A lump sat in Reito’s throat as he laid his eyes on the insides of one of Capital City’s Battle Stadiums. As he entered, he noticed the seating inside the arena looked like it could seat about a thousand, the majority of which were filled with students waiting to see a fight. Above the arena stood a large holographic screen, Reito figuring that as big as it was, it would project the matches to the audience.
In front of people too... Okay. Calm down... Reito repeated to himself, pacing his breaths.
“Here we are, Tochi. There’s a hand ID scanner before you enter the simulation. From there, just head to the middle,” Evie pointed further inside.
“Don’t suppose I could pick what’s simulated, can I?”
“Bingo! It’s your debut, so when you scan in, you should be able to pick the setting you’d prefer. Everything else is pretty simple—just fight and try to beat whoever’s in front of you. You can give up at any time, so go get ‘em!” She exclaimed, playfully punching the air.
“If that’s all there is to it, then here goes nothin’, I guess...” Reito turned to the scanner and placed his hand on it.
Evie gave him a wave. “I’ll be watching. Make sure to put on a great show, kay?”
Reito turned to her. “Yeah, yeah, just don’t expect too much... Hmm...? Where’dja-?”
Just as quick as she came—she vanished. Reito scoured the area to make sure she wasn’t just playing a trick on him; his face showed a bit of confusion.
Just like in the classroom. she a teleporter, maybe...?” He shook his head. Well, either way, that’s not really what I should be focusin’ on right now...
Turning back with a sigh, Reito scanned himself and jumped back as it emitted a feminine voice.
“Welcome, Reito Usodachi—Bronze rank #2188. Please choose your preferred simulated battlefield.”
The scanner showed pictures of different areas, a forest, a freight yard, and an underground tunnel. There were others, too, but frankly, even just those three choices presented made Reito feel like his head was spinning.
“Ugh... Well...if I had to choose, somethin’ Urban. Liiiike...ah! Here we go!” he tapped the screen after swiping for a bit.
“Choice confirmed—please enter the Simulation Space.”
Reito clenched his fists, proceeding inside. Let’s get this over with... I’m in the mood for a cold drink when I get home.
The crowd’s cheers swelled all around him as he approached Chikara, who stood confidently in the middle of the noise with folded arms. Reito had the feeling he was being looked down upon, not just because Chikara was taller than him.
“Gotta give you some props, Usodachi—you showed up. Not only that, but you’ve got some solid composure. I almost feel bad about having to make an example out of you,” Chikara complimented, wearing a stern look.
Reito shrugged at him. “Bite me, Musclehead.” In the next moment, his finger began to jitter and shake, along with the rest of his body. Shit...I thought I could beat back the feelin’ until we were at least midway into it, I just can’t get the thought of bein’ beat to hell outta my head... Plus, people are watchin’...
Chikara took notice of Reito’s. “Can’t say I really blame you for getting cold feet... If I was in your shoes, I’d be twice as jittery. Remember that feeling, because a few blows in, all you’ll know is pain.”
The crowd of students’ cheers erupted from the stands.
Figures...so much for bein’ the crowd favorite. Even if Shion screamed her lungs out, I wouldn’t be able to hear, Reito thought.
The same feminine voice from the scanners alerted the two. “Participants, take your places. The simulation shall begin in 30 seconds.”
As quickly as it was said, Chikara took up a basic kickboxing stance.
Alright Reito...like granny taught you, he said to himself again and again; as if it were a mantra as he took up a stance.
Kinda looks like wing chun...but it’s a little different? Chikara noticed.
Slowly, pixilation began to build itself Reito and Chikara. While they were being shut out from the crowd around them, the two found themselves on a street in a deserted city block. Reito looked around, noticing a manhole in the middle of the space, buildings on both sides. It made him feel a little more confident, if not much, considering a streetway was something he was familiar with.
A blue-haired boy in the stands crossed his arms as tapped his foot against the floor and a finger against his arm. He looked kind of stylish—in a street sort of way.
“Kinda weird... The way things were lookin’, I didn’t think Chikara’d end up gettin’ a fight, today,” he squinted his eyes as he examined Reito. “I’ve never seen they guy he’s facin’ off with, either... Hey, mute bastard! Whaddya think about this?” He turned to ask the reserved-looking student sitting next to him.
“Mute implies no talking... What an idiot...” The grey-haired boy who sat next to him implied, sighing, as if the act of responding was a hassle.
“Arrrrrgh! Yer basically mute! Ya don’t even speak unless someone talks to ya first!” He grit his teeth.
“Obnoxious... Go bug Tanaka...”
