The dragon laughed, "You have taken my offer when you had the chance, boy" proclaimed the dragon as Maxwell ran around frantically as he dodged flames and looked for an opening to attack. Out powered Maxwell, decided to run headfirst into the dragon and try to stab him with his sword. Maxwell took off with blazing speeding dodging the flames of the dragon, Maxwell then thrust his sword into the dragon's stomach stabbing him. The dragon roared in pain and pinned down Maxwell with his claws. Maxwell used his sword, cutting off one of the dragon's claws to escape. The dragon cursed loudly as he began bleeding. The dragon launched a variety of bites towards Maxwell as it switch up its offensive. Maxwell ran to a small space, which the dragon tried to chase him through and got stuck. Maxwell now, seeing his chance, came from behind and stabbed the dragon in the head. The dragon shook violently, throwing Maxwell off and causing the roof of the cave to collapse. After the dust settle, Maxwell broke through the rumble he was buried under. As he dust himself off, he looked for the dragon, only to see it dead from being buried in too much rumble. The ax was too heavy for Maxwell to pick it up. Maxwell turned and saw the gauntlets and concluded that they must be used in order to lift the ax. Maxwell strapped on the gauntlets the dragon and lion markings on them glowed a bright reddish color. Maxwell walked towards the ax and picked it up with ease. As looked at the ax, he felt saddened that he had caused all this destruction and even killed the dragon as all he wanted was to free his people. But he had come too far to stop now. As he walked out of the cave, he looked at it one more time, shook his head, and left.
When Maxwell arrived home, he realized his master was not around. Shocked, he walked to the backyard to look for him. As he entire that backyard, he saw his master tending to the garden. Maxwell walked over to his master, bowed, and presented the ax to him. John in with excited hugged Maxwell ignoring the ax. "Am so glad you're safe". remarked John. "But I brought back the ax," replied Maxwell. "I saw that but an ax no who made it can never replace you, my son," answered John. After sitting and talking for a while, Maxwell presents the gauntlets for John to try on. "I know it was your dream master to wield this weapon am happy I could make it a reality," stated Maxwell. His master looks at the gauntlets with such awww as if they couldn't be real. John stuck his hands into the gauntlets and try to lift the ax. But before he could do such a thing, the gauntlets began smoking and John cried out in pain. Maxwell quickly ran over and removed them from his master's hands. As he looked at them, he realized his master's hands were burnt badly. John laughed. "Am guessing these weapons were made just for people with his blood," remarked John as he placed his burnt hand in a bucket of water. "Am so sorry master, I didn't know," remarked Maxwell. "It's ok Maxie, am just glad you found them," replied John. "Before you go get your people, check me in the kitchen, ok," remarked John as he walked inside. A few moments later, Maxwell met John in the Kitchen. "Sit," remarked John. Maxwell took a sit and John began losing out his hair. "You had those cornrows, even his. You were a boy," remarked John." Time for a new hairstyle. After his hair was out, John grab a sharp rock and began shaving Maxwell's hair. He shaved it until Maxwell's hair formed a Mohawk. Maxwell turned to John, "Now you look like a warrior". remarked John. "Thank you, master," replied Maxwell as he leaves to go back to his old village. "Please be safe and give them hell," proclaimed John. Maxwell smiled and shook his head and left.
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