The knocking at the door stops Lucas from pacing the floor.
"Coming!" He runs to answer it with a bright smile. “Oh, M-Master…” His train of thought crashes into a brick wall upon seeing Michael’s outfit. He’s decked out in an expensive-looking suit, ready to handle some very important business. “Shit. I feel so underdressed for this.”
“Nonsense. You look lovely.” Michael’s eyes linger on Lucas’ model-like legs longer than necessary. “May I come in?”
Lucas nods, stepping aside for Michael to enter. Lucas takes note of the large manila envelope in Michael’s hands and assumes his future—his contract—is what’s inside.
“Would you like something to drink, Master?”
“Not right now. Maybe later.” Michael takes a seat on the sofa, then pats the empty spot beside him. “Come. Let’s talk.” Lucas follows orders. Michael grins slightly. “I can be difficult to read at times, but I need you to know that I am very happy to have you as my submissive. From the moment I first laid eyes on you, I’m not embarrassed to say that I began wanting you then.”
Lucas’ pulse skyrockets at the admission. “I feel the same way, and I’m happy that we were able to make it to this point together.”
“Yes. Together.” Michael smiles before pulling the paperwork out of the envelope. He passes it to Lucas. “This is your contract. I want you to read over it carefully, and if you have any questions along the way, please ask me. I take this very seriously and the last thing that I want is for you to move forward feeling confused or uncomfortable over something that I have not properly clarified. Understand?”
“Yes, Master.”
“Good boy. Now, towards the end, you’ll see a list of various kinks. I want you to place checkmarks next to what you’re interested in; place a tilde next to what you’re on the fence about, but would try to see if it’s something you’ll like—we can approach those acts with caution—and lastly, write an X next to what you’re against. There is also a page where you can write in what else you’re for or against, if it isn’t listed on the previous pages.”
“Okay. I understand.”
“When you’re done, I’ll show you my contract and then we’ll sign them together.”
“Your contract?”
“That’s right. You’ll have one and I’ll have one,” Michael answers. “Just as you’ll be into certain things and against certain things, I have my own particular tastes and boundaries that you’ll need to abide by as well. Both of us have to be on the same page and treat each other as equals in order for this relationship to work smoothly.”
“Yes, I get that, but I… I thought that Dominant’s are above submissives. How are we equals when we’re clearly so different from each other?”
“We’re still people at the end of the day, Lucas. I can’t speak on how other Dom’s treat their submissives, but I treat mine with the utmost respect. Will I require your obedience at all times? Yes. Am I going to look down on you for giving it to me? No. Because all I want is to make you feel good and, above all, feel safe. You won’t be able to do that if you believe you’re lesser than me. Remember—the submissive holds all the power. I'm your Dominant because you allow me to be, and not for any other reason. Does that make sense?”
"It does. Thank you for breaking it down like that." Lucas relaxes in his seat, his confidence rising once again after Michael eases his remaining fears. He starts looking over the paperwork and continues to ask questions along the way, eager to get to the page where he signs his name to make all of this official.
* *
1.0.0 || The Submissive's Role
The submissive agrees to submit completely to his Master in all ways. The submissive also agrees that, once entered into the Submissive’s Contract, their body belongs to their Master, to be used as seen fit, within the guidelines defined herein.
* *
1.1.0 || The Master's Role
The Master agrees to care for the submissive, to arrange for the safety and well-being of the submissive, for as long as they own the submissive. The Master also accepts the commitment to treat the submissive properly, to train the submissive, punish the submissive, care for the submissive, and use the submissive as they see fit.
* *
“For the Punishment’s Clause, I don’t see any mention of being spanked, whipped… none of that,” Lucas says, bemused. “Why?”
“I do my best to remember everything that comes out of your pretty little mouth,” Michael replies, reaching over to play with one of Lucas’ curls. “You said to me once that if I had to punish you for being bad, you’d prefer to not get hit. Well, there are other ways that I can punish you rather than inflicting physical pain. Keep reading and you’ll see.”
Lucas does as he’s told, blushing all the while.
* *
5.0.0 || Others
The submissive is to be exclusive to his Master and may not seek any other Dominant or relate to others in any sexual or submissive way without his Master's permission.
* *
“This part about being tested regularly, and you using no condoms with me…”
“I don’t have a problem with it, but I just… I want to let you know that I’ve never gone bare with anyone before,” Lucas admits. “Not even with the guy who took my virginity. I had him wear a condom. So, you’d be the first person to have me in that way.”
Michael’s armor cracks a bit, his expression switching from impassive to pleasantly surprised. “You trust me enough to let me fuck you bare?”
Lucas nods, suddenly looking shy. “I trust you’ll take care of me to the best of your abilities. I trust you'll keep me happy at all times, and most importantly, safe.”
“Oh, Cherry boy…” Michael lightly grips Lucas by the chin and pulls him in for a quick kiss. “We’re going to have so much fun together. Thank you for believing in me, and for trusting me as much as you do. I promise I'll always keep you up, keep you green.”
“I know you will, Master.”
Lucas finishes going through the rest of the paperwork and agrees with nearly everything that he comes across: during their scenes, whether sexual or not, Lucas is to have his collar on at all times unless instructed otherwise; his training is set to last six months up to a year, but it may be amended to a shorter timeframe depending on his performance; Lucas is free to use a custom safeword while they play, or he’s allowed to follow the stoplight system; Lucas is to refer to Michael as Master at all times, but he may call him Michael depending on the situation.
