"Change is a powerful thing." she murmured, her pace in needlework growing faster "The bringer of this change relies solely in behagthis, whether we see it as a force of evil or good is inconsequential."
U'tu was on his knees behind Lei'la, braiding her long impressive hair. A feat that can take a couple of hours to finish. But his fingers were deft, it stabbed and weaved through the tresses of her hair in sure movements. Like he had had done it many times over before.
When it seemed like Lei'la was all too taken with her work, U'tu continued "He felt guilty from watching her struggle in silent agony. Flailing like that while helpless to escape icy waters; it was a pathetic sight that struck at his heart. So began his tireless work to rescue her from the deep cavernous depths of the ocean, but nothing he ever attempted had worked. The waters were like ice, chilling him to the bones and the depths she arrived had too much pressure that anything he put in to fetch her went broke the minute it got too deep. Just as he was about to go insane from worry and lack of sleep, he noticed the giant ball of rock floating in the black space of the night sky. He put all his energy into pushing the large boulder of rock into the icy waters and then suddenly, the water began to recede. The dry earth was absorbing the water, it rose up floating above the water like one huge island."
Lei'la pointed to a quilt patch of a white pale spider and continued, "Natura Brumcia was found shivering cold on the dampened soil of the island. You see, icy water is like poison. It had sickened her to the bones, paralyzing our goddess to near death. The first behagthi felt sick to his stomach, he truly believed he had killed her. He wept and wept over her stilled body. When he reached for her final last limb that was still attached to her body, he found it was soft and pliant to the touch. A sudden flash of intuition prodded at him, he stretched her limb one last time, covering her body with it until she stopped trembling from the cold, hoping the embrace would warm her. Then, after he stretched it to its fullest capacity around her stilled body, the limb began wounding back like elastic, turning into something else entirely. The more it wounded back, the more heat it grew and grew until it turned into a sun, growing fiery and hotter by the minute. Soon, the last limb came off completely on its own, as if moved by its own gravity, it slowly floated up into space, taking the highest place in the heavens. All at once, it began warming every single thing around its orbit; the dampened earth, the icy waters and the cold space of the darkest heavens but of course, it also warmed our pale cold-stricken Brumcia back to life."
"What happened to her?"
"She saturated everywhere." U'tu said with pride "Earth, sky, fire, and water. All of her was simply everywhere, taking up space in the highest places and in the lowest."
"I thought her body was poisoned? She was healed just like that-- by warmth?"
"Not at all." Lei'la said "See here? This pale circle here is her body detached from all four limbs. It had turned ashen and white as it was weakened from the touch of ice, so she made a request to the behagthi who was already sick with worry and guilt. By that time, he would have given her anything she asked for."
"And what was that?"
"To be as close to her detached limbs as possible so she would never feel their loss. The first behagthi agreed without hesitation, he carried her detached body away and seated her close to the sun among the heavens. Not close enough to burn, but just at the right spot so she warmed from it. He made sure she was placed just right so she could watch over the earth and its ocean waters be pushed as it was pulled by the passing of time."
She gasped, "She became the moon."
"Her frozen-ice pale body became the moon. What once was a brown circle that was her maiden form transformed into a white orb in the heavens."
River noted, "She transformed. What about the part about her marriage?"
Lei'la straightened with a pleased look, "Yes. The Great World is Brumcia's marriage form. We call it a 'marriage form' because she has successfully joined with all four limbs after a painful separation. On the other hand, Natura Brumcia is her maiden form; a wild, muddy circle signifying her youth and wildness. It was by using the first behagthi's gift that she was able to transform from her maiden form into her marriage form."
She frowned "Gift? You've mentioned that before. Said something about behagthis bringing gifts."
She nodded, "Each behagthi bring different gifts. For the first behagthi, his gift was the utility of numbers and measurement. It allowed him to figure out where the best place to put her in the sky. A specific place, sort of like a throne, that brings perfect balance with every element involved. Once she was set into her throne, she had more power than she could have ever imagined. She controlled tides of water, she could pull and push the earth itself, and her body was a source of light. She was no longer a wild madwoman spinning in the dark. She became something more powerful, into a master of elements, therefore we call her, the Great World in her marriage form. Brumcia and the Great World are the same person. A maiden and a master. Both in one divinity."
"Hermaphroditic, I get that." Their gods and goddesses weren't that much different from her world after all, "But, whatever happened to the behagthi?"
"As soon as peace was established, he got pulled back to his own world."
"The push and pull worked both ways." River noted.
Both of them drew confused, the girl asked, "What do you mean?"
"Isn't it that Brumcia was getting pushed by her own gravity of madness into spinning and spinning some more and then she got pulled by this behagthi many times over? At the same time, the behagthi was pushed to the brink of his own limitations. Once peace was established, he got pulled back to his own universe just as he was pushed into this universe by Brumcia's madness. It's like a great big dance, don't you think? They pushed and pulled together. It went both ways for them."
Lei'la looked upset, frowning at the thought. "What is a dance?"
U'tu chuckled, shaking his head. "Behagthis. Let me guess, you wanna know what do these all have to do with what's happening with you?"
River can pretty much guess the gist. "Wild stab in the dark," she said in a dry tone, "I'm pulled here by a wild madness that needs fixing and hearing as the first behagthi never got a clue to what the problem is supposed to be in your story, then I'm guessing I won't know what I'm looking for until I find it."
The boy nodded with a cocky grin before getting madly pinched in the cheek, "Don't interrupt me." Lei'la said, "River, you were talking about this strange thing called dance?"
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