Mar’i Of the land of the Netherlands
Mastered element : Water
Personality: cute, shy, likeable, too soft and naive, friendly , « childish » kind of like Hinata in Naruto but with teddy bears and more childish , weak when fighting and weak to defend herself in trash talking or bullying .
Fierin Jadis Coperhague
Mastered element: Fire
Personality : Intimidating , unfriendly , « mean » , acts like a boy , over-confident , stubborn , sort of like Bakugo in MHA
Presila Princess Warrior of the 8 Grounds
Age : 14
Mastered element : Earth
Personality : responsable, friendly, not afraid of Fierin , friendly , not naive, reserved , fights often with Fierin (whether more verbally than physically)
Naomi Hiroshima
Age: 15
Mastered element : Lightning/Thunder
Personality : Reserved, unfriendly(luvs to be alone and is bad in social conversation or socialising in general) , isn’t necessarily shy but introverted and not at all talkative , serious, Sort of like Mei in Avatar (zuko’s GF)
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