*insert name* walked down the street. She was heading over to Random Shoot’s house. *insert name* had noticed that there were strange things happening in the world. There was some sort of strange entity outside she just…felt. It was like the day she first got here.
Ah, there it was again. The empty feeling. It made her want to give up, but she traveled on. It spoke to her about many things.
And her home.
The pain and fear on their faces.
On her face.
As she looked at her. Fire surrounding her. And she smiled. A loving smile.
*Insert name* shut down that train fast. She walked on to Random Shoot’s, and then realized she had no idea where they lived.
She heard a voice say from behind her. Used to it by now, she turned around. “Hello.”
Random Shoot looked her up and down. “Why so tense, friend?” Random Shoot asked, their smile turning down slightly, only slightly.
“I know you’re hiding something.” *insert name said, pointing a finger in Random Shoot’s face. “Wh-No! Not hiding anything!” Random Shoot said nervously. They gulped. “Is there something else I could do for you? I mean if you want an adventure we could go to the shop or to the town center or-”
“How about we go into the forest.” *insert name* asked, knowing Random Shoot couldn’t lie to her on the spot like that.
“I-uh, er uhm, haha. No? We can’t do that!”
Tears formed at the sides of Random Shoot’s eyes. Dang, didn’t know it got them this worked up.
“Because i-it's so much more fun in the town! And safe! Very safe!” Random Shoot said. *insert name* quickly thought up a plan left Random Shoot alone about it. “Okay, I believe you. I’m hungry, I’ll go get something to eat.” *insert name* said, as she left a very relieved Random Shoot standing there, frozen.
Later that night, *insert name* escaped into the night. As she approached the borders, she felt some kind of magic. It filled her with safety and joy. Feeling confident now, she leapt into the forest.
She sure hoped that thing didn’t come back for her in here, but she had to investigate.
She walked through the forest for a while, on the very path she had run on when she found Random Shoot.
It’s like she felt something calling out her name. Begging her to move forward. She heard a rustle. A twig snap, but ahead she moved. Suddenly, a great dreariness came upon her. The world went dark, and there before her arose a beast. It had a deer skull, long horns, empty eyes and a wavy galaxy body. *insert name* shook in fear.
“Do not be afraid, for I am only here to help.”
“Really?” *insert name* suddenly felt calm at it’s words. This was one emotional rollercoaster.
“Mhm. You feel pain at the thought of your memories, do you not?” *insert name* nodded. “I can help that pain, completely dispose of it actually.”
*insert name* smiled wide. “Really? You can? How?”
It looked down at her. “Follow me.”
So she followed. For hours, it seemed, in a trance. They soon arrived at a lake. It flew over it, then turned to face her.
*insert name* looked down at the blue, mystical waters. “Are you sure?”
“Trust me…”
*insert name* was about to step in when a loud roar came out from the bushes. A shadow jumped out and threw her back. *insert name* screamed. She looked up to see…Random Shoot?
“Wh-” She started, but was interrupted. “What are you DOING out here?” Random Shoot yelled at her. They had tears streaming down their cheeks, and pain in their eyes. They held a sharp stick. “Are you okay-” *insert name* tried, but it spoke.
“Ah, Amelia. What a surprise. The absolute failure of a woman. I am so honored to be in your presence.”
Random Shoot trembled. “Shut up you disgusting monster!” They screamed.
“A shame you were cursed. Probably put all those silly ideas in your head too. No wonder your family sent you away.”
Random Shoot sobbed. “I said, shut, UP!”
With that last word a hoard of rabbit heads with the body of zebras and alligator tails leapt over the lake and to it.
That seemed to scare it away. Random Shoot was breathing heavily. Then, they turned and left.
“What?!” *insert name* shouted. “What was all that stuff? Are you a girl? Your parents abandoned you? Why is that creature so mean to you but nice to me? It was about to take my pain away-”
*insert name* stopped.
“I am NOT a girl, my parents DID abandon me. That creature want you to kill yourself so it gains more power. It feeds off your despair! Now come back to the town and NEVER leave again.”
Angry Random Shoot was scary.
“I-I’m sorry.”
Random Shoot kept on walking.
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