A crowd of people flood near the stage. The movement of the group is like an ocean’s current. The mood is loud and ready for another band to sing, but the only person beginning to get seasick is a small man peering behind the curtains. If it weren’t for the mixture of lights and the loud noise, maybe he would've been fine. But he knew deep down that that wouldn’t be enough. He points his attention to a couple of pals talking amongst themselves. They were excited about the next show. He wished he was there now, with his group of friends. Going to concerts and having a blast of a time listening to new indie bands.
He was quickly pulled out of the reality into his current one by his good friend’s friendly tap on the shoulder. “Hey Basil, you ready for the show?!” He looks over his shoulder, still trying to concentrate on not throwing up. Compared to him, she was up in the clouds, enjoying the view. Her curly, light green tinted hair rained down the clouds in all directions. Basil was trying to catch the right words but they jumping like grasshoppers. “I don’t— I, uh. No. No, I’m not ready.” She can already tell and says, “Yeah, I can tell.” She put an arm over his shoulder directing him away from the curtains.“So, what’s happening my friend, what’s making you have so many butterflies in your stomach?” — “More like cockroaches,” Basil mutters.
He doesn’t think what he is about to say. It comes naturally like breathing air, “I don’t know Rose, I think it might be a little bit of everything. The lights, the noise, the people. I can’t think straight and I’m just wondering, why am I here? I mean out of all the different talents out there, how am I any better? And this is not even bringing up the fact that I’m nervous about flunking up. I’m scared out of my mind and I don’t think I want to perform.” Two hands perch on his shoulder, “Look at my eyes,” Rosemary says. “Don’t try to look for something else just look at me.” He looks into her amber-like eyes, hypnotizes.
He wonders if she has the answers to all of his questions. “Listen, I don’t have the answers to all your questions,” he slumps down a bit. “But, I do believe that you can do this. We have been preparing for our whole life to get where we are today. Sure, this is different than our band sess, but this is the chance to get somewhere with our music than playing it in front of ourselves. What I’m saying might not help you at the moment, but I am 135% confident that you can do this.” — “What about the other 5%?” — “Eh, you can still work towards that.”
They both share a chuckle. “Hey, Rose.” — “Yeah, Basil?” — “Thanks for being a good friend… and an okay bandmate.” Rose lightly punches Basil’s shoulder. “You got all the nervous bugs out?” — “Yep I think I did.” He turns to the curtain again, in his mind, he stills fears the consequence if he messes up, but in his heart, he knows that this is what he wants to do. “Let’s give this crowd a great show Rose!” – “Yeah, that more like it!” Their group lines up near the stage and is ready to play. Basil holds the bass while Rose sits with the drums. His other bandmates are ready too. The bugs are still jittery in his stomach, but he tries to swallow them down. He hears the announcer call their band name, “Give it up for the Herbs!” The curtains open up slowly and the show is about to begin.
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