Weird Kid and Random Shoot arrived at Etsuko’s just as *insert name* exited the building. “You!” Weird Kid shouted.
“Uhhhh, do I know you?” *insert name* asked, pointing at Weird Kid, holding her ice cream in the other hand.
“No, but, so help me if you turn out to be evil I will destroy you painfully and torturously until you are nothing but a burnt pile of brutally torn apart limbs!” Weird Kid spat at *insert name* from under his mask.
“Wow, the people here are so welcoming.” *insert name* said sarcastically. She was honestly confused on why these people were so paranoid.
Did it have something to do with the weird creature in the forest?”
Weird Kid growled like a feral animal and then backed off, standing next to Random Shoot somewhat defensively.
“The people here are very welcoming! They just have a few...quirks!” Random Shoot said, flailing their arms around. “I swear!”
*insert name* frowned. She would learn to live with them, she believed. Still, this would be a bit annoying to get used to.
“I guess.” *insert name replied.
The later days were interesting, as there was a lot of prep for christmas. She saw town members she didn’t know existed. There was a nice lady who was Etsuko’s wife who helped put up lights and prepare christmas treats. There was a strange man with a strange mouth and strange, numbery eyes. There was also a cool alien and their girlfriend who used to be space captains! This town was so unique.
*insert name* was putting presents under the big tree in the center of the small town. There were brightly colored ornaments all over the tree and amazing golden lights that wrapped around the evergreen. *insert name* gave kudos to the space captain, Gray, she thought, who got the tree from the forest. Didn’t they care about the creature?
*insert name suddenly felt a peck at her arm and shot a glance to her left. There was a creature with a chicken head and lizard legs. Just as she expected, Random Shoot came to pick up the creature. “Hey, sorry about that.” They said, smiling their creepy smile.
“S’okay.” *insert name* replied. Random Shoot nodded and sat down next to her.
“So, you gotten anyone a present?” Random Shoot asked. *insert name* thought for a moment. “Uh, yeah actually. I got Disgusting Blob one. She’s nice.” Random Shoot sighed happily. “Yeah, I like her too.”
They sat for a moment. Enjoying the tree together. “I got something for you too, as a thank you for saving me.” *insert name* said. She was warming up to Random Shoot. “Ooh! What is it?” Random Shoot was excited. They were excited easily. “Can’t tell you!” *insert name* said, smirking. Random Shoot snickered and gave her a playful smack. *insert name* smacked right back.
That One Guy sat alone, quietly sipping his hot chocolate. It was a cold day, and That One Guy didn’t like the cold. He liked warm, sunny beaches. Big green tropical leaves and lukewarm water. God, it’s been so long since he’d been to a beach. He was deep in thought when another figure sat down next to him. It was none other than Green Mf. That One Guy snuck a peek at him. He looked troubled as always, even on christmas. He had a drink with him too, most likely coffee rather than hot chocolate though.
They sat in silence for a few moments before That One Guy spoke up. “How have you been?”
“Fine.” Green Mf replied. He finally relaxed and gave in to conversation. “How have you been?”
That One Guy laughed. “Cold.” Green Mf smiled a bit. “Maybe you should drink more hot chocolate. We should go to Etsuko’s together sometime.”
That One Guy blushed and hid under his scarf. “Yeah. Yeah we should.”
Disgusting Blob jingled around the house with her bells. She always put them up. She believed that they granted wishes. She had wished for a home all those years ago, and look where she was now!
As soon as she finished, she went outside to go meet up with the others. The trek to the middle of town was fun. It had begun snowing, and Disgusting Blob loved it. Christmas was always so magical, and what was even better was enjoying it with friends! She arrived at town square quickly, as the town was still small, and saw the commotion. It filled her up with joy and she immediately started socializing.
She gravitated to Random Shoot and *insert name*. They were play fighting like siblings. “Hello dears!” Disgusting Blob exclaimed as she neared them. Random Shoot perked up a her voice and *insert name turned her head around. “Oh, hey!” She said, pushing Random Shoot off of her. Random SHoot tumbled for a moment and then sat up. “HI!” They said, smiling a cheerful smile.
“What are you two doing?” Disgusting Blob asked. “Well, we were battling, but now, I think we’re just gonna look at the tree.” *insert name said, turning back to the beautiful tree. “It is lovely, isn’t it.” Disgusting Blob added, smiling warmly at the tree.
“Yeah.” Random Shoot agreed in awe. That person will always get excited by anything, even if they’ve already seen it.
The tree lit up the nights all leading up to Christmas and even after that. It repelled the darkness and left only the light, and Disgusting Blob was grateful for that, even if it was only for one month.
They could all do with a little light, after all.
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