Lucas casts his attention back to the lovely couple on the bed.
He only speaks to Michael whenever he has a question about something that Goddess E. does or says to her Bunny. The needy sub follows her Domme’s instructions very well, and each time she gets praised and rewarded with double the pleasure.
“Check in with me, Cherry. Tell me what you’re feeling.”
Michael gently strokes the back of Lucas’ neck, and although the act isn’t sexual at all, Lucas can’t help but feel aroused. It's mostly because of the wicked scene playing out before him. Lucas can’t help but imagine himself in Bunny’s place, and Michael in Erica’s place… the imagery of the two of them playing together makes Lucas’ mouth water and his cock ache.
“Cherry?” Michael repeats with a bit more edge in his voice. “Are you still here with me, pretty boy?”
“Y-Yes, Master.” Lucas swallows, finding it difficult to speak because Goddess E. has just removed an anal plug from Bunny. She then picks up the strap-on lying beside them on the bed, causing Bunny to squeal in anticipation. Lucas can already guess what’s going to happen next. “Their chemistry is almost palpable. I don’t think I’ve ever seen something more erotic than this before. Not in person, at least.” Lucas crosses his legs for the umpteenth time, his erection growing stiffer with every touch that he receives from Michael. “Goddess E. often asks for Bunny’s color. What does that mean again?”
“It’s the same as how I check in with you to ask how you’re feeling,” Michael answers. “In BDSM, we follow the stoplight system to keep our subs safe. Green means you’re feeling good and want to keep going. Yellow means you need things to slow down, maybe you’re feeling overwhelmed and need a second to catch your breath. Red means you want things to stop immediately. So, whenever Erica asks Bunny for her color, she’s checking in to make sure her submissive is up and happy. She doesn’t want Bunny to have a sub-drop.”
“Oh.” Lucas has done plenty of research into BDSM since linking up with Michael. He’s familiar with sub-drops and knows what they are on a surface level. Hopefully, he will never see the day where he has one himself. “Have you ever seen a sub crash before?”
Michael nods. “It isn’t a pretty sight. Some can be a calm storm while others are a full-blown hurricane. How a submissive reacts while dropping varies from person to person.”
“And what about you, in particular?” Lucas asks. “For a Dominant that has been doing this for a while, have any of your submissives experienced a sub-drop before?”
“No. But that doesn’t mean I’m perfect.” Michael pauses, studying Lucas. “What’s your color, Cherry? Is my pretty boy green right now, or is he feeling something else?” When Lucas doesn’t answer right away, Michael removes his hand from Lucas’ neck to tug on his collar, forcing the boy to look over and meet his heated gaze. “Speak.”
“I’m green, Master,” Lucas whispers in a shaky breath. Between watching Goddess E. and Bunny play for nearly an hour, to then having Michael being flirtatious and touchy without warning, Lucas is ready to combust. “I’m very, very green.”
“Glad to hear it.” Michael smirks, keeping his eyes on Lucas as the boy turns away to continue watching their company play.
If only Lucas was his, Michael would have carried him out of here a long time ago and into a vacant playroom to deal with the sexual tension that has been building between them from the moment they first stepped foot into the club tonight.
That goddamn paperwork seems to be the only thing left standing in their way.
“That’s my girl!” Erica exclaims several minutes later, having given Bunny an orgasm so powerful it left her speechless and drooling. The bed is soaked, and both women are covered in a light sweat, but they’re happy. As happy as they’ve ever been.
Erica is quick to shower her submissive in kisses and praise before working to get her cleaned up with a warm rag. There is food and drinks set out on the nightstand by the bed, aftercare being a necessary step to keep Bunny from dropping.
“So how about it, boys?” Erica asks cockily, looking at Michael and Lucas. “Did you two enjoy the show?”
“Every second of it,” Michael replies, purposely stroking his friend’s ego. “If anyone knows how to put on a show and leave the audience wanting more, it’s you and Bunny.”
“Damn right,” Erica laughs, then pauses. “Uh, Micky... You might wanna check on your Cherry boy before he slips and ends up joining Bunny on cloud nine, then you’ll have no choice but to fuck him until he feels better. Paperwork be damned.”
“Master…” Lucas blushes, looking down at his trembling hands. “I-I feel funny.”
“Shit. This wasn't supposed to happen.” Michael and Lucas leave the room to have a moment alone in the hallway. “Tell me something, pretty boy. While you were watching Erica and Bunny play, at any point did you imagine us in their place?”
“Yes.” Lucas nods, somehow unable to lie. “Is that why I feel this way? Like I’m… floating? Oh, no. Was Goddess E. right about what she said? Am I close to slipping into subspace like Bunny? How would that even be possible if I wasn’t physically part of their scene? I’m so confused right now, Master.” Lucas looks down and chuckles at his erection, feeling too silly to be embarrassed. “And so fucking hard.”
“I wish I could ease your suffering, but I’m afraid there isn’t much we can do until you sign the paperwork,” Michael replies, holding Lucas close. “I can’t fuck you until after you know what you’re signing up for. Please tell me you understand where I’m coming from.” Michael raises a hand, sweetly caressing Lucas’ cheek. The boy answers Michael’s question with another nod, but his bright brown eyes hold disappointment. “I’m sorry for not keeping a closer eye on you back there. I should’ve pulled you out of the room before your endorphins and adrenaline had the chance to skyrocket.”
“Master, this isn't your fault. And had I slipped, I'm sure I wouldn’t have been scared because I know you would’ve kept me safe. I trust you, remember?”
The urge to kiss Lucas had never been stronger for Michael until now.
