grinned smugly.
"Damn right it was."
"You two are ridiculous," Benny said, pouring himself another drink. "Why don't you just go make out on the couch like the teenagers you are while the grown ups finish the booze?"
"That's a great idea-" Cyrus started, but Theo cut him off.
"Hell no, bourbon is expensive, and I don't want to have to peel you off the floor to take you home like I do with Spiro." He insisted, and Cyrus chuckled.
"Partner can't hold his liquor?" He guessed.
"He's a string bean, of course he's a lightweight too. I blame you for the last time I dragged him home though. You saving his life really messed with his head."
"Good," Cyrus grinned. "He was getting too smart."
"He needs all the brain cells he can get, Cyrus."
"One less wouldn't hurt."
"Unless one is all he's got," Benny said. Cyrus raised his glass, fighting back his laughter.
"To Spiro's lone brain cell!" He declared, clinking glasses with Benny as Theo rolled his eyes.
"You're both ridiculous, you know that?" He said.
"And what's so bad about being ridiculous?" Cyrus asked, grinning.
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