With more answers than questions, a confused and enraged Kiyoshi continues on his way when suddenly a young boy, not more than the age of twelve, stands in front of him. But before they could exchange any words, the boy stabs Kiyoshi with a knife in his gut. Kiyoshi pushes the young boy to the ground and pulls out the knife, remarking that he must be pretty banged up if a young boy could land a blow on him. The young boy, now on his feet, declares he would kill Kiyoshi for murdering his father. As Kiyoshi looks at the boy with his dark skin, fiery eyes, and reddish-black hair, he realized this boy must be Maxwell's."You think you can kill me even we your father could not grow strong enough to protect your people first then you can come after me" remarked Kiyoshi as he continues on his way." One day I will, one day your death will be at my hands," cried the young boy as tears flowed down his eyes." I hope so kid, I hope so." replied Kiyoshi as he walked past the boy with a smile on his. Moments later, with his mission completed, Kiyoshi walks through the desert sand, leaving bloody footprints in the sand as he was still soaked in blood and with most of his injuries healed, He pulls out a stone with an engraving on it which looked like an upside-down fork with three lines running across it. The symbol glowed three times blue before turning green and with that, a holographic image of an old man appeared. The old man was of mixed Chinese and Caucasian descent. He looked to be at least sixty years of age with a muscular slime build that looked like the body man much younger than he was. He looked like a kung fu master that used to be seen in old kung fu movies with a long bread and mustache comb that ran past his chest as he wore a robe like the ones Buddhist monks wear. "Master Sairon, I completed the mission. But we have a more pressing matter," stated Kiyoshi. "What is it my child? " replied the old man. "We've lied too, ", answered Kiyoshi. "By who?" asked Sairon. "The people who hired us, They are salve traders, one of the men if you can call him that used to be a salve of theirs," remarked Kiyoshi as he got angry at the thought of being played to do someone else's dirty work. "That can't be. They said they were victims of the camp," replied Sairon in disbelief. "So, what do you want to do about?" asked Sairon, who himself began getting enraged because of the situation unfolding. "Tell them I will be back in three days, let them know it had some unforeseen issues that arose, but I should be back at the town by tomorrow. that why I can catch them before they have time to set up and plan," replied Kiyoshi. "Ok will do and for the love of the gods, go take a bath. I could bearly see your face with all that blood that you're soaked in," remarked Sairon, annoyed with Kiyoshi's state. Kiyoshi laughs and remarks that he saw a stream about an hour away in a nearby forest he passed earlier and that he would go clean himself up there."I will send a hawk with some fresh supplies as well" remarked Sairon before leaving. An hour later, Kiyoshi arrives at the stream. He removes his clothes and washes the blood off his skin, causing the water to turn a crimson red as the blood flows down the stream. With the blood, remove and his cloak and hat off Kiyoshi's appearance could be seen in full effect. The young samurai was of Japanese descent with long blackish-brown hair. His eyes were a sliver of grey that shined in the sunlight. His face was smooth with no facial hair and alone with his body looked like he was handcrafted and molded by the gods themselves only flaw on his body was a scar on his left chest as even the injuries he received during his battle with Maxwell and his men had already healed and vanished even the stab wound from Maxwell's son was gone. As he finishes his bath, a white and black hawk lands next to him with a bag of fresh clothes and other supplies. Kiyoshi quickly puts on his new clothes, which are the same as the ones before, just not soaked in blood. He puts the old supplies in a bag and hangs it over to the hawk along with a lizard that he had caught. The hawk eats the lizard, nods its head, and flies off with the dirty clothes. Later that night, Kiyoshi resigns himself to a nearby cave. As he organizes himself for bed, an entity appears next to him out of nowhere. It takes the form of a hybrid between a werewolf and a cyclops. With a bulky body covered in long greyish fur, retractable eight-inch claws, it stood well over seven to eight feet. But the most unusual feature was that it had one huge green eye in the center of its head like a cyclops. The monster walked past Kiyoshi and sat on a nearby rock. "Guess you're on guard duty tonight, Tyrook?" asked Kiyoshi. "I am," replied the entity.
"Where are Lilly and Kivuli?" asked Kiyoshi. "Lilly is up in some tree being a lookout and Kivuli has the perimeter covered," replied Tyrook with his creep and deep voice with echo throughout the cave."Now go get some rest, kid, after the beating you took today. You need it," laughed Tyrook. "No, thanks to you guys for helping, ", replied Kiyoshi, annoyed Tyrook found enjoyment in the ordeal. "As I remembered clear someone didn't want our help, it was a simple eradication mission they said," Laughed Tyrook as he mocked Kiyoshi. Kiyoshi sighed and rolled over and went to sleep. "Sweet dreams kiddo," remarked Tyrook as he turn his back to Kiyoshi to face the entrance of the cave. As Kiyoshi sleeps, he dreams of a time when he was a little boy playing by the river back, catching fish. When suddenly a group of boys bullies him, they throw rocks at him and kick him around. Kiyoshi cries out for them to stop, but they continue. Suddenly Kiyoshi's eyes turn red and the sky darkens. But before the dream can continue, Kiyoshi awakes to find Tyrook next to him. As Kiyoshi tries to catch his breath, Tyrook asked him if he was ok and if he had that dream again. Kiyoshi nodded, confirming that it was indeed the same dream. Resting one hand on Kiyoshi's shoulder Tyrook sighed "Lilly and Kivuli have already returned to the sword I was just awaiting you to awake" remarked Tyrook before vanishing. Kiyoshi composed himself and got himself ready and headed into the town of Pwaters.
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