“To answer your question, I believe Erica had been on the right track. It would also explain the trembling of your hands, and why your pupils are a little dilated. As I said before, BDSM isn’t solely a physical thing; the mental aspect can be equally powerful.”
“If that’s so true, how come you don't seem to be feeling as green as I do right now?”
“Who said I wasn’t?” Michael ends the conversation there before things can further spiral out of control. He takes Lucas by the hand and walks him back to the elevator. It’s getting late, and he’s sure Lucas has seen enough for the night. “The fresh air should sober you up a little. Is it helping any?”
“Yes, actually.” Lucas takes several deep breaths in and out, his nerves gradually settling as he walks with Michael through the parking garage. “Thanks for getting me out of there. For a moment, I almost forgot where the exit was. My mind felt completely fried, but in a good way?”
“Watching something like that on your first night here can be very overwhelming, understandably so,” Michael says as they climb into his car. “I figured you might need a break after the scene ended. I’m sorry, again, for not getting you out sooner.”
“Once is enough, so please stop apologizing.” Lucas releases a bitter chuckle while staring at his erection. He isn’t happy about having to ride home with a raging boner, but for Michael, he’ll be patient and earn his pleasure. “Can we sit here for a bit before you take me home?” Michael nods and pulls the keys from the ignition. “There’s also something else that I’ve been meaning to ask you. It’s about Goddess E. and Bunny.”
Michael reaches for Lucas’ hand again, wanting to touch him just because. “Go on. I’m listening.”
“Well, it’s just… when it comes to kink, people normally go by the stereotype and associate it with the hardcore stuff. Whips. Canes. Clamps. But Goddess E. didn’t hurt Bunny at all during their scene. She only gave Bunny pleasure,” Lucas says. “It made me wonder what you’re into, Master. If you like to give pain or not… because I don’t think I can take being hurt in that way. If ever I do something bad and need to be punished for it, I don’t think I’d want to be hit. I took enough of that growing up in foster care.”
Michael’s heart breaks into a million tiny pieces upon learning Lucas is just as broken as he is.
“With certain submissives, I do practice pain play because it's what they're into, but I wouldn't call myself a sadist. This is precisely why it is so important that we sit down and go over what your limits are. It helps to rule out what you’re willing to do and what you want to avoid because me guessing at what you may or may not like will potentially hurt you in a way that neither of us wants.” Michael pushes his rules aside for the time being, the pitiful look on Lucas’ face being too much for him to brush off. He raises Lucas’ hand to his lips and kisses it, receiving a slight smile from the redhead. “If you don’t want to experience any pain when we play, then there’ll be no pain when we play. It's as simple as that.”
“Thank you, Master.”
“You’re welcome, Cherry boy.” Michael smiles. “What my subs want is what my subs get. My pleasure comes from your pleasure because once again, the submissives hold all the power. As a Dom, the biggest thing that I personally desire is being in control. In control of the scenes that we do, in control of my submissive, and in control of my submissives pleasure. If you tell me your limits and continue to trust me enough to take care of you when you’re at your most vulnerable, I promise we’ll have an incredible time together.”
“I believe you, but I don’t want to be rash and make any decisions tonight. Is it okay if I take some time to think about everything before I decide what I want to do next?”
Michael nods. “Of course. I didn’t expect to receive an answer from you tonight, but know that the offer still stands if you later decide you want it.”
“Oh my God… Y-You want me as your new submissive?”
“Badly,” Michael answers with a straight face. “But as you said, you shouldn’t be rash and make any final decisions right now. Take however much time you need to mellow out and think things through. You have my number if you decide you want to continue seeing me.”
Lucas stares at Michael in disbelief. “You really want me in that way?”
“I want you in every way, Lucas.” Michael throws caution to the wind as he reaches over to slip a finger underneath Lucas’ collar, bringing their faces closer together. “You’ve been such a good boy for me tonight, and I just wouldn’t feel right sending you home like this…” Michael palms Lucas’ cock with his other hand, rubbing him through the tight jeans with just the right amount of pressure. “Do you still want to kiss me, baby?”
“Fuck yes.” Lucas moans at the question. His hands clutch the armrest as he turns his body to better face Michael, parting his legs to give him more access. “Please, Master...”
“Do it. Kiss me,” Michael whispers with the hint of a smile. “You have my permission this time.”
Lucas doesn’t waste this second opportunity. He hurriedly captures Michael’s lips in a kiss so dizzying and sweet that when he later pulls away to get some air, he’s immediately reminded that Michael’s hand is still on his cock. Michael gently pushes Lucas over the edge, having made the partial hand-job more intense by whispering filthy things in Lucas’ ear. The line that causes Lucas to completely unravel is:
“Imagine how much better this will feel once I have my cock buried inside you.”
By the time that Lucas is able to catch his breath, he looks down again and sees that the front of his pants has a noticeable damp spot near the crotch.
“Holy fuck…” Lucas puffs, his chest rising and falling. He runs an unsteady hand through his hair, blushing furiously. “I feel like I should thank you for that or something.”
Michael laughs. “No need. Your pleasure is my pleasure, remember?”
“Yes, but... you're hard, too. Can I at least pay you back?”
“Don’t worry. You will. Soon.” Michael leaves it at that before starting the car. He passes Lucas something to clean himself off with and then pulls out of the parking garage, not even bothering to blindfold Lucas for the ride back to his place. “I don’t know who I’m becoming because of you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I’m not usually a rule breaker. But tonight, I've broken a shitload for you.”
Lucas smirks at the admission. "At least you’re having fun, right?”
"Yes." Michael, unable to ignore the warm sensation that washes over him as he briefly makes eye contact with his potential new sub, smiles and says, “The most fun I've had in months.”
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