First class was a bit over welling there was so much to do I didn't know where to start. I seat at the back of class luckily that day I didn't have homework.
Siria turned up after class with two more people. She told me that there in her drawing class too, art was In different areas of the college. There was a blonde hair boy with blue eyes and a black sort hair and brown eyes."Naim and Elina did you get homework because we a lot" she ask. "Oh I didn't any ex read a book do you want to come at my place"I ask.
They nodded so we went to my uncle bar I live above the place. "Hi uncle we go up ok can I have some sandwiches and drinks " I ask him. "Of course but whose paying" said uncle "we well" said Elina who grabbed Naim "your paying too" she told him. He agreed and he had to carry them too. A hours past where they were just doing homework and I was reading my book.
"Man can we stop I tell you guys come news" said Naim. The girls looked annoyed but they cave in. "Ok I have found my true love" Naim told them. Elina started laughing as for Siria ask if they met in a game. Naim nodded " hey stop laughing I know she's go to are college " he told.
This time I laugh "what if it's a boy you do realise you can be any gender" I told him. " I don't care am going to find him or her and we will fall in love" he told us. "Well good luck " said the girls "wait you guys aren't going to help " he asks. "No we rather watch" we told him " you guys are mean " he said. It was nice having friends I think I be ok with my new friends and family.
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