“Guh-! ...You know I can’t do that...! See, bein’ with Tanaka-chan is like playin’ bass. Ya’ve got the perfect chord goin’ and yer strummin’ away; feelin’ good! Oh, yeah! But! If ya vibe in that feelin’ for too long; yer gonna get addicted. So, I’m spendin’ the entire day without so much as textin’ ‘er. I can’t get hooked, I just can’t...! Ohhhhhh.... WAIT FOR ME, TANAKA-CHAAAAAAAN!” He howled.
The reserved boy just dropped his forehead into his hand, thinking himself lucky that the crowd’s noises overshadowed that outburst. “Already hooked...” He looked at Chikara and Reito and just stared intently. Zeno’o’s semi-competent... That new guy’s done...
“Begin Match.” announced the very same A.I..
“Hmm... Where to sit, where to sit~?” Evie sang to herself as she skipped about. While doing so, she bumped into Shizuka with her hood up and had her head tilted towards the floor. “Oh! Sorry! Excuse me!” Evie bowed.
“No, no. It’s my bad,” Shizuka, hood over her head, waved it off. “I should’ve been paying attention. I’m just...well, worried about that guy in the specs down there,” she said, pointing to the middle of the stadium. A ninja. She the girl Rei was talking about...?
Evie’s eyes lit up as she clasped both of Shizuka’s hands.
“You’re really that friend Tochi was thinking about?! So, it’s not just a family member after all! And here I thought he was some sort of loner-type, what a relief!”
Shizuka’s smirk twitched. She nicknamed him...? “Erm, well...about the loner thing, can’t say that you’re not mostly right...”
The next minute, Evie’s face scrunched, as if her curiousity had piqued. “Hmmmmm... Y’know, looking at you up close, there’s something off about you... Like, I’m getting a weird vibe.”
Crap! Did she notice?! Shizuka panicked as she let loose a nervous chuckle. “N-Nope! Don’t think so! S-Sure you’re not just seeing things?" She replied, turning away a bit. “A-Actually, I’d better be getting up to my seat-”
Evie pinned her sights on Shizuka’s hoodie and pulled it back a little, revealing a strand of her hair. As soon as she recognized the colors, she gasped.
“H-Hey! Hands off-!”
Shizuka swiftly clasped a hand over Evie’s mouth and brought her to one of the higher seating areas so she could explain.
“Shhh! Don’t be so loud! If people here knew about me, they’d lose it! So please, keep quiet!”
As Evie nodded her head up and down to give her a yes, she was released.
“...Sorry, just surprised. Usually, an Ono popping up means certain death for any person who sees them. But I guess you would’ve killed me as soon as I spoke, in that case. Still, I almost had a heart attack."
Shizuka looked down, shaking a bit with a solemn frown. “Look...I know my family might’ve put my last name on the map with their methods...but I’m not like any of ‘em at all!” She said, putting her hand to her chest.
Evie’s eyes narrowed as she cupped her chin. A moment later, she came to a consensus. “You don’t seem to be lying... Well...alright. Since you check out, I’ll take your word for it. Although, if I end up having my throat slit by you in the next minute, well, guess I can’t blame anyone but myself. ...Come to think of it, I did hear rumors about a pure blood Ono entering the Academies a while back.”
Even if what she was saying was a tad morbid, Evie’s cutesy way of speaking helped to mitigate it, in a way.
“Believe me, I’ve got zero malicious intent. I’m just here to support Rei. He’s in this bind because of me in the first place, so it’s the least I can do.”
Evie smiled in retort. “Then, I guess there’s no worries after all! If you’re Tochi’s friend, you’re probably not a bad person! So, let’s be buds, kay?” She raised a fist, hoping for a fist bump. “The name’s Evie Tanaka! Evie’s fine, though!”
Shizuka was taken aback at her friendly gesture. Seeing as the only ones who showed her any kindness was Reito and a select other few, she didn’t really know how to respond to it at first. Anyone else she approached would run from her, having seen her hair. It would usually be her seeking out the camaraderie; but this girl, heard her out and believed her, offering friendship first. She didn’t know if she’d get another chance like this again, so after a moment, Shizuka raised her own fist and met Evie halfway.
“Sure... It’s Shizuka, by the way. Kinda hard to not know the last name,” she joked, returning the gesture while smirking.
Out of nowhere, Evie squealed. “I can’t believe I’m friends with such a cute girl, now! You’re adorable~!”
Shizuka stepped back, her cheeks reddening. “M-M-Me?! Y-you’re joking, right?!”
