Green Mf was angry.
They had been searching the room for hours. There was nothing. No notes, clues, contraptions, nothing! It seemed utterly hopeless.
*insert name* didn’t look like she was giving up anytime soon. She searched and searched around the limited room. She searched for buttons, secret holes, anything to help them. Green Mf was starting to get agitated from her persistence.
“Would you just give it up? We’re not getting out of here.”
“There must be a way.”
“You’re so stubborn.”
“I know.”
*insert name* smirked. Green Mf growled. That was an odd habit of his. “Ugh! Just give up! We’re never getting out of here and it’s because we’re too stupid to figure it out. I’m too stupid! I don't know how I’ve made it past all these puzzles. EVen in the first puzzle it was you who found the clue, because I’m too stupid! I’m. Too. STUPID!” Green Mf shouted
He breathed heavily. He had his teeth bared and body on the defense. *insert name* looked at him with shock. “Why…But you’re the smartest creature on our planet? WHy would you..say that?”
Green Mf sighed, and suddenly looked very tired. No longer a feral creature but a tired soul. He sat against a wall and put a hand to his forehead, looking down.
*insert name* followed, looking at him with concern. She placed her hand on his shoulder. “Is there something you wanna tell me?” *insert name* asked.
Green Mf closed his eyes. “Everyone here has come from somewhere. A place they didn’t belong. Mistakes. I’m one of them. I come from a foriegn planet where the smartest beings in the universe live. I…used to live there but I was too stupid. Even now I’m too stupid to be one of them. So they…they…”
“Sent you away.” *insert name* finished. She looked down and almost cried herself. Being abandoned? Sent away simply for not being good enough? It was awful. *insert name* knew what it was like to lose your home she felt especially sympathetic. It was surprising that Green Mf wasn’t cry -Oh. Oh yeah. He was.
*insert name* awkwardly patted his back. She felt bad for him, and did her best to keep it together and..comfort?? him.
He stopped crying after a bit, and smiled at her. “I think I needed that.” *insert name* smiled back.
At that moment, the door opened, and there as Random Shoot, standing there with a happy smile on their face.
“Yay! Now we’re all friends!”
Green Mf stared at them, standing up and walking over to him with a crazed look in his eye. “So…you’re the one who did this?” Random Shoot realized their mistake. “Yes?”
Green Mf let out a battle cry and ran after Random Shoot, trying to murder them.
Meanwhile, *insert name* watched, She’d get her revenge later.
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