Green Mf and *insert name* were…something.
“Duck’s are very interesting creatures! Did you know-”
“Ducks look weird!”
It was constant bickering between the two over nothing. Who lost the sacred socks, who ate the last roll, who knocked the chair over…
It was always something.
Random Shoot needed it to be fixed. They needed the two to get along. What kind of friend were they to let them keep fighting like this? A bad friend. That’s what they were. A horrible, awful friend.
Random Shoot didn’t like these thoughts, and decided to fix it.
Right here, right now.
*insert name* was walking down the street, counting the buildings. *insert name* liked counting, it helped with stress, and recently, *insert name* had been very stressed.
At first, it had just been about her old life, now it was about her new life too. Her best friend, That One guy, had been acting strange, and her other best friend, Random Shoot, had been gone for a while. *insert name* sighed and continued on.
Suddenly, she felt an object ram into her head, and she felt woozy, then she passed out on the ground. The figure behind her was dressed in all black, and carried her into an alleyway.
When *insert name* woke up, she was in a colorful room. Next to her was Green Mf, who seemed lost in thought. “What’s…happening?” *insert name* asked. “We’re in some sort of room.” He replied, still lost in thought.
“Hmmm. Well there must be a way to escape.” *insert name* said, standing up and offering her hand to Green Mf. He stood up on his own. “Yeah, must be.” Green Mf added sarcastically. “Hey, I’m just trying to help! We’ll have to work together to get out of here, so might as well play nice!” *inset name* began to raise her voice. Green Mf raised it louder. “I’m not gonna take orders from a rat!”
“Stop calling me that!” *insert name* yelled.
Then the room went dark.
Green Mf growled. “Are you serious?”
*insert name* groaned. “Guess we have to find our way in the dark. Least it's not totally pitch black.”
They searched for clues for hours. It was pretty hard with all the bright, disorienting colors.
*insert name* was searching in a crevice. There were a few pieces of wall surrounding a black hole, and *insert name* reached out into the dark. It wasn’t a very good move for a mysterious room, but *insert name* was determined to break out.
She pulled out a yellow piece of paper with Look up on it. Despite herself, she did, and there was a lever way high up.
*insert name* groaned again.
“I found a lever!” She yelled to the other side of the room. Green Mf to *insert name* and walked over to her.He crossed his arms. “Where is it?”
“Up there.” Green Mf looked up, and lo and behold there was a lever. Green Mf scoffed. “And how do we get up there?”
So they climbed. Over and over again, but they didn’t get very far.. Who knows how long this went on for before Green Mf said “We need to try something else.”
“Fine.” *insert name* huffed. “Any ideas?”
Green Mf thought for a moment. His eyes lit up, and he kneeled down.
“Climb on my shoulders. We can’t do it alone but we can do it together.” *insert name* shrugged and stood on his shoulders. *insert name* felt a little sick as he stood up, he was very tall.
She snapped out of it. They were just tall enough to reach the lever.
*insert name* pulled it down, and a door opened. The two cheered and Green Mf allowed *insert name* off. “We did it!” She chanted as she ran through the door. Green Mf followed with a calm smile on his face, but it didn’t last long as they were only met with another room. It looked like a two way obstacle course.
The two sighed in unison.
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