“No way, why would I?! Honestly, you’re exactly my type~!” She divulged, leaping forward to hug Shizuka while patting her on the head.
“Hey! Calm down! Not into girls!”
“Tochi was reeeeally holding out on me! He didn’t say anything about knowing such a cutie~!”
While Evie indulged in her newly found target of affection, Shizuka ground her teeth together.
Damn it...! The hell do you think yer doin’?! I'll bust yer face in!” Growled Shizuka, as she brought a fist down onto Evie’s head, sending her to the floor. Uh-oh! Did I knock her out?!
“Ouch... Sorry, Shizu.” Evie apologized, rubbing her head, “Got a little carried away, there. Guess I deserved that,” she chuckled, sheepishly.
“You’re fine,” Shizuka sighed, lowering her voice. “To be honest, it’s really refreshing to be praised for something other than Yakuza or assassination work- ...Uh Did you just call me, Shizu?”
Evie just beamed. “That signature nickname is a symbol that you’re friends with the one and only, Evie...! Pretty cool, huh?” She proudly proclaimed a hint of wariness in her tone, holding her head high.
Shizuka rolled her eyes with a slight chuckle, turning her attention to the upcoming match. “Looks like the fight’s started.”
“Oh! Yeah!” Evie did the same, both their gazes fixed on the now fully formed simulation.
Chikara lunged forward, throwing a right-handed jab toward Reito, who smoothly deflected it by way of a flat left palm. He thrusted his right palm forward in a counterattack, but Chikara, raising his eyebrows and going wide eyed, blocked it with his forearm.
“You’re actually not half bad, Usodachi,” Chikara gave him an approving smile, padding around the city space like a cat. “Your technique is sort of bizarre, though. Who taught you CQC?”
“Mr. Miyagi, obviously. Jackie Chan and Bruce lee movies do wonders for ya if they’re binged repeat,” Reito snarkily answered.
“Not gonna tell me, huh? Well, either way, this’ll be more fun than I thought!” Chikara retorted, preparing a two-fisted overhead smash.
Reito quickly backflipped, avoiding any damage and making the Treasurer’s fists smash into the ground, forming a small crater—the impact sending broken pieces of street flying.
“Sheesh. Do ya ever stop yappin’?” Rolling his eyes as he landed, Reito snatched a piece of rubble out of the air and stashed it into his jean pocket. He noticed something was off as he went to straighten his glasses, though. What the...? Huh?! They're not there?!”
His glasses were no longer on his person. Instead, they fell off mid-flip and were crushed under the weight of Chikara’s fists, the pieces of broken glass from the lenses going every which way as he shook them off.
“Aww, come on! Those were expensive, asshole! You’re gonna pay me back double the repair costs after this!”
His fretting didn’t make Chikara waver one bit, though. “You’ve got more important things to worry about other than a pair o’ specs!”
Damn it! Reflexively, Reito reeled back, jumped, and delivered a fierce spin kick to Chikara’s forehead with his right leg. Hope your skull splits, dumbass!
“Going for the head, huh? Not bad, but it's gonna take a lot more than that, Usodachi!”
It struck its mark—yes—but Chikara had positioned himself so that he could catch the impact on his forehead, powering through the kick. He then grabbed Reito’s leg with one hand and rammed a deep punch into his stomach with the other.
He coughed up blood and flew back 20 meters, bouncing off of a building and ending up on the next block. Falling on the ground with a “thud”, he held his stomach and tried to catch his breath. Although, just having the wind knocked out of him, it was harder to breathe than he thought.
“Shit! That looked like it had a crap ton o’ power behind it!” Shizuka fretted.
Beside her, Evie imitated the punch. “That’s Kara’s famous left hook for you; definitely something you can remember him by.”
“What the-?!” Reito said, almost cursing under his breath. Fuck! Just my luck! He thought, panting. Hard to breathe...and I felt somethin’ crack! I can try to just ignore the pain, problem is, if I keep takin’ hits like that, my body ain’t gonna hold up!
Reito got up and wiped the blood from his mouth, clicking his tongue. Thanks to the kick he performed, he figured he could rule out basic physical attacks for an option—seeing as one with as much momentum as the one he landed did little to no damage. Taking one or two more hits from Chikara, however, would leave him sprawled out. Reito didn’t have the strength to throw anything too large, so that was out of the question. No matter how he looked at it, the only thing he could see working his Path—much to his despondence.
“You're actually getting up...?! Pretty impressive! You're pretty scrawny, so I figured you'd be keeling over right now!” Chikara called out, rounding the corner as he half complimented him.
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