Raine (POV)
After my daily schedule w/ Cirrus had been completed, she, my father and our supervision retired for the night. I made an appoint to head to the central library. No one was stirring about and it was easy for me to gain access. (Hopefully my father had been too preoccupied to have the books removed. The computers were already of not much use to me.)
The library was vast and there was a plethora of books. Since it was after hours only a few dimly lit lights stayed on while the majority of the space was cloaked in darkness. The windows aided me in providing a bit of moonlight to help my search. I scoured the library for any books on the subject i was looking for.
There was a cookbook section, fashion and tailoring, medicine. Anything on the world below? I know i shouldn’t dilly dally for too long as the guards sometimes make random checks in the middle of the night. I kept roaming through the sections until I reached the very back of the library. There was a lone, dusty bookshelf filled w. books. They hadn't been touched in a while. A-ha!
I heard the door open and immediately crouched down. Someone working overnight? Just my luck. I quickly bagged three books that piqued my interest. They weren't bulky as, if caught, I didn't want to gather any attention to my bag.
I slowly started to make my way towards the entrance keeping an eye out. I noticed the light in one of the offices was on. I snuck on by and successfully made it out and back to my quarters.
Over the next few evenings during my free time, I began reading the books. I felt such intrigue to the point where I was absolutely baffled at how Cirrus never got curious about this. I would subtilely bring up the topics I read about regarding these things but, it often fell on deaf ears. She had not one spark of interest. Nor did she playfully entertain. She'd often counter and talk about how grand our sky kingdom is and how marvelous its future would be under our rule. How fluffy amazing the clouds and skyscape are. I eventually gave up talking to her about it.
I realized, the more I read and I tried to explain, the more felt this rift. My tethers to my life in the sky feIt like they were starting to fade. What's this feeling?
The more I read, the more I wanted to experience. Even with the consequences of letting down my kingdom and the one whom I loved.
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