*insert name* was vibing with That One Guy in the dumpster. They were eating Doritos with tomato juice? *insert name* didn’t get it, sounded like something an 11 year old would come up with.
Being with That One Guy was nice though. *insert name* had been there for a few days and was getting to know everyone. The food was nice, the homes were nice, the people were...decent, and *insert name* barely thought about home!
home home home home home home home home home home home home home home.
im never coming home
its all gone
its all-
“*insert name*?”
*insert name* looked up and wiped her eye space fast.
“Are you okay?” That One Guy asked her with concern clear on his face, though there was little light.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.” *insert name* gave a smile and continued eating. That One Guy looked skeptical but didn’t reply.
*insert name* was glad.
Bob was a strange little man. A simple white circle with sticks for arms, legs, and fingers. A simple face too. He was going to Green Mf to get help with a math assignment, from somewhere. He didn’t know where. He knocked on Green Mf’s door, and Green answered. He didn’t look so good. Dark circles under his eyes and coffee from the place down the street.
“Yo, green guy. I need some help wit mi math assignment.” Green Mf looked at him with dawning horror. “What did you just say...?” He said. Something about that sentence put him off. “I said I needed help with math. Do you really hate me this much?” Bob said, confused and offended. Green Mf snapped out of it. He invited Bob inside. Well, he could always use extra math practice, even if it was with his least favorite citizen.
*insert name* was walking down the street with Disgusting Blob. She had always lacked parents, so she clung to her only maternal figure closely.
“How have you been?” Disgusting Blob asked. “Fine, I just can’t think about my old world that much or I freak out.” Disgusting Blob sighed. “I know. We all came from places we’d love to forget, ynow?” *insert name* seem surprised at this. “Oh.” Disgusting Blob nodded the best she could.
“This place is safe though. Until you’re ready to face it.”
“Face what?”
“Hey guys!” Random Shoot ran up to them out of nowhere, like he appeared there solely to interrupt them
“Oh! Hello dear!” Disgusting Blob smiled at them and hugged? Them. *insert name* was still a bit weary of Random Shoot. They were far too cheerful to be normal. Random Shoot went right up in her face and said “How have you been enjoying the town?” *insert name* frantically backed away. “Fine! It’s been fine, stop doing that…” Random Shoot’s smile didn’t falter. “Sure!”
It was almost creepy how smiley Random Shoot was.
*insert name* didn’t trust them.
That One Guy searched around. He was looking for a specific person. Alien? He did come from another planet...well, so did he, so he guessed he shouldn’t judge.
That One Guy needed to ask this person about what he wanted for Christmas. It was already getting cold outside, and it only got cold around Thanksgiving, so That One Guy knew Christmas was just around the bend.
He started thinking about the person more and pulled his scarf up to hide the blush forming. So he had a little crush. So what?
Green mf and Bob finished the sheet. Green mf sighed with annoyance. That had been incredibly irritating. Bob just didn’t understand ANYTHING. Green mf needed a whole pantry full of coffee after that. Bob left smiling, and just walked out into the cold completely bare. “Freeze.” Green mf said under his breath. He decided to go out for a walk to clear his mind, and in the opposite direction Bob went. He got his red coat on and headed out.
That One Guy skipped down the street, sure he was nearing the person’s living place. As he turned the corner he crashed into his person of choice and apologized profusely before realizing who it was.
“Oh Green Mf! Hi! I was just looking for you!” That One Guy’s face reddened from embarrassment and other things.
“Oh, the bearable one.” Green mf replied. That One Guy smiled.
“Hey, what do you want for Christmas?”
Green Mf looked confused. “Already? I uh, actually I could use a new coffee cup, mine’s pretty well loved.” He said, looking away.
“I can do that!” That One Guy said, looking up at him. “Let’s walk together.”
Green Mf nodded and That One Guy celebrated in his mind.
Green Mf was even able to smile a bit.
*insert name* was talking with the rest of the party. Strangely, it was possible for Random Shoot to frown, but only for a split second. Then, a short round circle came up to them and joined the conversation. He was mostly talking about how good at math he was while Disgusting Blob praised him, as she does.
A few moments later, That One Guy and Green Mf came down the sidewalk, laughing together, Green Mf stopping to groan when he saw Bob. Disgusting Blob nudged him. They all talked and laughed together, talking about Christmas presents.
Random Shoot buzzed with joy. This was exactly what they wanted. To see their friends all happy and laughing together. They barely even minded the curse’s creations pawing at their leg. Even Green Mf was getting along with everyone, he was even tolerating *insert name*. Just barely.
Random Shoot knew *insert name* was just the person they needed to take it down.
Meanwhile, as happiness bustled, a creature of nightmares watched blankly.
It sent whispers out to the happy one, Random Shoot, and saw their energy dim slightly.
Random Shoot thought about her-themself then, and about how sh-they couldn’t be as happy as the group and didn’t deserve to laugh with them. They then smiled brighter, and wouldn’t dim again.
They promised.
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