82. Do not think you are any better, you would have done the same thing they did in their place. You would not understand Until it happens to you.
83. Unfairness falls before the human wit. Those who truly conspires may start an Inception of the epic, they just need to find the right place and the right time. One with the wit and patience is a true individual. Here wit is a higher intelligence; use by those who don't fall and those who don't break, those who can imagine and those who controls the real war.
84. When you feel they don't respect your space, your ideas and your likes and dislikes, leave them or add some boundaries, you don't have to take it or compromise your feelings. Build your life a new, without much of their presence, be alone if you have to be, Your life is not for one day or one month, there will be years to come. Enjoy your life in your own way, let others have their own life. They are not you and you are not them. If you die today , they are not bound to do anything unless they are in a position to do so, it is what they think. Modify your will and wish in a new way, control your urge to do anything. Don't bleed with your emotions. Everything is fake and pretentious, Know it and accept it, nobody is here to protect you unless you are fulfilling their cause or it will effect their cause. Your life feels the cruelty of this world when you have a brother who don't appreciate what you are doing for them or a friend who ignores you. Sometimes you may not have a brother or a friend, world does not stop, everything and everyone moves on. No one waits. So don't give meaning on what doesn't have any meaning. It's time to wake up, this world and you are not the same.
85. Those who don't see their own faces on mirror, selfish beyond comprehension, they have a problem. Law is created because they want to get everything when there are other peoples to consider. Such mind is sick.
86. Trying is not winning, committing is not murdering. If dhuryaddhan was trying to get drupodi naked that does not mean he got her naked. Krishna got her clothes, that means the base of kurukkhetra war was false. (Mahabharata)
87. When the society have problems, you have the responsibility to solve them(someone have to bell the cat). Otherwise when you are born again you will face the same problems in their ultimate form. Remember, you are here to observe, experience, experiment and to disobey.
88. If universe has a consciousness (paramatma/ God form), it is trying to make you smart. It is giving you conditions after conditions for a bigger problem. If you can not get out of that condition (or die), the universe turn you into a story for others to find out and to use it in their solving or curiosity.
89. Individualism gives you the thought of your EXISTENCE. It gives you the education for you to not to depend on others in a way that you have no EXISTENCE, not only to full fill your needs but to consider others need because it will make you think about others that they are also individuals. Everything should not be in a position to be considered as stereotype but there need to be a standardized way( witches have big nose, but womens can also act like a witch, difference between love and rape) . It is for you to consider your emotions are false, but if you are the other you should consider what kind of emotions can that person feel. You should also consider others are not you, they do not feel the same way you do.
90. What is an criminal act? When you want to show how right you are, and how needy you are considering the world is all about you or about the people you know or about the people who gives you some value, you do some actions to show your EXISTENCE, to show your power. Those actions are criminal actions. Example- you kill or try to kill the husband of your sister because he had an affair( to show nobody can do that to your sister aka you), you have an affair because you can and your wife/husband can not, you rape someone ( may be because that person insulted you somehow or made you feel low or shame).
91. You should talk more and more, try not to insult others or their beliefs. Leave the way of anger, control your emotions; your emotions are false. No one is right, no one is wrong. You are both right and you should consider each other.( My fake mother cried and I tried to show her sympathy(my understanding to her feelings), when I cried she left me with her daughter and my father) when only one side considers the rule fails, so consider them if they are considering you (compromise if you have to). Do not have feeling for others, the one thing you should have is empathy where you don't depend on your emotions but you should depend on your understanding of their emotions.
92. Don't make your children obey you, give them choices, don't make them selves. Don't give them the thought you will do everything for them, if you can not give them anything educate them about the reality by leaving your false pride. They need to standardise their view of life by themselves. Others are not you and you are not them. Share good advices, share new ideas, learn their ideas. You are not an absolute, don't be a criminal. Don't just make stuffs up by your selves. Let others have their chance, don't be jealous of others. No people should be under your foot but by your side. No one should be your enemy but your rival. There should not be any competition but the use of Merritt and Merritt should be considered between closely or equally knowledgeable people.
93. They will tell you that they are superior, they will give you numbers and number 1 is high. They will hit you because you forgot something or didn't do something they told you to do. They will make you feel low and they will make you fear them. They will force you to respect them just because they have a majority or may be because they have some kind of power over you. This is abuse. A society should not be leveled, an individual should not be leveled. We all are human so act like we are all the same.
94. No human should be chosen by other human. Anything or any work should be based on people's will, wish, dreams and ability to do that thing or work. There should not be any physical competition but mental. Human will never have proper equal mind untill there is any kind of fear that exist in their minds. If you can not be fearless at least try to be. Sometimes you need fear to survive, that's why you need to be smart so that you can abolish the cause of fear and become fearless.
