Eto looked at the ceiling of the throne room. He was shocked by the feeling of pain in his leg. It took some time for him to turn his eyes from the ceiling and faced whatever happened to his leg.
When he looked underneath him, he could feel what he saw.
The spike of ice had hit his leg and penetrated it,letting blood drip of the ice and the moment he realised what happened, the pain came with it.
He started to scream and inbetween, Ased laughed, looking at his screaming opponent.
'Eto!' Veronica screamed, surprised with what had happened. The spikes of ice around her and the professor also stopped, as if all attention was set on Eto.
Eto kept screaming from the pain but his scream slowly started to turn to an aggressive scream.
He pictured his grandpa, who always told him during training that it was the duty of a holy knight to protect the people in danger. Was the town not in danger of Ased? Were Veronica and the professor not in danger? He looked again to his leg and realised that this whole time, he was also in danger. He looked up to Ased who kept laughing and it fuelled Eto's anger.
'You want to fight me but you are already defeated by a mere wound?' Ased asked in his laughter but it soon stopped.
Eto his legs started to glow again and some steam came from the place where the spike had penetrated his leg.
'You giant bastard. You will pay for what you have done. You will pay for everything you have done to the people of the town' Eto said and his eyes looked at Ased with anger.
In that moment Eto broke the spike and with his full strength he jumped to Ased, hitting him in his belly with a glowing arm.
Even though Ased didn't get thrown very far, he slided back and got to his knees, almost vomiting from the pain and looking for air.
Eto got on his feet and immediately jumped again, hitting Ased in his face and this time he threw him away, almost half the distance of the throne room.
Ased grabbed the floor with his big hands, making cracks in the ice.
DAMN YOU!' he screamed and the star shard on his chest slowly started to glow.
'YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!' he screamed.
He lowered his shoulders and it almost looked like his neck stretched.
The light that his star shard gave off started to move under his skin, all the way up to his throat.
Ased threw his head back for a moment and when the light came into his mouth, he threw his head to the front with his mouth wide open.
A giant jet of ice came from his mouth and went to Eto at full speed. He barely had the time to dodge it and a part of his arm got scratched. He could feel the cold ice hitting his arm and like the soldiers of the castle, the ice started to grow on his arm.
Ased laughed and wanted to attack again but something got his attention.
Behind him, the professor made his move and jumped in to attack him with a flamethrower.
The fire got shot into Ased his direction but he was quick enough to dodge it.
He made his way past the fire and hit the professor in the stomach with his fist.
Professor Hawk gasped for air and he fell to the floor, not moving at all.
Veronica was already on her way but stopped at the sight of the professor. Ased started to laugh.
'Little bitch scared?' he asked with a grin. He turned to Veronica and he made the same gesture like he did before when he shot the jet of ice at Eto.
Veronica froze for a moment, not knowing what she could do against an attack like that.
The light came back into his throat and Ased attacked again with the jet of ice.
The ice should have hit Veronica but before Ased could attack, Eto jumped in and hit the giant from the side in the face. This made sure the jet of ice missed Veronica but created a giant layer of ice in the throne room wherever the attack hit.
'If I ever want to be a holy knight, I should be able to handle villains like you' Eto said and he jumped over Ased.
He landed on his feet and grabbed one of Ased's arms. Both Eto his legs and arms started to glow and with all his might, he threw Ased over him to the throne.
The giant hit the ground and slided over the floor, hitting the stairs in front of the throne.
'I'm so done with you' the Nieve giant mumbled to himself while breathing heavy.
Eto ran to Ased and when the giant got up, he quickly attacked again with a jet of ice from his mouth, only this time Eto knew what to do.
He got to his knees, dodging the attack by sliding underneath it. Eto got up quickly but stayed low, using the ice to slide faster and faster.
Ased saw him coming and when Eto was near him, he wanted to hit him with his fists but Eto blocked them quickly and punched them away.
Ased was wide open and Eto grabbed his hands together while both his arms started to glow.
That was the moment he remembered something. Something his grandpa taught him about star shard users, and it was that lesson that he would use at this moment.
With both his hands together in a fist, with all his might, he started to punch Ased.
He hit him right where he wanted to. In the middle of his star shard.
That was the moment when Ased froze. The fist of Eto hit his shard shard with a full blown and it felt like his whole body started to burn.
The giant stood there, paralyzed with blinking eyes.
Eto threw back one arm, preparing a final attack while his arm started to glow even more.
'In the name of the holy knights' Eto said with a little grin. 'I ban you from this planet.'
He hit him again in the star shard and Ased screamed from the pain.
The punch came in hard and Ased got knocked back, right through the throne of ice and through a big window that was behind it, leaving parts of ice and glass behind him.
The light in Eto his arm faded and with a final look at the window where Ased just flew through, he closed his eyes and collapsed on the floor in front of him.
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