Michael passes Lucas a blindfold about fifteen minutes into their drive.
“I need you to put this on and wear it for the rest of the ride," Michael says. "I know it seems a bit extreme, but there's a reason why I can't have you knowing the location of the club until after you become a trusted member."
Lucas says nothing in response. He simply stares at the blindfold in his hands, wondering how it would feel to have his vision restricted while Michael gives him the best fucking of his life.
"I had an incident a while back with a newbie at the club," Michael explains. “It was a Dom who thought he could do whatever he wanted and not abide by any of my rules. Long story short, he hurt a submissive during a scene. He gave her pain that she hadn’t asked for, and when I found out about it, I immediately revoked his membership and threw him out on the curb.”
“Bet that was embarrassing,” Lucas says after slipping back into the moment. “But it sounds like he deserved it.”
“Yeah. His ego was definitely bruised,” Michael laughs, bitterly. “But that didn’t stop him from harassing me. He kept returning to the club, trying to weasel his way back inside. I don’t like getting the police involved when it comes to my businesses, but to keep from getting physical with the prick, I eventually had to call on a friend that works in the force.”
“Because you’re so cool and have badass friends in high places,” Lucas teases, being playful. “Earlier you said questions are good. If you don’t mind, I have another to ask.”
“Ask away.”
“Well, I know a little but not a lot, so you’ll have to be patient with me because I’m not that advanced when it comes to kink lingo,” Lucas confesses. “You said that guy hurt a submissive while they were having a scene. What exactly does that mean?”
“A scene is what you would call it when two kinksters meet up to play,” Michael answers. “For example, when two friends make plans to meet up for the weekend to go to the movies, most people would define that as two friends hanging out. In the world of kink, when a Dominant and their submissive make plans to meet up and play, they do so to have a scene together."
"Like a playdate... but x-rated and for adults?"
"Something like that," Michael laughs. "But depending on the Dom and submissive, scenes don't have to involve sex. It all varies from couple to couple.”
“Oh. I see...”
“Do you?” Michael chuckles. “Because it’s okay if you don’t. There’s a lot to be learned.”
After stopping at a red light, Michael looks over at Lucas to gauge his reaction. It’s a shame that Lucas is so inexperienced with Michael’s world because Michael wants nothing more than to have Lucas in bed moaning and begging for his cock. Lucas is precisely Michael’s type, but to keep from scaring the boy away, Michael needs to exercise patience. If not, this night can quickly take a turn for the worst.
“No, you're making sense,” Lucas replies. “But now I’m curious…”
“About how often you have scenes with your submissives,” Lucas says. “Can you tell me, Master? Or would I be stepping into confidential territory?”
“You wouldn't be.” Michael smiles before dragging his eyes back to the road after the red light changes to green. “If it were up to me, I’d meet with my submissives several times throughout the month. But they don’t do this for a living like I do, so I usually have to work around their schedules whenever they get the itch to play.”
Michael then comments on the blindfold to get Lucas to put it on as they proceed to their destination.
“I’m sure you won’t cause me any trouble in the future, but I have to do what’s best and protect my business at all costs. You understand, right?”
“Of course, Master.” Lucas nods. “If I don’t know the location of your club, I won’t be able to harass you if I get upset over something and want to come back and take it out on you or your property. I admit I can get a little crazy sometimes, but I’ll never let a man drive me to that level of crazy. No dick in this world is worth going to jail over. I’m way too pretty for that shit.”
Michael laughs. “I agree. An orange jumpsuit wouldn't suit you at all.”
“True. But I still could’ve done without the blindfold because I’m shit at memorizing directions,” Lucas says. “I’m more of the ‘keep driving until you see the tall blue building’ type of guy. I can never get more detailed than that. Honestly, sometimes I forget my own damn name.”
“You sound just like my sister.”
“Really? You have a sister?” Lucas’ curious smile returns. If he can get Michael to open up to him this early on, perhaps it’ll give them the opportunity to connect on a deeper level. “If she’s anything like my ridiculous sister, I’m sure your childhood must have been hell.”
“Part of it was,” Michael vaguely replies. “But I’d rather not discuss my family right now.”
