I rush to the school's personally app GrooveNews lame name if you ask me. While looking for the current members of the council I catch a glimpse of the students who programmed this app and surprisingly, the passed-out guy was sitting in the middle. It's as almost as if the universe wants me to complete my mission I just ask and I'll receive, I won't let you down universe, this moment in time will be put down in High-school history for years to come.
The picture of the student council pops up and they all look angelic, like Kings and Queen the editing was done well. I almost gave up but the universe wouldn't let me so I clicked the picture and check the tags and comments they were a whole bunch of other categories. These kids had no private life I mean, with categories like; Last seen, Clubs, Today's classes. Sigh but I was ready for this challenge living double lives is what teens do best right?
As I exit the app I see myself in the first video, most-watched.
I run to the comment section "Who is she?", "Lol is she mentally okay?", "How dare she!!!", "She did well, for once there's someone who is not in the shadow." then some long one and hundreds more. It seems like the odds are on my side so I have to sign up for the student council.
My ticket to success begins to wake up and I put on the most friendly smile I could muster.
He flinches at my sight then stares until my face gets numb and I decide to say "We feeling better?" he looks around then says "What do you want from me?".
I guess he has no friends, genuine ones at least I put on my I understand... smile.
Then I hit him with the "I'm just glad you're okay... I can't stand bullies anyway I gotta go. I've got a school to run." he looks at me confused then reply's "o..kay?".
I leave and wait for my manipulation to work in kill em with kindness hun.
While walking to the front desk I realize I left my very important notebook behind. I sprint back to the cafeteria as the janitor was cleaning and my notebook was missing from where I was sitting. I ask the janitor if he had seen my notebook his eyes move and mine follows them into his basket of lost and found things and I spot my book. I grab it and make sure it's mine I then hug him and say Thank you. Nothing personal just a little more manipulation, I've always seen myself as a teacher's pet smirk preferably a snake.... lol I'm kidding... I maybe.
Then over the p.a, I hear a girl say "In ten minutes applications will cease to be available.
"Hurry! Hurry!" I gasp and run like my life depends on this but it didn't just my livelihood.
I made it in time and the lady at the front desk asks "What position?" I reply "President, please!" the lady at the desk seems startled "You're a freshman don't risk it if you lose you will never get the chance again.", "I guess ill just have to win then.".
She looks at me as if I was usual and hands me a stack of papers, "Once you fill these out your trial will begin." I ask "What trial?", with a smirk she says, "You know the one where you and the current President go neck and neck. Good luck brave warrior can't wait to see you on the battlefield.".
As I walk away she chuckles and goes back to typing. I go to my locker to put my things away and the bell rings a class was waiting for me. I take what I need and run to my next class. I'm ready for whatever is next inhale, exhale.
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