day 10
Mar 22, 2022
Aha~ One of my least favorite poems in this series... and definitely one needing the most revision (eventually... one day... maybe never lol) (●__●)
So some context is probably needed, yes?
I wrote this one about two original characters of mine, Eul-nul and Snam-Bi. They're half brothers from a prestigious family who have been sexually and romantically involved with one another behind everyone's back for years. Recently though, their secret has come to light and they've not seen eye-to-eye since, resulting in them having parted ways.
I sorta scrapped their storyline since writing this poem, but at the time I was considering what might have been going through their minds as one tries to "fit in" to the world around them and "be normal," while the other pines away trying to get his brother-lover to return to him and their sordid love affair.
The poem ping-pongs back and forth between the two of them, switching POVs intermittently throughout, sometimes even overlapping so you don't know who's voice/thoughts are saying what.
I admit, it sounded MUCH BETTER in my head and looked a HECK of a lot more structured there too.
Then again, I did write this thing at 23:55 when I was frantically trying to complete my poem-for-the-day before midnight, so I'm not surprised this came out like gibberish.
That's my two-cents, at any rate.
Hope you still enjoyed it nonetheless~
( ゚д゚)つ Bye
Top comment
i liked it! but the last line confused me. is he calling himself a bastard because he thinks he's a bad person or...?
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