Yvie decided to look around a bit more. There was only the bare necessities in the house. It looked livable, but it felt wrong. Even Yvie had extra things in her room. Stones she had collected. Sewing kits. Books. But there was no such things here.
"It's like all sign of actual life just vanished" She mumbled under her breath, as she kept looking out for something she could bring with her, that would be helpful. She forgot that the bucket she was carrying was, in fact, the Lizard, and treated it a bit roughly. But as it's mouth was filled with water, it couldn't complain.
"Oh! What's this?" Yvie asked, as her eyes fell on something shiny. With the help of her bucket, she cooled it down a bit, being able to hold it. She wasn't quite sure about what it was, but it looked like something made out of silver. It called to her in a weird way, as her human logic said it was valuable.
"I think there was silver in the cavern too. So it should be useful, right?" Yvie asked her bucket, that she now remembered was an actual Lizard. It still couldn't answer her, as she hadn't let out much of the water, but Yvie didn't mind. Having a mute conversation partner was something she was used to.
"Let's bring this… Oh! And this!" She said, as she packed the silver, as well as a rope that was burning on the curtains. She used it to tie it around herself, with the silver.
"FINALLY! I thought I was going to drown!" The Lizard complained, as it coughed out in a dramatic manner, making Yvie focus on it, as she had just emptied it's mouth.
"I don't think you CAN drown", Yvie answered. She wasn't sure, but she wouldn't mind testing it out, if it kept complaining. She enjoyed mute company much more than the complaining kind, as she felt like she had enough of that when she was still with her parents.
"I can too!" The Lizard responded, feeling like it was the safest bet. It actually didn't know. To be fair, the Lizard hadn't even known it was a lizard before Yvie had told it so.
Just as the two of them bickered, the fire started raging, making them both focus on that instead. It wasn't as bad as they would be trapped, but if they stayed in for too long, they would be in trouble.
"I like how we keep having to run out of things" Yvie laughed, as she took the Lizard, the curtain rope and the silver unidentified object, and started walking out. It had already been a bit of a theme on her journey, but she didn't know if it would keep being so.
"What now?" Feeling like this had become somewhat of her catchphrase question, she asked it out loud. Mostly to herself, but as the Lizard couldn't help itself once it heard a question, it felt obligated to answer.
"We walk!" It decided, feeling like it had finally given an answer it could be satisfied with. After having started to accept questionable answers a little bit, as well as made up ones, this one was finally for real! It knew something!
"I say we swim…" Yvie interrupted the victory that was going on inside of the Lizards head, once again taking it's pride away, without even meaning to. Dropping it's tail in utter shock, it looked angrily at Yvie.
"We walk out into the ocean, and then swim. So we walk!" The Lizard reiterated itself, as it refused to have another losing streak to this little girl, who had taken everything from it.
"…" Yvie fought herself not to turn into a snake, as she felt a little bit of defiance rise in her. For some reason she really didn't want the Lizard to be right. It wasn't the usual instinct she could feel, nor was it her human logic. So what exactly was it? What made her want to turn this instance, while laughing in it's face? It wasn't very kind of her. She knew that. Which was the tiny strand of logic holding her back from doing it.
The 'why' of the matter still bothered her, but she decided to just walk anyway, letting the Lizard have this. Maybe she could figure it out later. Maybe she was getting sick. In any case, she didn't want to do something so childish, simply because she didn't want the Lizard to be right.
'I feel like mother told me something about this, once…' She pondered as she went out into the sea.
With one last look back at the burning city, she admitted to herself it couldn't be saved. Yvie felt like all life had vanished a long time ago. Who or what put it on fire was still to be found out, but as there was no life here, it was impossible.
With more questions, she turned into a snake, now with the Lizard beside her, and her clothes, silver and curtain rope tied well around her.
'What a good idea to bring the rope' She praised herself, as she had wondered about how to bring the clothes with her.
It was a bit harder to swim. The extra weight tried to hold her down, as the Lizard kept trying to hitch a ride on her tail, thinking she didn't notice.
But for some reason, she didn't get tired. Nor did she feel much hunger.
'I did get a nice rest in the poison gate' She rationalized, thinking it made much sense in that area. However, the hunger had seemed like a worry from back before she escaped.
By her count, she hadn't eaten for around three days now, maybe more, not in snake form, nor in human form.
Hunger had never been much of an issue, but not feeling the 'need' to eat was new.
'Maybe it's a snake thing?' Yvie asked herself, as she slammed with her tail to get the Lizard of, as it was trying to climb on again.
'I really need to learn more about everything' She silently told herself, as the thirst for knowledge grew with every movement she made.
Meanwhile, the Lizard swam along, still wondering about why it ever left in the first place.
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