When it was a while when no one was here, I started Must Dance. The song "Gentle-man" immediately caught my eye. I hope to play this round without anyone seeing me.
Who would have expected it so hard to have five stars? Thanks to my great dance creations, I got only two stars. I know I'm not a goddamn dancer but I could definitely have at least three.
Another round won't hurt anyone.
When I returned to my room, I couldn't believe my eyes ...
I saw Josh playing Must Dance and he was just dancing to the song "Gentle-man". He twisted as hard as he could, trying to collect at least some points so that he only had three stars. When I saw him dance at the chorus, I felt my face burn.
Damn, don't look there! Do not look! Yuck it is!
I tried to look away from certain places but I admit it was damn hard.
" Yeah! Yeah! "I rejoiced when I got three stars but unfortunately my joy was interrupted by someone's laugh. Someone's laugh! I immediately looked around and saw Alex standing at the door. I hope he didn't stay there long and didn't see my 'amazing' performances. "Eh ... how long have you been here?" I asked disgracefully.
"Well, I just saw you writhing and struggling to have only three stars." I grinned and entered the room.
"Did you see all the round or only this?" I rubbed the back of my neck.
"Wait, you want to tell me that this wasn't your first round and that you only got your highest score now?" I didn't understand how that was possible, but it's completely easy.
"It's not as easy as it seems. Try it, "I challenged him into a dance duel. He immediately chose a song so fast that I didn't know what he was dancing to until the music was playing. "Happy?" I looked at him, honestly the song didn't fit well with him.
"It's the hardest choreography, so show yourself, Josh." I grinned and began to dance.
"You are a demon! That's not possible! "I cursed when I saw that he had six stars and I only had one. Since when is Must Dance six stars? I thought we could get a maximum of five. Plus, how come I'm sweaty and he hasn't sweated?
"Pff, you cheated anyway." I insulted the edge. "I'll win the next round, you'll see."
* And they played Must Dance until they were both completely sweaty and tired *
"Shall we play something else?" I asked, exhausted Josh who fell to the ground next to me. How many rounds have we played? 12? 15? I don't know anymore.
"But nothing else where I have to dance, jump and do other physical activities." I don't know now if I'll have enough strength to go home.
"Hmm ... Mortal Combat?" I asked and he just nodded at me. I turned on the game, and when I saw him lying exhausted on the ground, I wondered if he wouldn't be more comfortable being on the bed.
"Hey, don't you want to go to bed? Don't worry, no yogurt that stinks of fish and no other goodies." I pointed to the bed, he's just a visit after all.
"Hey, I'm glad I'm alive. If you get me there somehow. "
" So, you stay nice on the ground, I won't bother you unnecessarily." I handed him a second gamepad to choose which character he would play, and of course I chose Scorpion.
I chose Sub-Zero, my favorite. I chose Sub-Zero, my favorite. Someone likes him because of combos, I like him because he has a blue outfit.
When we played together, we lost track of time, and by the time I continued, it was quite dark outside. "Hey, I should go home now," I told him as we finished the match. And I slowly got up.
"Okay," I shrugged and turned off the game as he packed.
"You won 25:15 today, don't worry I'll beat you next time and you'll cry like a little girl."
"You know I do." I accompanied him home, then said goodbye.
They both didn't know it was the day their friendship began.
Every day after school, Josh pulled Alex to his apartment, where they played together, until it got dark. Alex went to see Josh more often than he did to him, because they found it more comfortable, Josh didn't have to go home in the dark, and Alex didn't have to clean his room. Sometimes when Alex didn't want to go home, he slept over.
The time they spent together playing games, talking about everything, or learning for test at the last minute. Unfortunately, Alex began to feel something more than a friendship with Josh, but Josh's heart belonged to Stephanie.
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