My Dutch grandmother was one of thirteen, and my Dutch grandfather was one of eleven, so I have to wonder sometimes too...
Update: Please, people, this is not intended as a joke about Hispanics or Latin culture. I have great respect for both, or I wouldn't have chosen to make one of the two protagonists in my series Hispanic. Zia happens to have a large family. That's less common today than it used to be, but *lots* of people have large families — my father and grandfather included — and that's not specific to any one culture or ethnicity, and there's *nothing wrong with it*. The joke here is entirely *ew*, your parents got it on *a lot*. Don't read into this something that definitely isn't there.
Also, the size of her family is important for things that will happen later: The story definitely wouldn't work right if Zia's an only child. Those of you who read "Caity's World" know that I plan the hell out of my stories, and there are good reasons for things, comedy or not.
Meet Chloe and Zia, two ordinary young women just trying to live a normal life — in a crazy messed-up world where one out of every five humans has become some kind of weird monster! In their small apartment outside Los Angeles, they now deal with the daily struggles of simply trying to exist: Holding down a job, visiting the grocery store, walking down the street, or even just watching TV when you can barely fit on the couch anymore.
Will they find love? Will they find happiness? Will they be human again? Will they ever find a usable hairbrush for Chloe's tail?
Tune in and find out, every Sunday at noon, U.S. Eastern Time!
(Day Two started out in my account on DeviantArt, and it's still available there and now at too! Tapas prefers a slightly different layout than either of the other sites, but the content here will be the same.)
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