When Michael returns, he comes bearing gifts.
Lucas’ curious eyes drift from Michael’s tempting lips down to the two medium-sized gift bags in his hands. Michael places the bags on the sofa, stealthily pulling an item out of one, keeping it out of Lucas' sight. Michael then moves to stand in front of Lucas. He looks down at the boy and smiles, his pulse quickening because of the significance of this situation.
“Tell me who you belong to, pretty boy.”
“I belong to Master.”
“And who else?”
“No one else,” Lucas answers without hesitation.
“Good boy. Now hold out your hands for me,” Michael instructs. Lucas obeys and Michael places a black rectangular box in his hands. “When I saw this, I immediately thought of you.” Michael encourages Lucas to open his gift. He then lets out a quiet sigh of relief after seeing the way Lucas’ face lights up. “If you don’t like it, we can always shop for a new one together.”
"No, no... There's no need for that." Lucas isn’t sure why, but he feels the sudden urge to cry as he looks over his new–and most importantly, permanent–collar. As soon as Michael secures it around his neck, everything that they’ve been talking about until this moment will finally become real. “It’s beautiful. I love it.”
Lucas’ new collar is the perfect mix of elegant and sexy. The base consists of black lace material, and around that is a thin strip of light blue satin that comes to form a cute little bow in the front. There’s also a small metal O ring that hangs beneath the bow. That part is designed for the attachment of a leash. Lucas has never been more eager to get his training started.
“Thank you, Master. It’s perfect.” Lucas takes the collar out of the box and then holds it up for Michael to take back. “Put it on me, please?”
“It’d be my pleasure.” Michael takes the collar and then kneels down on one knee, wanting to be on Lucas’ level as he does this with him for the first time. “I know you’ve already read this in our contracts, but I want to say it again to make sure you fully understand. Before we are to start a scene, you will be asked to get into position, as you are now, and then you will be collared. Having your collar on is to help you differentiate between reality and playtime. Understand?”
Lucas nods. “Yes, Master.”
“Good boy." Michael secures the collar around Lucas' neck, a shiver running throughout his body as he does so. "Your safety is much more important to me than having your obedience. I want you to know that although you are collared, it does not mean that you are to ignore the stoplight system and do whatever I ask of you. If at any point you feel like you need to take a break, or you want things to come to an end, what are you to say to me?”
“Yellow to slow down; Red to stop immediately; Green to keep going.”
“Good boy. Are you ready to play with Master now?”
“Yes! So ready.”
Michael chuckles while helping Lucas up from the ground. “I know how hungry you are for my cock, but before I give you what you want, there’s something I’d like to test first.”
“And what might that be, Master?”
"Your patience," Michael smirks, his blue eyes darkening. “I want to see how long my Cherry boy can go without cumming. Perhaps this will be something that we’ll have to work on going forward, or maybe it won’t. We’ll find out tonight, won’t we?” Michael reaches for Lucas’ belt, but pauses to look into his eyes. “I want you naked for this. Do you give Master permission to remove your clothes?”
“Yes, please.” Lucas is trembling with excitement. “But Master never has to ask that. You can do whatever you want to me. I trust you completely, remember?”
“Of course. I could never forget such a thing.” Michael presses a quick kiss to Lucas’ lips, then carries on with undressing him slowly. “You’ll come to learn that I’m not big on messes. Whenever I have you get undressed for me, what shall you do next?”
“I…” Lucas thinks back to what was listed in his contract. “I fold the clothes and move them out of our way.”
“Good boy. Now spin around for me first. I want to get a good look at what's mine.”
Lucas obeys. He confidently stands naked in front of the sofa, slowly spinning around in a circle while Michael’s eyes take in every inch of his slender frame.
“Tell me something, Cherry. Do you know just how pretty you are to me?” Michael gently grabs Lucas by the hips, pulling him in close enough to where no space is left between their bodies. Lucas blushes from the intensity of it all. He shakes his head regarding Michael’s question. “Pretty enough to get me this hard without having fucked you yet.” Michael flexes his hips forward, knowing Lucas can feel his protruding erection. “You’re the prettiest boy that I’ve ever seen, Cherry. And I really, really hope you do well with the task that I’m about to give you because I’ll be very disappointed if I have to leave here without knowing how your lovely mouth feels when wrapped around my cock.”
“I-I’ll be good for you, Master. I'll make you proud,” Lucas replies, halfway moaning when he feels Michael’s fingers brush across his entrance, which is still sensitive from when he played with his vibrator earlier in the day. “M-Master, please…”
“What? Can’t take my teasing your cute little hole?” Michael chuckles, pulling back. “Better get used to it, Cherry. There’ll be a lot of that coming your way soon.”
