“Zeno’o’s probably just being nice, even if Usodachi does suck, he’s still a student. Guess it’s sorta like supporting your peers, in a way.”
“Oh, I get it! That’s actually really Student Council-like!”
“As much as I wanna throw in the towel...a promise is a promise,” Reito mumbled.
Having recovered from the previous blow, Reito dug into his pocket and pulled out the rubble he'd picked up earlier. He tapped it on the front and right sides. “50D 2.5S,” he muttered under his breath. He then cocked back as if he was throwing a baseball. All right! “I CHOOSE YOU! HOPEFULLY, YA HURT AS MUCH AS THE REAL DEAL!” He exclaimed, throwing the stone full force towards his opponent.
Is this a joke? Chikara thought with a look of annoyance. A simple tilt of his head was enough to dodge any damage. He scoffed. “You...can't you at least take this seriously?! This isn’t the time to mess arouaagh!” While Chikara flew into a rage, the stone changed trajectory to propel it backwards and to the right, smashing it into his face.
As they witnessed this, the students in the audience had nothing but questions.
“Was that...his Path? Does he have telepathy or something?!”
“There’s no way...I mean, if he had something like that, why was he shaking so much? It’s gotta be some kinda mindgame!”
“He was even keeping up with Zeno’o in a trade of blows for a second...who is he?”
Shizuka cracked a wide smile. “He used it.”
“That’s Tochi’s Path?”
“Yup—his Delayed Impact—he’s an Impact human. See, Rei’s never really liked it, but his power’s actually pretty strong. He can state the amount of damage he wants to deal from 10 to 100, the difference between 10-90 and 100 being staggering. It’s sorta like setting a pitching machine’s strength—and it’s a lot stronger than if he were to just hit something with brute strength. Not only that. depending on the seconds with a max of 5; the strike becomes stronger. I guess you could sorta think of it like setting a timebomb with strikes or taps.”
“I don’t get it... Tochi’s Path seems really strong the way you described it, so why was he so scared to fight Kara?” Evie asked, tilting her head.
“That's obvious,” Shizuka stated while observing the battle with a look of concern. “Rei’s not too confident in his own strength...”
But he acts so jaded, not to mention super-snarky. Someone like that has confidence issues? Wonder why... Evie thought, looking back at the projection.
“WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT, BASTARD?! Chikara yelled, rushing forward with a punch as blood leaked down from the side of his forehead.
“I don’t know why you’re fumin’,” Reito answered, backflipping out of the way with a smug smirk on his face. “Ya wanted me to take this seriously, right? Well, there ya go. Happy?” I say that, but I didn’t think it’d actually do shit! If I did, I would’ve grabbed some more ammo, for sure! He regretted, backing up to put space between them.
Chikara stopped and exhaled, getting his bearings. To Reito, it looked like he was holding his head down in shame. But not a moment later, he started chuckling.
“Heh-heh... Gra-ha-ha-haa!” Chikara laughed so hard; a tear could be seen. “You’ve been holding out on me, Usodachi! I thought this would be a one-hitter-quitter, but all of a sudden, I’m starting to have a little fun with this!” He admitted, drying his eyes.
“Wooow, tell me what else is on your mind...” Reito retorted, monotonously.
Chikara unbuttoned the pocket on the bottom of his blue cargo shorts and pulled out a huge drumstick. “Well, since you’re giving me the chance to, I was just thinking... Almost chowtime...!”
Reito dropped his jaw. “Uhh... Wha...? You actually kept that in your pocket...?!”
“The SMD’s to thank for that little trick; you’re not the only guy with a trick up his sleeve,” Chikara said, taking a bite of the drumstick and speaking with his mouthful. “Bottomless Glutton—that's what I'm called around here. Don’t suppose you’d want to see why...?”
“Do I even really have any choice at this point?” Reito muttered with a disinterested expression.
“Looks like Kara’s started taking this seriously.” Evie said in a serious tone.
“His Path?” Shizuka questioned.
“Bottomless Glutton; it’s how he got the nickname in the first place. He’s a Consumption human. Simply put—the more he eats—the stronger he gets.”
Steam started pouring from Chikara's body, akin to a steam engine. His muscles swelling gradually, second by second.
I just said “fumin’’ as a joke! Is he goin’ Gear 2nd or somethin’? What’s up? Sweat rolled down Reito's forehead as he watched for Chikara’s next move with an uneasy gaze.
Chikara grinned confidently as he finished his meat; dropping the leftover bone and reducing it to dust beneath the weight of his foot.
