*insert name* was walking down the street, memorizing all the streets. It really wasn’t that hard, there were only about 5.
She used to live in the suburbs, so such a tight town was a bit new. It gave her anxiety, to be frank.
She slowed her pace as she saw the person from earlier. Random Shoot, she believed their name was.
“Hey there, pogchamp! How ya doing?” Random Shoot did a quick bow and smiled at her. *insert name* backed up, and then relaxed.
“Fine, fine. How are you?” *insert name* replied, wearily. Random Shoot was basically vibrating. They were way too hyper for their own good.
“I am just amazing! Really, I don’t know how this day could possibly get any better!”
Random Shoot exclaimed.
“Is that sarcasm or are you just a maniac?” *insert name* asked, gesturing to Random Shoot. “Stop asking such silly questions! We should go do something fun!” They grabbed her hand and started running abruptly. *insert name* struggled to keep up with their energetic pacing.
“We got lots more people to meet!” Random Shoot pulled her in all different directions, like they were looking for something, or someone.
“Where are we going?” *insert name* asked shakily. How could a person be so fast?
“Disgusting Blob! She’d love to meet you!” Random Shoot looked back at her, a windblown grin on their face.
Another weird name. Huh. You know, from a town universes away, they had quite a few similarities.
Random Shoot finally slowed down as they approached...something? *insert name* couldn’t wrap her head around it. It hurt her brain. It was a place but...not a place? A cave? Moss? But it wasn’t really there. It was there but not there. Random Shoot started yelling, which certainly didn’t help *insert name*’s dilemma.
“Disgusting Blooooooooooooooooooooob! Come out! I have a new friend!” Only a few seconds after the call, a huge glob of slime, dirt, hair, and many other things. A tall green creature accompanied her. They came up and observed *insert name*, the green thing sneering and Disgusting Blob donning a huge smile.
“Hello sweetie! What’s your name?” Disgusting Blob circled around her. “U-uhm, *insert name*?” Disgusting Blob squealed. “That’s a lovely name dear!” Disgusting Blob smiled warmly and *insert name* couldn’t help but smile back at the loving figure. Suddenly, she tuned in to two voices behind her.
“Where did you even find her? You know we shouldn’t bring in outsiders. Who knows what she could be hiding?”
“Relax. I get a good vibe.”
“A good vibe? Have you forgotten-”
“Children! Stop fussing! We have a guest!” That seemed to be the only thing to shut the still nameless green thing and Random Shoot didn’t want to get lectured either.
“Thank you. Now I dont think you’ve met Green mf yet! Come over here, chop chop!” Green mf begrudgingly and stared at her through slitted eyes. “Hello there, my name is Green mf, I know that you’re *insert name*.”
*insert name* nodded. “Why are you so mad?” she asked. Green mf bared his teeth. “Because...there are things out there you can’t understand. Who knows what you’ll do or what you’re planning with your intolerable lack of understanding!” *insert name* sat there, feeling small. “Green mf!” Disgusting Blob said sternly. Random Shoot’s smile was starting to shake, but prevailed nonetheless. Green mf turned his head. “You’re lucky you have a smart person to worry about you, because you sure aren’t worrying about yourselves.” He strutted away, arms crossed.
“What’s up with him?” Random Shoot asked, amazed and annoyed *insert name* wasn’t being accepted immediately.
“Oh Random Shoot,you know how he is. This happens every time. He’ll warm up to her, just give him a moment.” Disgusting Blob allowed them to lean on her as *insert name* watched.
Disgusting Blob smiled at her. “Come on.” she said. *insert name* cautiously walked up and entered the circle. She leaned on Disgusting Blob and closed her eyes.
“There. How does that feel?” *insert name* smiled. “It feels...better, comforting. I like you.” Disgusting Blob laughed. “Good, good.”
Random Shoot quivered with excitement. “Does this mean she’s part of our family now?”
“Well, I guess that’s up to *insert name*.” Disgusting Blob said. Random Shoot looked at *insert name*. “Are you part of our family now?” They asked.
“Well, I guess I could be?” *insert name* replied, unsure.
It seemed to be enough for Random Shoot though, as they ran up to her and hugged her.
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