(Yoi and Takeshi) Mr. Aomine? Why?
(Aomine) Why… I’m surprised by your ignorance. You know Mr. Yoi, it wasn’t only your brother who suffered with your escape. You might remember Kushita’s kids, I was the owner, a small company passed by generation after generation, about to make a dream deal with the government for having the most safe and happy orphanages of the planet. And you boys messed it all up, especially you Yoi Danketsu, without your help that kids would never made it out of that place. Because of you they are all dead. Fell the guilt…
(Takeshi) Yoi, don’t listen to him
(Aomine)But don’t worry, you will soon join them.
(Aomine, moving) I had to join the government, my father always said “be careful with the government, the only thing they can see is money”, I grew up hating the government to make us pay extremely high bills for not selling our company. And now, I had to cover-up to not lose my family legacy. I would make the company so big, my father would hear about it in heaven.
(Aomine, sitting) For a long time I swore revenge, but I was alone, as the escape were being forget so was my company, but things are different now, I’m no longer alone.
(Aomine, getting up and smiling) For war crimes of the murder of a counter-terrorist official and for the destruction of a terrorist recruitment facility, both Terrorist and Counter-terrorist forces was well as their support planets had declared war to you. As a result, you became the 3rd offensive force on the 27th galaxy war. Furthermore, for the crimes of war support, qualified terrorism, as well as planet betrayal and fraud, on the name of our country’s royal constitution and on the name of the Supreme Court, you are banned from our country and convicted to death penalty.
(Aomine, laughing) And this time, you guys have nowhere to run because I have some special help (opens up a case that was in the car and shots a flare to the sky)
(Seconds later several helicopters, bullet prove vans, snipers, soldiers and a tank from both counter-terrorist and terrorist forces appear)
(An helicopter lands right next to Aomine and he steps in)
(2 people inside the helicopter) Nice to meet you Yoi Danketsu and Takeshi Kanamura, can’t wait to see you guys on the battlefield)
(As Aomine entered the helicopter)
(Terrorist headmaster) What about the girl
(Aomine) Oh her (looks at the clock)3
(Aoi start running away)
(Yoi and Takeshi) AOI stop
(Aoi) Don’t come any closer
(Aoi, looking to Yoi and Takeshi)Sorry boys, this is the end of our adventure
(Aomine)Hahahaha, farewell
(A sticky bomb on Aoi’s back provokes an huge explosion leading to Aoi’s instant death)
(As Takeshi starts crying, Yoi looks right to Aomine’s eyes while the helicopter vanish on the night sky under the sound of the church’s bell, announcing the “rebeginning” of the story)
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