The air fills with worship but something does not belong here. I walked past a monk, probably a spiritual one as there’s no sense in having a monk in an abandoned man-made cave.
I never got to use the internet that people from outside the academy did but I think I know which cave I am in. It is located in India, one of the Ajanta caves have merged with a natural cave from Australia. This is the first sign of the world crumbling. Places lose their memories and get mixed up with those they do not belong to. The only thing that both these caves remember is that they were caves and that caused them to fuse together.
I know there is a reason I am here and that’s when I saw the blood trail stop. Instead of being frustrated and not knowing what to do, I immediately turned back to confirm my suspicions. There is blood on the monk. Will he attack me? Has he also lost the memory of why he was here?
I opened my mouth but opted to say nothing. It’s not like I know a spell that could make him understand me anyway.
He looked me in the eye and his posture changed. As I thought he was beginning to attack me, he laid on the floor and took out a begging bowl. It seems like he does remember something from his past life afterall. I put spirit gems on the bowl as I have no paper money on me. It seems he’s quite happy though I think it’s better if I could give him something to eat. He is a mortal afterall, unlike me who doesn’t need food anymore. Surviving the world apocalypse would be pretty hard for him as it is. Has his faith saved him and will it continue to do so?
I wonder. I’m about ready to abandon him but when I looked back I saw a pair of eyes staring daggers at me.
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