Written by Staringback on Archive of our Own! ❦ archiveofourown.org/works/8614135/chapters/19750738?view_adult=true ❦
Adapted into comic form by yours truly!
Alternate universe based in the Undertale fandom!
||This post was made possible by supporters on Kofi!||
Leiyali, Audrey, Ann, Badjokejuko, Honeybunbunuwu, catchunks, Wishingstarinajar, Bagica, JYAYYL, Han Sama, Almari, Pixel Punk, LittleLillies, Bee Condon, Ash, Roi Oliver Rolin, Spitfire, Nathixroyal, Grumpbee, MirandaHanley, KennderBender & RedDaze!!
Frisk sang for a living. She sang in clubs that were populated by mobsters, murderers and the most violent criminals her city had to offer. She honestly thought things couldnât get any worse until corruption in the form of a grinning skeleton came strolling into her life. His name: Sans.
She tried to run, but no matter where she went he was always waiting for her.
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