You could visibly see the red in Levi's face as she was about to go ballistic on him and everyone else. But Ember quietly gave her a stare to stand down. She wrinkled her nose in frustration but complied.
"Jason." Ember said with authority. It almost made him reel back from the sudden command. "That is enough. Go back to your clique. Dianna is with us. If I see you harassing any of us, ESPECIALLY Lottie, I will have no choice but to refer to my father… and Amu… I thought you would be more mature from the likes of them… we shall talk about it when we get home. Father will NOT be pleased." She said scowling at the African American who was on Jason's right. He looked scared and ashamed. He slowly nodded.
Jason saw the fear in his eyes and clicked his tongue in frustration. "Tch! Fine. Let's go guys." They scuttled back to their table in silence.
"I can't believe you dated that meat headed wolf of an idiot Lottie." Roland bitterly stated. Lottie looked down at her hands in discomfort.
“He was… different then… besides… everyone at least deserves a chance.”
"Lottie. It's just not… worth it… he's… a bully. Mean dog." Virgo quietly imputed her opinion. Levi not too far behind on hers.
“He’s a jerk and obviously NOT a good person! It’s his type of people that really ticks me off!” Levi ranted and raved.
Ember nodded. "Exactly. My brother might be an idiot. But he still has a conscience and a sense of modesty. Him, I doubt he has any redeeming qualities."
Dianna could see the discomfort in Lottie's eyes. "Um… how about we ditch that topic for now. How about… the reason he calls you guys "no helps"? Does it have to do with his last statement?" Dianna asked hesitantly.
The group looked a little apprehensive. "Indeed. It is because our spiritual powers have either been blocked… or have not matured yet. And for us, who are in highschool, one can say it's a bit embarrassing." Ember said with a blush.
Dianna got the "maturing" part, but the blocking was new to her.
"Blocked…?" Dianna asked uncertainly.
Ember shared a glance with Sabella and Levi. "Well for safety reasons… our spiritual powers… are a bit… unstable. It's because we come from powerful lineages that our powers are a bit… MUCH to handle. Thus, every month the priests have to "bleed out" our powers from the seals they put on us in order to make us not get sick and die. It's… been going on for a while." Sabella explained.
Dianna was shocked. She didn't know something like that could happen.
"So… how many of you are just waiting to mature?" She asked.
Virgo shyly put her hand up. And then Lottie. Roland didn't say anything. Until he was harshly elbowed in the arm by Levi. "OW! Okay… me too… as those who need extra help… it would be Ember, Sabella, and Ms. Pain Inflicter here." He spat out the last one. Which one turn earned him another jab. But this time in the ribs. "HEY…!" Levi snickered.
Roland then looked at Dianna. "You… you on the other hand… you're another case entirely." Dianna was taken aback at his claim.
"Y-you know I don't have one…?" She said quietly. Roland nodded. "If you had a guide, you wouldn't be getting weird looks from the rest of the room. They knew you were one of us as soon as you entered the courtyard. But…" Roland seemed to stare at her inner being with his amethyst eyes.
"You're almost there… at achieving your spirit guide… you… just seem to have a lot… of baggage on you." He said with certainty.
Dianna immediately knew what he was talking about and visibly flinched. "H-how do you know that…?"
Sabella gave him the stink eye and he held his hands up in mock surrender. She then gave a warm smile to Dianna. "You don't have to tell us anything… we will respect your privacy. Well…. Most of us…" she glared at Roland to which he turned his eyes away. "Roland is a psychic of sorts… his family is from a long line of fortune tellers. So it's only natural that he gets it to. Only sometimes he just has a tendency to use it without thinking. But, either way, whatever trauma you encountered in your past, it might have to do with inability to connect with the spirit realm and to your guide. Troubling energy and emotions can prohibit your growth and can ultimately make you sick. I'm not forcing you or anything… but maybe try to come to terms with what's bothering you. And maybe then they'll show up!" Sabella explained.