And so on, and so forth.
“Now where do I sign?”
“You have to go over mine first.” Michael chuckles, pulling out additional papers from the envelope. “My rules, my limits, and everything else that you need to know about me and how I am as a Dominant is listed here. If you see something that you’re not comfortable with me doing to or with you, just let me know and we can do live edits right here, right now.”
“Sounds good.” Lucas takes Michael’s contract and looks over it closely. He takes an additional half-hour to thoroughly read through every page. “This part here talks about your other two submissives and how you wish for us to treat each other with respect and etc. I actually have a few questions about them.”
“Go on.”
“Are they close with each other?”
“Yes. Very.”
“Do you expect us all to become friends because we have you as our Dom? I don’t mind sharing you, but I'm not trying to have a sister wives situation going on here.”
Michael laughs, shaking his head. “There will come a time when I'll formally introduce you to them because you’re bound to cross paths at the club, but no, you are not required to befriend them.”
“Okay, cool.” Lucas tries to swallow the insecurity over being the new guy in the group as he goes on to ask more questions. “Do you play with them at the same time, or do they each have you to themselves on separate occasions? I’ve had threesomes before, but when it comes to something like this… I’d rather not share you with others as we play together. In my submissive state, I don’t want anyone to see me in that way but you.”
“If that’s what you want, that’s what you’ll get.” Michael takes his contract from Lucas to scribble in something along the lines of him playing with Lucas exclusively, not having any other subs participate or watch their scenes. “All done.” Michael passes the papers back to Lucas. “To answer your other questions, there have been times where my submissives have had shared scenes with me, at their request. As I’ve said, they’re very close to one another. But I also do scenes with them one-on-one. It’s really whatever they prefer, at the end of the day. Same thing applies to you; if you only want to do solo scenes with me, that’s perfectly fine. I’ll never make you do something that you’re not 100% into.”
“Thank you. It means a lot to hear you say that.”
While Lucas continues going over the documents, Michael continues speaking.
“Both of my current submissives work busy day jobs, so these days they mostly call for me whenever they have downtime. But since you’re new to all of this, I want to pay extra close attention to you, especially during your training. I’d like to see you at least two days out of the week, if that’s doable. If not, you can tell me what else works best for you.”
“Well, my schedule at work recently changed to where I now have the weekends off. Any time during then is fine with me.”
“Excellent. And how would you feel about staying the night with me every now and then?” Michael asks. “Certain scenes might be taxing on you, mentally and physically, and I wouldn’t want to send you home after an intense session. God forbid you have a sub-drop and I’m nowhere near to take care of you.”
“Well, when you put it like that, I definitely wouldn't mind sleeping over some nights,” Lucas answers without a second thought. He finishes going over Michael’s contract, and once everything is said and done, they each sign each other’s papers. “I’m all yours now, Master." Lucas smiles, passing everything back to Michael. "Where do we go from here?”
“First, I’m going to the car to retrieve your present while you wait here patiently like a good boy. And then... to kick off your training, we'll do a small scene together." Michael places his hand back on Lucas’ knee, slowly inching it upwards. “I hope you’re ready to be pampered and spoiled, pretty boy. Would you like that? Master giving you everything your heart desires and then some?"
Lucas nods, sexily biting at his lower lip.
"Y-Yes. I would love to be spoiled by Master. Want him to always pay attention to me and only me." Lucas brings a hand up to touch Michael's face, but he pauses midway. "May I?"
“Good boy for asking permission.” Michael smiles. "You may."
Lucas leans forward, cups Michael's face, and then he kisses him. He closes his eyes and moans into it when Michael pulls him onto his lap, their bodies pressed tightly together. Lucas can feel himself spiraling already. He can feel himself getting harder as Michael gently strokes his thighs, occasionally grabbing at his ass. Lucas is desperate to peel his clothes off and skip straight to the part of him being fucked within an inch of his life, but he doesn't take it there. Not without his Master’s clearance.
"When can I have your cock, Master? How long do you plan on keeping it from me?" Lucas whines, pouting cutely. "Want you so badly..." Lucas grabs one of Michael's hands and places it on his erection. "Cherry is suffering. How are we to fix this?"
"Tell you what. If you do well during the scene that I have planned for you today, Master will give you his cock... but only a taste, understand?"
Lucas' nods, hurriedly climbing off Michael in order to kneel in front of him on the ground, sitting in the same way that Bunny had done for her Goddess. "You want me like this, right? I always have to sit pretty for you before a scene starts... am I doing it correctly?"
"Yes, baby. You're perfect." Michael pinches Lucas' cheek, admiring him proudly. "Wait here for me, okay? I'll be gone and back in no time."
"Yes, Master."
Lucas turns around from the sofa so that he's sitting and facing the front door for when Michael returns. His body has never felt more alive. Every inch of his skin is tingling, his mouth watering at the fact that, if only he performs well during his scene, Michael will reward him with his cock.
Getting to suck his Master off is only a minor step down from actually being fucked by him. Lucas isn’t complaining either way. He’s ready to show out and impress. The better that he performs during his training, the closer he'll get to Michael, and soon they’ll be tied in all ways—mind, body, and eventually, maybe even soul.
After all, nothing in their contracts stated that they were forbidden from falling in love.
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