The day had finally arrived; the day Allen Fleming had been waiting for. The day he could start the path to become a magical knight.
He had been waiting for the day that he would be eligible to attend the academy ever since he was young. To finally learn, study and practice elemental magic at the famous and prestigious Magical Knights Academy.
Despite the many years of practice since he was young, a part of him still felt he wasn't ready. For his magic, despite being the air element, was extremely weak. But that did not matter to his mentor, the one who taught him how to hone his magical skills.
"It is not a matter of how much magic you possess, or even how powerful your magic may be. It's a matter of will, and how hard you work to push forward," were the powerful words his mentor told him on the first day of his magic training, when Allen was at the age of 8.
Even though Allen knew and understood this, he still felt weak and not well prepared. Even though almost every day for several years he practiced his weak magic and improved his physical abilities to make up for his weaknesses, he still had a lingering feeling of inferiority to the other mages that would be taking the same exam he would be.
Now, 7 years later at the age of 15, it's time for Allen to take the exam, whether he feels completely ready or not. He will have to try his utmost best if he wishes to attend the academy that has procured the many great mages and magical knights England has ever seen.
He began to pack his things together that he will need for the journey ahead: a backpack with some clothes and a few other belongings, the actual clothes on his back including the singular glove he always wears on his right hand, and of course the sword he was given by his mentor before his mentor departed.
With his things finally packed, it was time for him to say goodbye to everyone within his home village in Lyfast.
Allen's hometown of Lyfast is a very small farming village, located several days west of London. The population is very small, so all of the villagers know each other personally. Very rarely does the village get visitors, nor do many leave the village.
Allen headed outside of his home, and headed towards the fields the villagers tended to. He made his way towards the fields that his family owned and worked on.
"Oh Allen, good morning," his father, Martin, greeted him.
"Morning father," Allen smiled while walking up to him.
"Is it finally time for you to head out?," he asked, adjusting the hat he wore to block the sun from his face.
"Of course it is! Today is the big day I head out to London!," Allen excitedly replied.
"My, and it only felt like yesterday that mage was starting to teach you how to use your magic! How you've grown Allen", his mother, popped up out of the crops.
"It's felt like a long time, but I am ready to study and practice so I can become a magical knight!," Allen exclaimed.
"Well, best of luck to you. And if for some reason you do not pass, you are always more than welcome back here," his mother replied, smiling.
"Thank you! But, I don't plan on failing!," Allen grinned.
With his final goodbyes to his parents, his younger brother and sister, and the rest of the townsfolk he has grown to know in his life, he finally headed out to the big city of London, where he would take his exam to start the path to become a magical knight.
The academy is where many young, prominent mages attend to improve their use of magic, and eventually become a magical knight. Magical knights are the respected mages who protect the cities of England and keep its citizens safe. And of course, this has been Allen's dream ever since he was little.
The academy is located in the larger, more populated area of London, where many mages of all types gather to learn, study, and practice magic. There are also those that buy and sell magical goods, or even meet others in the pursuit of magic related matters. The biggest type of magic in England, especially London, is elemental magic. Elemental magic consists of earth, air, fire and water.
In addition, elemental magic has a unique, natural balance system. Earth magic is strong against water magic, water magic is strong against fire magic, fire magic is strong against air magic, and finally air magic is strong against air magic.
However, during the early 1500's, approximately 40 or so years ago, the Fire Outbreaks happened. Several various fire mages suddenly swept through and destroyed the smaller cities of England, killing many in their way and leaving no survivors. Due to this the Council of Magic, the governing figure of elemental magic, issued an act - The Anti-Fire Act. This effectively banned any and all use of fire magic within all of England.
Ever since then, the academy has only been training earth, air and water magic users. Any fire magic users that remain are in hiding, and for a good reason. Any found are immediately put on trial, and most likely, executed.
Despite all of that going on, Allen won't let anything stop him from one day becoming a magical knight. This is what he has been training for, for most of his life. If he can do well in the academy, then perhaps he may finally find out what he has been curious about his whole life - the truth behind who his real parents are.
Growing up in his hometown of Lyfast, a small town west of London, he has known most of his life that his parents aren't really his real parents, nor are his siblings his real brothers and sisters. After all, he showed a sign of air magic when he was a young kid, something both of his parents and all of his siblings do not possess. Even his appearance was much different from them: Allen has black hair and black eyes, compared to his parents and siblings who mostly have brown hair and brown eyes.
When Allen was at the age of 8, it was then that an acquaintance of his parents decided to help teach him how to properly use his magic, his mentor William.
