Blue energy flared from his foot and he lept into a backwards facing somersault kick that nailed Chikara in the chin, sending blood gushing from his mouth.
“Hrrk!” What’s with that blue flare...? A second Path?! No... Having two is impossible!
Evie observed Reito’s sudden turning of the tables, her interest piqued by the energy he made use of. “When he revved up his kick, there was something weird about it. His foot gave off a weird glow. Hey, Shizu,” she asked, poking her friend’s shoulder, “does Tochi actually have two Paths?”
“Nope. Not like he’s some special case—he’s just using Aura.”
“Aura...? Like that conceptual spirit energy stuff?”
“Pretty much. It’s a form of energy that exists in every living creature, but you could easily live a full life without knowing it even exists,” Shizuka elaborated, holding up a finger. “Rei’s Grandma ended up taking interest in the stuff. She even went outta her way to create a completely new martial art based around manipulating it. A style that works on the principle of making your Aura visible for offense and defense. What’s more—it can be used to divert energy from not only physical—but energy-based attacks. Attacks clad in Aura can also have their properties changed to either blunt—internal—or slashing damage. Depending on how much the user knows about manipulating it, of course.”
“Wow...! Something like that actually exists?! Teach me, teach me, teach me!” Evie pleaded, grabbing both of her new friend’s hands.
What a touchy girl...! “E-Even if you asked me a billion times, I only really know the general rundown of how it works—I wasn’t taught how to use it like Rei was. I’d say ask him, but to be completely honest, he barely has a grasp on it, and can only use a couple techniques derived from the basics. He can’t even divert energy, yet.”
“Aww, that sucks... But I guess it’s no use asking for something you can’t give,” Evie gave up.
Surprisingly reasonable, too! “...Either way, she’s the one and only master of that specific style. She calls it—‘Retribution Fist.’”
“Tochi’s Grandma and master, huh...?” Evie thought, returning her attention to the match.
The shards of glass from the earlier attack finally made their way to Chikara’s eyes, some of them inflicting small cuts on his eyelids, which led him to instinctively shut both.
Chikara launched his fist forward, but he wavered some; giving Reito ample time to weave around it.
A huge openin’! Never used this in a fight before, but now’s as good a time as any! As quick as he could, Reito delivered swift punches to his Chikara’s solar plexus, ribs and shoulders.
“Alright, here goes nothin’!” His palm struck Chikara in the stomach, pushing him forward. Their really just normal punches with my power, but if I know anything from shonen, anything sounds better with a cool name! “On The Spot Special Move: Stacked Impact 70D 2.5S!”
Just as the name of the rush entailed; seconds later, Chikara’s body was showered with a second round of invisible blows across his vitals. The shockwave from the hit tore his shirt, forcing him out of the building.
Don’t get too cocky, Tochi... It may look like it’s over, but Kara’s as tough as they come! Evie thought.
“No way, is Zeno’o...done for?”
“Don’t be stupid. He’s probably just taking a breather... Right?”
Seeing his opponent sprawled out, Reito unclenched his fist and started pacing his breathing. “He’s down... Did I win...?”
Before Reito or the audience could confirm anything, he saw Chikara’s body twitch; he was still in it. The steam he emitted moments earlier began to fade as he rose, his muscles returning to their original size. Seeing as it was pretty much shredded already, Chikara tore the rest of his shirt off.
“That’s...the spirit,” Chikara said, huffing and puffing. “’re kinda awesome, Usodachi! What a rush...! I thought this would be a breeze, but you surprised me more times than I could count!
Seriously? I guess Bottomless Glutton fits him perfectly, double meanin’ wise. I’d be annoyed, but my heart’s racin’ like crazy, and I can’t keep myself from smilin’. What’s wrong with me?! ‘Awesome’?! I KINDA LIKE THE SOUND O’ THAT! IN THAT CASE, COME ON, THEN! I’M LOOKIN’ FORWARD TO RELAXIN’ IN MY ROOM AFTER THIS, SO LET’S GET THIS OVER WITH!!”
The two rushed at each other. Reito executed a palm thrust to Chikara’s stomach, which hit deep, causing him to reel for a brief second.
Weird... I’m not calm at all, but my Aura came out, no issue. Feels stronger, too!
“Urk-! ...GRAAAAAAGH!” Only for him push through the pain and slam his forehead into Reito’s nose, causing his eyes to water and making his nose spurt blood.
“Hngh!” He’s even stronger, though! Still, my combo attack did its job—he's gotten a lot slower!
Chikara let fly a flurry of blows, making Reito raise his guard. He deflected a few of the strikes, but most of them forced him to block. He tapped Chikara’s wrist in between the barrage.
Startin’ to lose feelin’ in my right it's now or never! 20D 3S Reito thought, his guard slipping as he stumbled back a step.
Seeing his chance, Chikara swung his fist forward, one final time “FULL COURSE CANNON!” He shouted, his right-handed punch making a beeline towards Reito’s face. However, he found himself missing his intended mark completely by what could have only been about an inch or so. The air pressure from the attack collided with a nearby building wall, making the whole thing collapse. He deflected it?!
