"Please, I'll do your homework for the rest of my life, please. " I made puppy eyes on Alex to let me sign up for his account. We only play my games and sometimes he brings a CD.
" Of course. I would get F of them. " I grinned at him but he still didn't stop making puppy eyes. I like the way he begs ...... and the way he looks. And it gives me a lot of work to keep me from blushing. The more often I'm with him …. The crazier I get into him.
"Then I'll do something else, please, Nico. I'll even wash your stinky socks." I begged constantly and began to crawl to him like a cat. I use this tactic on my mom to bake me something good. If this doesn't work, I don't know.
Is he kidding me?! I keep from blushing and he sneaks up on me like a cheap bitch or what, idk I don't know what else to compare it to.
That idiot is breathing behind my neck?! He wants him to start moaning!? I don't need much to moan, like when he puts his hand on my shoulder or hugs me friendly. WTF, since when do hetero guys hug?
"Enough!" I shouted, throwing him off the bed that only I was on now, watching him roll on the ground.
"How's my bed, Mr Angelo?" I asked him as I noticed him looking at me from my bed. Where does he have such power from? He doesn't do any sports. He doesn't exercise in any way. He doesn't move in that P.E.; he just stands there in one place and waits for the class to end.
"Amazingly, I have so much space here without you," I stretched across the bed, hoping he had a fracture so I could rest from him for a moment. He can sometimes be energetic as a little kid. I hope he doesn't do something stupid in five minutes.
I got up from the floor and when I saw him lying nicely in my bed. I decided not to just give it to him. I immediately jumped on him, "Clapper!" I spread my arms and crushed his little body with my weight.
"Get out!" I shouted at him. "Dude, I can't breathe!" I was pouring under him, the whale made me a mattress. He probably didn't care that he was crushing me with his weight.
"You should gain weight. You're just bone and skin. Do you have any idea how uncomfortable it is?" I lay cheerfully on him, wriggling in various ways to 'ease' it to him.
He really has to wriggle!? Not that he crushes me, no, that's not enough for him. He wants me to have a boner, doesn't he?
"Okay, log in to my account, I'll give you the password. And now get down, you weigh at least a ton! "I shouted as hard as I could, and I would change my password anyway.
"I'm glad we finally agreed." I got up and lay down next to him.
"Have we agreed? You almost killed me! "I frowned at him." You should lose weight. " I recommended to him.
"Unlike you, I eat like a normal person. Try it, maybe it will be good for you. "
"To be as heavy as you? No thanks, " I eat enough. I don't know who eats four burgers here, three fries, some nuggets and is still hungry here. Yes, we were already at McD's. He ordered so much food and still took from mine.
"If you gained weight, you would finally look like a man."
I'd rather not say anything about it. Since when does it mean to look like a man, that you have to weigh a ton slowly and eat almost the whole fast food? I'd rather take a gamepad and pick a game.
"Tekken again?" I looked at Nica, who just grunted in agreement.
When I saw Nina in the character menu, I immediately remembered Stephanie. She would look great in that outfit.
"Ah, that Nina is exactly the same as Stephanie?" If only she went to school in that outfit, "I dreamed.
"Eh ..." I wanted to say that Nina, unlike Stephanie, had a character, but I'd rather not. Last time I just said that she's not very pretty and he immediately tried to refute it with a two-hour explanation.
"I hope she will have that Nina’s wedding dress at our wedding," I blurted out at the idea.
Yeah, I get it, he doesn't see anyone but only her, uh. I don't want to be there when she will break his heart. I would finally have a chance. But what I'm thinking about. You can’t turn a heterosexual to gay. I sighed too loudly.
"Is something wrong?" I woke from my dream when I heard him sigh aloud.
"It's just that I definitely don't want to go to that wedding."
"But you have to be my best man.”
"You think too much about the future," I said.
"We'll see when you're in love." I ruffled his hair and started playing.
"I'm already in you," I wanted to say. Why do I always have to fall in love with straight guys? Why am I hurting myself like that? I hate it. After all, he likes someone else and he's such an idiot. He's like a puppy that pokes nonsense, like it bites your shoes, makes a bunch everywhere or digs flowers out of your garden, but you still love it and everything it does will seem terribly cute to you.
Of course, I wish to be with him, to hug him, to kiss him and ...... so on, but that will never come true. All I have left is to take the cruel truth and just be his friend.
I chose a character named Jin and went to kick Josh's ass in the next fight.
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