The tea party dragged on until the early evening, but no one seemed to notice the time change. But with every fun time comes an unfun time. The group could barely hear the footsteps in the garden over the discussion about Naomi's future, most notably her debut as the Empire's first and only Princess. Irene was the first to notice the unwelcome visitor; her warm and kind eyes turned into a venomous glare. Naomi turned to see a middle-aged man dressed in a butler's attire. The mood quickly changed from a happy, warm feeling to an ice-cold tension even with the warm sun still barely out.
"What is your business, Mr. Ecknerd?" Irene glared. Mr. Ecknerd bowed at the Empress and slowly walked toward Naomi. The girl did not understand the atmosphere towards the butler, but she could understand why once the words left his mouth.
"I am here by the orders of the Emperor. He wishes for the Princess to join him in his office," Mr. Ecknerd informed. 'The Emperor? Again? What is the man's problem?' Naomi bitterly thought. He made it very clear that he did not like her, so why request for her? Naomi turned to the Empress; she had an angry expression.
"Naomi, you don't have to go. I wouldn't want you getting hurt again," the Empress informed. Naomi knew this, but curiosity was eating her alive about what the Emperor wanted. She grabbed the butler's hand and turned toward her newfound family.
"Don't worry, I'll be okay." Naomi smiled. But her smile did not help ease the worry in Irene's stomach.
Mr.Ecknerd guided Naomi out of the garden and back towards the palace. This time Naomi did not look around in shock at the beauty. No, she was a girl on a mission about the evil Emperor and his intentions behind this private meeting. After many turns and flights of stairs, they arrived at a door with the Empire's crest. Naomi could only infer that this was the Emperor's office, and there was no turning back now.
"Your highness, you may enter. Please do not forget to greet the Empire's Majesty," the butler stressed to her. Naomi nodded and pushed open the door, ready to meet her end.
The first thing she noticed about the office was it was dusty and stuffy. Not to mention the stacks of paper on the desk in the center of the room. Mr. Ecknerd patted Naomi on her shoulders and guided her towards the desk.
"Bless our eternal moon," Naomi bowed. Even though she could not see him, Naomi could sense his presence behind the stacks of paper. She could feel the proudness radiating off the butler right beside her, but that did not help the room's uneasy feeling.
"Thank you, Ecknerd. Please, go prepare some tea and refreshments." The Emperor commanded. The butler nodded and left the girl and the Emperor by themselves. Naomi didn't know what to say. She was too scared of setting the Emperor.
"Naomi, that is your name correct?" The Emperor asked. Naomi nodded her head and avoided his powerful graze.
"Can you not speak?" He growled. Naomi felt her body stiffen as the tension and power leaked into the room. She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. It was evident that this annoyed the Emperor and made it very clear in his body language. She knew that this wouldn't end well if she did not speak, just like her mother would react if Naomi did not answer right away.
"Yes, sir, I can. I did not wish to anger you." Naomi cringed at how small she sounded. Her mother hated when Naomi spoke so pathetic, and it would result in a beating. Would the same thing happen with the man in front of her?
"Your majesty, the tea and snacks are ready," Ecknerd smiled. But his smile did not calm Naomi's nerves.
"Throw it out. I will keep this short." quickly Ecknerd deflated. Naomi felt terrible for the old man. Maybe she can ask Ecknerd to save his creations for later.
"Naomi, the reason I brought you here today is to apologize. Irene brought it to my attention that I was too cruel to you. You are just a child in this situation, and I'm sorry," Naomi did not believe him for one second. The Emperor tried sounding caring, but his eyes were ice cold. Naomi smiled, but the nerves did not end there. She could tell that there was more he wanted to say, but he looked at Ecknerd instead.
"Ecknerd, schedule to have a manners teacher to come to the palace. She cannot disappoint us at her debut," and like that, the conversation was over. She was taken out of the room and brought back to her room. By the time she got back, it was dark out, meaning it was bedtime. Naomi pouted as she was prepared for bed. She was a big girl, and Naomi could stay up.
Naomi's night was filled with nightmares of her mother. She could feel hits and the cruel words ring out in her eardrums. The hell hole that her mother locked in while the laughs filled the hallways.
It was not a surprise that Naomi had a fever the next morning, and the castle flew into a panic.
The Puternic Imperial is an empire with a strong, powerful emperor and his three powerful sons. The emperor had his affairs and concubines but no children from those who were under his foot. Those who dare slander the royal family with accusations will die by his sword.
Naomi was the daughter of a prostitute named Marie, and her father was unknown. She was a small girl, only five but had experienced abuse, making a grown man cry. Marie lived a life of luxury while her daughter was starved and beaten. Each night, the young girl prayed that her father would save her from this life of misery one day.
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