95. Don't make something your only following path. Nothing stays same. You will be in shock when anything changes. Nothing is the only truth. Every one have their own views and perspectives. When you respect it, you will gain good friends. You will also gain friends on equal terms. But good friends are those who support you with respect and give their opinion for you to consider but not to make you to obey something and otherwise you will feel bad.
96. There are differences between giving opinion and insults. You can always find better words. Cursing someone is not always necessary. You can use threat in a good manner against any curse. Kindness is a fantasy that does not mean you can not use kindness in your life. Even when you are criticizing something you should criticize by considering all the angels so that others can respect your criticisms. ( My brother said one piece is shitty in wano arc and I regret watching the great one piece(anime) with him because he wasn't even watching it like me, not considering it as a whole but parts. My regret was I introduced him to this great storytelling) So to criticize have all the informations, just don't have some of it and think you have the right to insult what is liked by others like it is their life.
97. If you don't want to hear something from others, don't tell them the same thing in your version. ( Muslims don't want to be mocked or insulted when their their religion is based on insults and mockery. They mocked idles and other religions when others could not mock their God and their prophet and still can not. They should know a belief is only a belief. It is not real and it does not have to be real, if you want to follow something follow it in your own or the objective way, don't kill others just because they don't agree with you. Such idea is dangerous and those who becomes highly religious they will follow it like it is real. They will amputate you if you commit theft and consider womanhood as half of manhood. Individuality and equality becomes invisible in such society and idea)
98. When you think your life should be more, you have to reform your life not change it. You are the result of what you did in your past, you can not just ignore who you were. You can always follow better ideas, better rules. You can always build a better life. If you think your old ideas have harmed you, you have the right to tell others about it, it does not mean you are insulting the whole community of that idea. And that community does not have the right to judge you like you are the criminal.
99. You only felt being alive by your seed of Discovery, by the thrill of adventure or by the prebendary presentation of information. You are a precursor because you aimed for that beauty, the realize of your emotions were false but strong. The feelings of your heart(core) which you can not ever stop, you search for those feelings, with your beyond impossible thought. You can leave whatever was important, just to feel the glimpse of that chill, arguably you select, a new world dream. Believe in the make believe, when it is real to you; others are not you, and you are the only you, that makes this world a "TRUE".
102. When you are in a position that is considered good by others and you are not doing anything about it or you are not just emotionally up to it, they will lecture you, teach you, fill you with lies and constructive criticism, order you with their fake beauty or make you pay just because they can.
103. Be more patient, everything is long term for you. Try to live to the fullest. Some things you can only do now and some things you can do better in the future. Consider this and be free, free of what may trouble you. Live in the future, you should not; The present is what there is. What you only do now, you can only find its result in the future and the present will the past for you to remember if it is troubling enough.
104. Universe said, I will always morph into something else, so always morph with me or you will left behind or go extinct.
105. The things that make you fell lesser than you are is evil (Mr. Rogers). But the things you should not feel is pride in everything and power over other people. There is something inside you that will always be with you and that is how you lived, unless you forget it completely you can never be someone else, you will always return to your true oint of existence.
106. You can create you own ways and character to release your emotions. You can always look for somebody who is helping, there is always somebody who is trying to help, you just need to find him.
107. Those who have power does not want to be pushed, they will never let you have it until they die. They will only do it if they are stupid, they will fight if they are not. They will only give you something when they have all of it. When they have nothing they will try their best to ruin your something.
108. You can not control the whole of the world, you can only be a part of it.
109. You can not earn the value, if you do not care about the value of others.
110. If you think you're all the same then all boys and girls should have the same name, wear same clothes, eat the same food and shit the same shit. If you think we are all different and unique then don't make groups of common interest, don't make others do stuff for you and don't put value on relations. We are neither the same or unique, neither different or equal. We are all human and that should be our only identity not spatiality or talent. Look at the numbers, 8 billion people on earth, doing the same things until they die, everything and everyone becomes like nothing was ever here. What to do then, when happiness is something that is what you think of. This life is a prison, everyone is a slave of something (AOT). The only freedom is the destruction of everything and everyone, the complete memory of EXISTENCE to be fully erased and for that there need to be a God. Existence can not be better by balanced, from the memory of all previous existence it was never good. It is not my depression that is saying it. Just look at this EXISTENCE, there is always something bigger, there is only chaos. Everything returns to its constant state, just to be manipulated by something else to be entirely something else; then the process repeats itself to reach to its own entropy. The universal entropy creates possibilities for new things and that is the problem, the new is the disguise, it is the same things.
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