"What is wrong with this woman? Has she not seen a celebrity in her life?"
Caught off guard by the way Park Alice acted, Nam Daniel kicked the door open, leaving behind his traveling bag as he marched into the home of Park Alice.
The Hallyu star gently set the woman on the sofa, he sprinted out of the house to get his luggage which he left outside.
On returning with his belongings in hand, Nam Daniel noticed that Park Alice had not recovered after the passing out incident.
"What is wrong with her? Does she need a wakeup call?!"
Worry clouded the eyes of the K-Pop celebrity even as he voiced his annoyance at the woman that remained unconscious.
"Where is her bathroom?"
Nam Daniel began to sniff around the home of Park Alice, the first entrance led to the kitchen. Walking to the sink, Nam Daniel opened the tap and filled a red mug with water taking it with him to the living room.
"This had better work or I'm calling 119!"
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