(Yoi) Waru
(Waru) Yoi, long time no see (whispering to another fugitive kid) On 3 start running (to Yoi) So… how have you been?
(Yoi going to Waru) How have I been? Are you crazy? You killed mom and now appear in front of me?
(Waru) It’s ok, it doesn’t matter anymore, we’re both fine, aren’t we? That’s what really matters?
(Yoi slaps Waru)
(Fugitive kid) 0, RUN, RUN, RUN
(Waru, running) Well brother, farewell
(As the fugitive kids start running the police started shooting everybody, despite Yoi’s and Takeshi’s screams to make them stop. Out of the 26 kids including the prison kids with Waru and the orphanage kids with Yoi and Takeshi, only 5 made it alive, bringing a massive pool of blood to the city’s downtown)
(After that day, Yoi and Takeshi swore revenge to Waru and the police, by the time under the counter terrorist force’s control)
(Both Yoi, Takeshi and Hikuta made it out alive even though Yoi and Hikuta were shot and Takeshi was depressed but his family’s death they managed to leave that town. Due to the lack of medical assistance, Hikuta faced death 3 days later.)
(This was the biggest massacre this city ever saw, the survivors went missing for a long time, as for the police officers, they were promoted for preventing the fugitives kids to join the terrorists forces, as for the orphanage, nothing really changed despite the addition of cameras and alarm systems to make a new escape impossible, condemning the suffering kids to pain until the age of 20)
(As for the 21 victims, the government changed the story so that the police intervention was extremely necessary as the kids were armed and attacking each others, their bodies were launched to the crematorium and then to a common ditch along with other criminals)
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