If you are sensitive to racial stores dont read this!!! You have been warned I dont want any hate bc of this!
Hey, my names Linda and before you ask, yes I'm black.
So my mother sent me to a new school.
When I got there, I noticed that there were only 5 black skinned people out of 50 white kids.
It didn't bother me all that much accept for the fact that they called me a criminal.
One of the girls at school came up to me during lunch.
"I'm sorry, blacky's dont get food! They have to earn it-" Grace told me
"B-But I'm not a slave I'm just like you-"
Before anymore words game out of my mouth, Grace screamed and started to hit herself.
Soon, her entire face was covered in slap marks.
Then she yelled "Teacher call the police, Linda attacked me!"
Before I could say a word, the police man pinned me to the ground and said " you under arrest for assault"
What the fuck?! I was only 16 at the time! What the actual hell.
I faced a jury 3 weeks later.
Yea....more than half were white.
They glared at me.
The Judge asked me to tell the story.
I did and they all scoffed and rolled their eyes in disbelief.
My mother never gave me "The Talk"
No its not the sx talk..its the black talk.
Instead of letting them sentence me, I stood up and spoke my mind.
Because "Aint no body gonna make me be quite. When I wanna talk I talk." (The Hate U Give movie quote, yes that movie is hard to watch I cried many times)
Warning long speech:
"Yea, I'm black. Damn being black is a gift...its like sitting on a throne, I may be different but at least I was born to stand out. The color of my skin doesnt define who I am as a human. Many of you white folks grab you prized possessions whenever we get in the same room as you. You used us as slaved for a long fucking time. You beat us and hurt us...and then you call us the "N" word because you wanted to. You used it against us..and to this day you still say it...but I may look dangerous but I'm far from it. So next time you sentence a black person..think is it because of their race?"
I sat back down..
But hey, I guess you'll never find out weather or not I went to jail now will you.
god why does it have to be like that sometimes. your story was so beautiful and powerful, it just sucks that the world is still like this after so long.
I loved your voice and know that your words are heard, that not everyone in the world is just here to oppress others, we stand together or fall the same.
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