It was then that William trained him to how to properly control his air magic, even if it was weak. Ever since he was 8 up until the age of 13, William had trained him. Those 5 years were the best years of his life so far, as he enjoyed William's teaching greatly. While William was his teacher, William felt more like an uncle to Allen.
When he reached the age of 13, the end of his training, William had given him a sword before he left. As it turned out, William apparently knew his real mother, and the sword he gave him used to belong to her. He never told him how he knew her, or where she is now if she is still alive for that matter. He then almost vanished without a trace, never to be seen again. Allen hopes that one day he can finally reunite with William and properly thank him for what he has done for him.
After 3 days of long travel by walk and by carriages, Allen had finally arrived in the big city of London. From there, he had then traveled in the direction of the academy, asking various citizens around him for any sort of directions that they would be willing to tell him. However, there seemed to be a sort of divide within London: those that liked magic and those that hated it. Several of the people he asked for directions were happy to tell him where it was, while others simply glared at him and kept walking.
Allen also noticed that there weren't that many mages walking around the city. After all, only about one fourth of the total population can actually use elemental magic, and fewer could use it in combat. Even so, he was excited to see the outlines of various shops selling magical items and magical knights walking around and defending the city.
Finding the academy even with the minimal directions he had wasn't difficult, as it stood out like a sore thumb.
The academy was everything Allen was expecting to see. It was a fairly large building, which stood out from the rest. The main building seemed to be in a tilted C shape, with a few other surrounding buildings.
Allen started to head towards the area where the test was apparently being held. While walking over to the area, he saw several different mages practicing their magic Both examinees and current students alike were around the various training areas. It seemed some students could practice their magic even before school began.
Well, this is a prestigious magical academy after all, Allen thought.
While continuing on his way, the doubts of passing still lingered in his mind. Either way, whether he felt not ready or not, he was definitely going to pass this test. Even if his magic is weak, he is going to pull through and start his path to become a magical knight. Not only that, but hopefully find out who his real parents are one day.
He saw a small line of students behind a counter waiting to check in for the exam. There was a middle aged man sitting at the desks, writing down each examinee's name and then giving them a number. After a few minutes of waiting, it was finally Allen's turn.
"Name?," the man asked, in a monotone voice like he's been doing this all morning.
"Allen Fleming," he responded with a smile.
"Elemental Attribute?," he then asked.
Elemental attribute?, Allen thought to himself. He must mean which element I possess.
"Air," Allen responded.
The man then looked up at Allen, and gave him a quizzical look. "Hmph, an air mage? You don't seem the type to be in the Windblade family, or any of the other prestigious air families. A peasant, perhaps?"
Something about the word "peasant" didn't sit right with Allen, but he assumed it must mean a term for people like him who live out in the "countryside".
"Uh, well, I suppose you could say that. What, are there not that many air mages like myself?"
"Kid, most of the air mages here in London are from some sort of distinguished family, and many turn into great, powerful magical knights. Those, like you, who aren't with any sort of prestigious family tend to do horribly, and aren't treated with the same respect like the rest of their peers. I would recommend walking away right now if I were you", he looked at him with a tired, but concerned look.
"No, I have come all this way to start my path to become a magical knight," Allen shook his head, unfazed. "I am not going to stop now, just because I may be looked down upon.
The man didn't change his look at him for awhile, almost giving Allen's words some thought.
"You're absolutely sure about this?," tilting his head to the side, as if he was trying to read Allen. "Many will look down upon you with hatred and disgust, and some may even challenge you to unfair and unrealistic duels. To be frank, this academy may not be the best for you"
"Yes, I am absolutely sure about this. This is what I have been training for many years for. I won't stop now, nor do I plan to stop in the future, whatever may come in my way," Allen responded, staring at him with confidence.
The man stared back at him for a few more moments, then finally sighed.
"Very well, your number is 97. Please proceed to your right, and you will find the testing area straight ahead"
"Thank you!," Allen responded, already turning around and heading the direction he was told.
"Also, one more thing Fleming!," he yelled back at him, to which Allen turned around. "That weapon you are carrying is allowed here at the academy. However, you must keep it sheathed at all times unless you are practicing in designated training areas, participating in a duel, or defending yourself from an attack. Understand?"
"Yes sir, I understand," Allen responded, after looking down at his sword sheathed on his left side.
"Alright then. Best of luck," the man nodded, before proceeding to scribble down the rest of the information on his paperwork.
"Thanks!," Allen responded, before finally heading to the long awaited examination area.
(Continued in Part 2 of Chapter 1 due to 15,000 Character Limit on Chapters!)
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