To That Boy in My Class Roses are red,Violets are blue,I could never live with myself,If I even pretended to like you.I will admit,You're not too bad,Compared to the other boys,You don't act like a Chad. Before I continue,I don't mean love,I mean being a friend to you,Cause you disgust me. I guess I must tell you,My reason for hate,You act like a baby,Something that doesn't need debate. Oh I am not done,So don't you dare leave yet,I still have to explain my hate for you,Plus, you should be lucky I'm not making any threats. To be fair I should tell you this in person,But I like writing,and drawing,Speaking is really anxiety heightening. If you do get this,Stop speaking to me and my friend,The fact she tried to kill you,Should have been enough for you to comprehend.
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