She then thought of something. She reached in her pocket and grabbed what looked like prayer beads and a small red book. She handed them to Dianna. Dianna looked at them both. The prayer beads were certainly… unique. They were dark blue and had decorated skull beads in a certain pattern. "I asked my father, who's a shaman at a nearby temple, and he reads my fortune everyday. He told me to give this to my new friend who's going through hardships. I'm assuming he meant you."
Dianna looked a bit uncertain as she read the title of the little red book. "The guide to finding your Guides. By Cheung Wong." She raised a brow at the title and looked to Sabella. She chuckled shyly. "Um… yes. That book is by my father. He's very good when it comes to this certain type of predicaments and he's the head priest of his temple. Which is just as good as the church in town. This book will allow you to summon your guide safely even without the church's help. Sometimes even in difficult, unforeseen, and unpredictable times, people like us, who have trouble with their guides can come… unexpectedly. He and my mother are specialists when protecting those who are weak and vulnerable during your first summoning. Unintentional or not. Just give it a read. I promise you won't be let down!"
Dianna wanted to question why her new friends hadn't sought help from Sabella's parents for their troubles… 'They probably do. It's probably just taking longer than expected…' she thought.
'Well, it's worth a shot!'
Time skip to after school and some shopping because that can be boring.
Dianna got home late from her shopping. Gathering what she needed for the summoning from what Sabella's father had instructed from the book. Once she shut and locked her front door she immediately got to work. And after sunset, she was ready. Candles were lit, chalk lines drawn, and the herbs were smoking. "Now the only thing I need is an offering…" she looked in the book again. "Just channel your basic energy into the prayer beads and they will guide you to what you have available and need… okay! Simple enough!" She took the beads into her hands and used her basic magical energy into the beads and making her intent of what she desired. The beads grew a hazy blue hue and immediately pointed to the kitchen and then to the fridge. She carefully stepped around the chalk lines and candles and went into the kitchen and opened her fridge. The beads then practically FLEW out of her hands towards the bottle of ketchup.
"Wha… okaaaayyy?" She picked it up carefully. "Is this all… or…?" The beads then pointed down into the freezer. She opened it up and the beads pointed to a bag of… "Fish sticks?" Why she even had it in the first place was beyond her. She didn't even remember getting it. 'Must've been one of my thoughtless impulse buys…'
The beads then stopped glowing. Indicticating that she had everything. "Okay… good thing I bought the microwavable ones…" she prepped a little pile of fish sticks and put them and the bottle of ketchup on the makeshift altar in her room.
"Hope this works…" she looked at the book and read. "If the trauma is more complicated and requires time to heal, don't worry. Just focus your concerns and worries and channel them through the prayer beads while chanting the mantra. Your guardian will show and will help establish the bond…."
'Oh boi….' she huffed. "Okay… I can do this…!"
She gently put the book beside her, got into position, closed her eyes, and started to chant the mantra. She started to relax and focus on her memories and emotions and channel them through the beads.
Fire… everywhere she looked… slain bodies covered in their own blood. People screaming and running for their lives. Huge burly figures covered with armor and fur with huge weapons. Gunfire everywhere. She could barely focus. Tears running from her eyes like waterfalls down her cheeks. She was frantic. Trying so hard to find the ones she loved. After searching for so long and hiding from the invaders, she found them… only for the last of them to be slain before her very eyes by a gigantic creature. His sword dripping from their blood… he saw her… and slowly approached her. And just as he was about to slay her, she opened her eyes. Sweat dripping from her head like her tears that day. Heaving and panting. She then remembered what she was doing. She looked around her room. It was eerily quiet and dark. The candles and the incense stopped burning. But she saw no one.
"D-did it work…?" She then noticed the offerings were gone. The plate wiped clean and the bottle?
"Where's the ketchup?" She then heard a baritone voice speak up.
“that was close… you ok?” The voice asked from the right side of her.
She practically jumped from outta her skin and shrieked.
"WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!?"
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