Michael has Lucas fold his clothes and then set them aside on the furthest end of the sofa. Michael then takes a seat and has Lucas sit in front of him in between his legs, Lucas’ back to Michael’s front. Lucas can hear Michael mess around with the gift bags again, but he can’t see what Michael is doing due to his current position.
It isn’t until Michael passes him a book on BDSM that Lucas furrows his brows in confusion. “Does Master… want me to read all of this?”
“No. Just the first ten pages of chapter one.” Michael leans forward, pressing a soft kiss to the back of Lucas’ neck, just above his collar. “And if you mess up while reading, you’ll have to start over from the beginning. If you don’t mess up, Master will give you a prize in the end. I’m sure you can guess what it might be.”
Lucas looks down at the book in his unsteady hands and he swallows hard, anxious about what’s coming next. “Master will reward Cherry with his cock?”
“And my cum. You want that as well, don't you?” Michael whispers near Lucas’ ear, lightly nipping at it with his teeth. “Because your Master is kind and doesn’t want his baby to suffer longer than necessary, I'll return the favor if you’re able to make me cum. But that’s only if you work hard and make me proud. Can you do that for me, Cherry? Will you read all ten pages without making any mistakes? Will you work hard to earn your reward?”
“Yes, I—fuck,” Lucas whimpers as Michael continues to plant light kisses along his shoulders, making Lucas shudder as he struggles to ignore his throbbing and leaking cock. This is clearly not going to be as simple as Lucas had thought. Nevertheless, he tries to hold the massive book steady in his hands as he opens it to the first page. “I will make Master proud. Make no mistakes.”
“That’s right, baby. No mistakes.” Michael leans back to grab one of the toys that he brought with him, and just as Lucas is halfway down page two, Michael drags the feathered end of the toy along his back. Lucas gasps and immediately straightens his posture. “I didn’t tell you to stop reading, Cherry. Keep going or else I’ll have you start over from the beginning.”
This is such a stupid fucking test, Lucas thinks, internally rolling his eyes. But it’s one I’ll pass. He can’t break me this early on…
Michael continues to tease Lucas with the feather tickler, slowly dragging it across Lucas’ shoulders, down each arm and back up again, even targeting the sides of his thighs. Lucas tries but struggles to read from the book, unsure of whether to giggle or moan because he had no idea how something so small and simple could pack such a mighty punch.
And damn Michael to hell for not allowing Lucas to cheat.
Lucas had tried on page six to pull a fast one and read at a slightly quicker pace, but Michael had noticed and immediately cut him off, giving him another warning before telling him to read normally or else he’d have him start from the beginning again. Lucas pouted, but ultimately did as he was told. He’s desperate to pass this test and see it through to the end. He wants his reward—Michael’s cock—and the only way he’ll get it is by playing fair, not dirty.
“Dominants should never play with their submissives while under the influence. Playing while sober is critically important because…”
When Lucas eventually reaches page eight, almost at the finish line, Michael decides to take his playful torment up a notch. He sets the feather tickler aside and uses two weapons that none of his current subs can withstand—his bare hands.
“… which is why communication is k-key…” Lucas stammers, almost losing his grip on the book after Michael starts sucking on his neck, his fingers playing with Lucas’ erect nipples. Lucas briefly glances down at the mess his cock is making on the carpet and he wonders how much longer he can go before throwing in the towel and begging his Master for relief. “If the s-submissive voices a concern, it is the Dominant’s job t-to listen attentively, and not disregard them as if their f-feelings are unimportant…”
After Lucas turns to page nine, he breathes a sigh of relief. The book has pictures! He doesn’t have much to read on pages nine and ten, so he hurriedly soldiers on.
“What’s your color, Cherry?” Michael asks as Lucas approaches the end of page ten. He smiles, feeling proud that Lucas has been able to withstand all of his incessant teasing. The majority of Lucas’ neck and shoulders are covered in hickeys and little bite marks, something he’ll definitely have to cover with makeup before he returns to work.
“I’m Green, Master. I-I’m up.”
Michael brings a hand forward, turning Lucas’ face to the side so that they’re looking at each other. He can see that Lucas is undeniably green because his pupils are a bit dilated, signaling that he's slipping into his happy place.
“You’re doing such a good job, Cherry boy. Just one more paragraph to go, and then Master will give you what you want. You remember what the prize is, right?”
“Y-Yes. Your cock. Want it so bad...”
"I know you do, baby. And you'll have it as soon as you finish reading."
check the description box for important info. regarding this series!
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