Lucas’ smile fades. Personal topics seem to be off the table for discussion, at least for now. Lucas decides to not press the matter further. He changes the subject to something he knows Michael is willing to run his sexy mouth about.
“So, how long have you been into BDSM?”
“I’ve always had the taste for it. I just didn’t know what to call it until I got my hands on a computer and did some research,” Michael answers. “I discovered that the desires I had didn’t make me a pervert, and after that, I connected with a small community online. Shortly after graduating high school, I gave myself over to the lifestyle completely. I practiced. I learned. I built a name for myself in the underground, and that’s how I became the man that I am today.”
“You literally just gave me the shortened version of your come-up story,” Lucas teases. “Don’t trust me enough to tell me the whole thing?”
“If you want my trust, you’ll have to earn it,” Michael says with a smirk. “We aren't that far out from the club, about thirty minutes away. Tell me how you’re feeling.”
“Honestly? Excited. Nervous. Anxious. A bit of everything," Lucas replies. "I know it will be a lot to absorb at first, but I feel like I’m ready for it. I’m ready to be a part of your world.”
“If it gets to be overwhelming at any point, you must let me know immediately.”
“I will, Master.”
“Good boy. You’re already doing so well. I’m sure you’ll fit right in.”
They make small talk for the rest of the drive, and Lucas can tell when they finally reach their destination because of how the car slows. Michael makes a lot of turns, and as the noises from the other cars on the street fade away, Lucas guesses they’re inside some type of parking garage.
“We’re here.” Michael parks and turns off the car before reaching over to remove Lucas’ blindfold. “Before we go inside, I want you to know that tonight is all about observation and exploration. You’re not here to partake in any scenes. Paperwork has to be filled out and signed before you can play, anyway. Speaking of which, if by the end of the night you decide you want to join the club, we can then schedule a meeting to sit down and discuss your limits.”
“My limits?”
“What turns you on, what turns you off… etcetera,” Michael clarifies. “After that, if you want to be mine, you'll sign the necessary paperwork and then your training will begin.”
“You didn’t think you were going to come out here and jump straight into the action, did you?” Michael chuckles at the cute expression on Lucas’ face. “All Dom’s operate differently, Lucas. For me, I have my submissives undergo training for six months up to a year to learn the ins and outs of this lifestyle and what is to be expected of them. Training is especially necessary for subs that are brand new to this lifestyle. BDSM is more than the stereotype of a person being spanked and fucked. Your mind is equally appealing to me as your body is, so both will need to undergo the proper training before I can properly play with you.”
“You're not going to make this easy for me, are you?”
“No, but if you’ll be patient and understanding, I’ll end up making the wait worth your while,” Michael says with confidence. “That I can promise.”
“I believe you,” Lucas blushes. “So, if all goes well tonight and I end up wanting to join the club… you and me will become a thing? And then I won't have to worry about paying for the membership because you’ll be my Dom?”
“That's right. But please don’t put on a front for me tonight, faking like you’re into everything when you’re not,” Michael says. “Just be yourself. That’s all I want from you.”
“Okay. I’m ready to see your world, Master. Can we go now?”
Michael exits the car and walks around to get Lucas’ door. He takes Lucas’ hand before leading him towards an elevator. Once inside, Lucas watches Michael’s every move. He presses a button that doesn’t take them up, but down. As the elevator descends, Lucas hears the faint sounds of music playing. More questions arise in his head, and Michael can tell that Lucas is becoming bothered based on the way his grip tightens.
“What’s on your mind, Lucas? Talk to me.”
“I-I just… I just want them to like me.”
“Your people. What if they take one look at me and—”
“Stop.” Michael tugs Lucas a little closer, placing his free hand on Lucas’s face, cupping him by the chin, forcing their eyes to meet. “You don't need to worry about what others think of you, Lucas. Not down here. I promise you, it’s a judgment-free zone. My people respect me, and that respect will automatically transfer over to you simply by you having my collar on your neck. So please don’t worry about trying to gain other's approval when you already have mine.”
Lucas sighs in content, desperate to kiss Michael silly. Before he can try, the elevator doors open to a dark and naughty sight.
"Ready for this, pretty boy?”
“Yes, Master.” Lucas smiles again, the hairs on the back of his neck rising. “I’m ready.”
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