“Peerless Quake!” He roared, driving his fist into the pavement, causing it to shake. Cracks in the road formed one after the other—snaking forward straight towards Reito.
Reito realized that this wasn’t just a small boost, Chikara became a lot stronger. He could only freeze up and look on as he began to stumble from the shockwave of the attack. Seeing an opportunity, Chikara dashed to close the distance between the two as Reito took note of his also increased speed.
Chikara revved up another punch aimed right at the side of his opponent’s face, giving Reito barely any time to react.
Focused, time seemed to slow for Reito. It’s fine, Reito; just pay attention, and dodge left! Then, counter with Granny’s style in tandem with Delayed Impact!
The gap between them closed in no time—and in an instant, Chikara let his fist fly. Although, this time, he stopped short of connecting, leading Reito to blink, confusedly.
“Come on, you didn’t think I’d keep up that linear approach, didja?” Chikara said, transitioning into a point-blank roundhouse kick. Reito quickly brought his right and left arm up, trying to adapt and guard, but Chikara hit him all the same, knocking reito away like a soccer ball—sending him careening into the building they were next to.
Oh, no! Rei! Shizuka screamed inwardly, tightening her grip on the railing she leaned on.
The grey-haired boy in the stands sighed, getting out of his seat and walking away. “Like I thought...”
“Oi!” The stylish-looking boy called out. “Where ya goin’?”
“Leaving... What a waste of time...”
“Come on! I know Chikara’s gonna smash that guy, but we could at least stay till he actually wins!”
The reserved one gave an unfeeling look back. “Going to train... Zeno’o will be fine.” He halted, shooting him one last glare. “Coming...? You’ll need it...’
The blue-haired student grit his teeth and clenched his fists. “Arrrrrgh! ...You! This time, I’ll bash yer face in!”
The one he was talking to said nothing, he just turned and forged ahead. “Usodachi”...? No threat, like I thought...
The louder one followed, but not before stopping to take one solem look back. Just another win in yer book, man! Sorry, but I’ve gotta go deck this bastard one, good...!
Reito, with a newly acquired black eye, was cast onto his back, a few meters from the gaping hole in the structure his body had made. Rubble surrounded him, and blood streaked down his face like a line of scarlet. Some dripped into his mouth, causing him to spit it out because it tasted like metal to him.
He had been forced into what looked to be an office. Above him were glass ceiling light fixtures placed above him in several rows. Rolling office chairs and desks were placed about, along with computers sitting atop them. The smell of cement hit his nose, making him sniffle a bit.
Ya know...if someone told me I’d be punched through the wall of a building by some meat obsessed musclehead, I would’ve flipped ‘em off and went back to bed, he thought to himself as he grabbed the side of his forehead. “Ouch! Damn it! That hurt! But...my back’s not broken...? What the hell’s my body made of?” He mumbled to himself, rubbing his back, hoping to quell the small sting in it.
“I know you’re still conscious; the A.I. would announce if you were knocked out! Just come out so we can finish this already, Usodachi!” Chikara yelled, sternly.
And why would I just ‘come out’? Do people even think when they say stuff like that?
From that engagement, Reito knew for sure that he wasn’t going to make due without a bit of thinking. His Path, Delayed Impact was at his strongest up close, however, which left him in a tough spot.
Gotta close the distance, and I’m not so well versed in Granny’s style that I can just deflect every strike he throws my way... He’s not just gonna sit there while I think up a strategy, either. Shoot. Guess it’s time to hide, that thought ran through Reito’s mind as he grabbed some pieces of rubble and hid behind the desk furthest from the hole in the wall.
By that time, Chikara made his way into the building, scouting the area. “Oi! Come out, already!” He shouted, his body hissing due to the steam it put out.
“Who in their right mind would fight someone like you head-on? No, thanks,” Reito mumbled, before gasping. All that power he got from the meat...can he turn it on and off? No, can’t be. If the steam affects his body’s producin’, and the fact that he hasn’t turned it off while I’m not in sight, means it’s something he has to stick with till it runs out. Like an install super in a fighter!
Chikara got closer and closer, cracking his knuckles.
I remember a saying along the lines of, “Nothin’ so overwhelmin’ can be yours without tradin’ somethin’ for it.”. Not exactly a leap in logic, but it’s still a gamble... Reito analyzed, taking a deep breath. Alright, here goes!
He slowly peered out from behind the desk while prepping one of the pieces of rubble in his possession. “40D 1.5S,” he whispered, tapping the rubble on the bottom and threw it out of Chikara’s view.