My right arm’s still rarin to go, though! Now, with Aura...! Reito thought to himself as he put his hand flat and launched an Aura imbued elbow strike. “RETRIBUTION FIST: BREAKIN’ POINT!” Striking Chikara in the stomach once more.
Chikara’s eyes showed nothing but the whites, with injuries covering his body, he fell. Reito couldn’t help but give way to his exhaustion, dropping on his backside while putting his right hand over his right knee. His left hand, limp.
“If he gets up again...I swear...”
And soon enough, seconds had passed, but Chikara stood no longer.
The stadium fell silent, until...
“Winner, Reito Usodachi”, the A.I. voice confirmed as the simulation began to fade, pixelating everything around the two. The crowd sat in awe and complete disbelief. The fourth strongest Pathos at Kita, felled by the boy who wouldn’t even read an English textbook correctly. Every voice fell silent, even Shizuka, who was there to support him.
HELLLLLLL, YEEEAAAAAAH! THAT’S SHOWIN’ ‘EM REI! She had been too busy cheering in her head as she pumped her fist.
Reito Usodachi, huh...? Evie thought to herself. He’s pretty impressive for a nobody with a non-existent record. Course, he couldn’t beat me; but he went toe to toe with Kara and came out on top. Like she’d assumed, he was interesting, indeed.
The simulation faded. Leaving Reito and the incapacitated Chikara in the middle of the huge arena. Unlike Shizuka, the students spectating didn’t take too kindly to the outcome.
“No way! That slacker beat the Glutton?! He couldn't have...right?!”
“Zeno’o’s the one of the Student Council! To a guy like him?!”
“He had to have used some cheat tactic, No way a low rank Boost type should be able to keep up with Zeno’o!”
“He must’ve cheated! I mean, he barely won! And he’s more beat up than Zeno’o!”
“You’re right! First a nobody lazy ass, now a cheater, too! He's the worst!”
“Yeah! That blue energy he used must’ve been some kinda poison! That’s why Zeno’o had a hard time! He couldn’t even win without a trick like that.”
Hearing students jeer him in unison, Reito looked to the side, his eyelids drooping. “Of course...and here I expected...a standin’ ovation. wouldn’t be any different than Hokkaido...” He mumbled, huffing and puffing, trying to pace his breaths while struggling to stay conscious. A few seconds later he fell onto his back, passed out from exhaustion.
Amongst the crowd outrage, a yellow scythe with a red hilt came flying from the upper stands, embedding its blade into the flooring between the two unconscious combatants. One after another, the audience looked at the weapon as silence fell over the stadium. Everyone slowly turned their heads to the top seats to see who it came from.
It was Shizuka, clenching her fists—the vein on her neck looking ready to pop at a moment’s notice. Unable to take it anymore, she screamed out at the top of her lungs, “SHUT YOUR ASSES UP ALREADYYY!!”
“ALL OF YA ARE BRAINDEAD ASSHATS!! IF ANY ONE OF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH WHAT HAPPENED HERE TODAY—THEN YA CAN BRING THE COMPLAINTS TO ME!!” She yelled, pulling down her hoodie and snatching her hat off to reveal her two-toned hair.
Evie was so shocked by the sudden outburst that her hair stood on end, leaving her speechless. The crowd on the other hand, couldn’t help but to scream in terror.
The crowd scattered in a hurry, like mice out of a building. It was as if her presence was a natural deterrent for people. After three minutes, the Stadium was barren, save for Shizuka, Evie, and the knocked-out Reito and Chikara.
After her outburst, Shizuka donned her hood and hat once more. “...Even the medics got scared off. I mean...not like I expected any less,” she sighed. “I’m taking Rei to the hospital. Tagging along?” She asked Evie.
“As much as I’d like to, I can’t exactly leave Kara behind. He may be a passionate dummy most of the time, but he means well.”
Hopping down from where they were, Shizuka moved towards the unconscious Reito, picking up her scythe.
“I’m planning on celebrating Rei’s win at his place. It’d be cool if you swung by.” The scythe dematerialized into the red hilt, letting Shizuka stow it away in her pocket.
Evie pulled Chikara, throwing his arm over her shoulder. “Yowza! You’re heavy! Oh, sounds like fun, Shizu! I told myself that I’d give Tochi a reward if he pulled through, anyway, that’d be the perfect time to surprise him.” She pulled out her phone and handed it to Shizuka. “Here’s my info, lemme know when Tochi’s up and about. He already has a way to contact me.” She glanced at Reito a split second before leaving. What were you talking about? ‘Don’t expect much?’ You put on a great show! She thought with a smile.
With contact info exchanged, Evie, and Shizuka made her way out. Just before that, though, she looked as if she had something else to say to the kunoichi. But when she turned to do so, the two Student Council members had disappeared in a flash.
Shizuka looked around, then simply shrugged.
“...Probably shouldn’t question it. She’s a ninja, after all.” Throwing Reito over her shoulder, Shizuka smirked, toting him out of the building. “Knew you had it in you...” Was all she said as she walked away.
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