Like earlier, it shifted directions mid-throw, only this time, upwards, shattering one of the many ceiling lights. This got Chikara’s attention as he turned his head toward the sound, checking the area where the light shattered.
Chikara peeked behind a desk, but he didn’t find Reito there. He thought for a second. Not here. That guy. Did he...? He cut his thought short as he heard another light fixture shatter on his right. “...If you’re tryna drag this out, it’s not gonna work. I’ve fought guys who’ve had a similar idea—it’s not hard to guess that my power’s got a time limit. But the reason I'm a Student Council Treasurer,” he raised his right fist in the air so that it was in position to strike the ground. His left hand opened, aiding his aim, “well, it’s because I beat ‘em all, of course. I’ll give you an eight count. If you don’t come out- Well, actually...you should be able to guess what’ll follow.”
Reito broke into a cold sweat while he got the picture; his stoicism shattering as he brought his arms over his head. The whole buildin’...?! Not good! Not good at all!
What the hell was I thinkin’ goin’ into this!? I haven’t even fought an actual opponent! maybe I should’ve paid more attention to Granny after all! He panicked.
“Come on, Zeno’o! Nail that slacker already!”
“Yeah! Show him he’s only been doing well because of beginner's luck!”
Evie was sure the victory would go to Chikara right then and there. Guess Tochi couldn’t cut it after all... Oh well, Kara’s one of the strongest here, after all. Just like that, she’d assumed the outcome. Until something unexpected happened.
“Six. Five. Four. Three...!” As Chikara’s count began to reach its end, Reito jumped onto an office chair and guided it into Chikara’s view. He stood atop it with his hands crossed and looked Chikara dead in the eyes.
“Wanted to see me that badly? I’m touched. Thought ya couldn’t stand the sight of me?” Reito mockingly said, trying to stall for time whilst his brain frantically thought of solutions.
Chikara utter a word, he just rushed at Reito, jumping into an axe kick.
“Woah, woah, woah!” Reito put his hands out in front of him, wishing he would stay back. “You could really hurt someone like that!” He nervously joked, hopping down and raising the chair in front of him.
The kick collided with the chair, smashing it to pieces and creating a gust that blew Reito back into a few desks, scattering them and leaving the smashed computers to litter the floor.
“How else do you win a fight?! Quit running!” Chikara demanded, gritting his teeth and sending a kick his opponent’s way.
“All that, now he’s running?”
“What a chicken!”
Reito scurried back, his eyes shifting around, hoping to find something to deter Chikara. His face lit up as he set his sights on one of the computers, throwing it toward the Treasurer—only for him to ram through it, all the same.
Based on Chikara’s previous statement, Reito’s suspicions were confirmed that all he had to do was turn the fight into a war of attrition; so, he flipped around like an acrobat at the circus, dodging every punch and kick that came his way, albeit narrowly. Chikara’s brows knitted as he only came into contact with the desks and chairs, littering the floor with broken glass, wires and wood.
How long’s this gonna take? Seriousl-?! Reito wished for the onslaught to end, being cut off by his back hitting the wall. Looking around, he noticed every distraction he could use was expended, leaving nothing to keep the two from each other.
“End of the line, Usodachi,” Chikara said, sure of his victory. “Kind of a shame. To tell the truth, you’re not half bad. I was even starting to feel a rush, if only for a minute, there. Guess you have a little something going for you, after all.”
Reito found himself smirking as well, despite his legs wobbling. “Funny...and here I thought you were just some strait-laced brute! Gotta say, didn’t expect that outta ya. That bein’ said, this is still a fight! So, get ready, Meat Tank!” Shit...no way out!
Chikara blinked, then let out a laugh. “Guess you could call me a meat tank, huh? Either way, you took the words right outta my mouth! Let’s go!” He exclaimed, running towards Reito.
As if his body responded to the Glutton’s declaration of preparedness, Reito jumped from the chair and started running—tightening his grip on the last remaining piece of rubble. 40D 1S, he said to himself as he threw it forward.
Chikara recalled the earlier attack, thinking this attempt would play out in the same fashion. He ducked, thinking something similar to the first occurrence would happen, seeing as the projectile had a straight trajectory. But then, it veered up at the last second and shattered the ceiling light above him.
I get it, he’s trying to block my vision with the glass, Chikara noticed, but it should be fine, long as I don’t loo-!
“Don’t blink.” Before he knew it, Reito was in front of him, ready to capitalize.
Shit! I took my attention off him for one second! He’s quicker than he looks!
Reito crouched—and with a heavy breath—roared:
“Retribution Fist: Crescent Moon Hunter!”
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